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Everything posted by DX115FALCON

  1. I tried to set one up at RGU earlier this academic year. The university were against it due to the "violent nature of the sport". Still, a few of my mates and I meet up to go airsofting
  2. OK. 200K gets my G17 Ainsley-dipped. 100K gets the engraving on the AUG
  3. Funny as that would be, that is not happening. Maybe if it gets 200k, I'll get Dickbutt on my pistol...
  4. Just the first Photoshop. Can't get as close in as I would like to. Should be able to fit it at almost 1.5x the size on the other side
  5. OK, so this is the design that I'll be going with on the AUG.
  6. If this petition to get Ainsley Harriott on the £20 note gets 100,000 signatures then I will get this image engraved or drawn onto the lower receiver of the AUG that I will be buying at some point in September. As I said, I'll be buying the AUG in early September. Engraving/painting would take place soon after.
  7. Every so often, I get temptations to buy a JG AUG. Then I hit myself over the head a few times with my empty wallet and it goes away...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tad


      I looked at the URL, instantly said "Nope"...

    3. DX115FALCON


      James, how long do you send on JustBBs daily?

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Not daily but weekly about 20 minutes. (That includes all the bb gun sites)

  8. it looks to me like an AEG version of the GHK G5
  9. Anyone playing The Fortress tomorrow?

  10. I quite like them. Any idea if anyone makes an RX9?
  11. Mortal Kombat X is the game that I expected, and more!

  12. Here's the PX4 that I bought my younger bro for his 16th
  13. Oh God. What have they done to you, poor abused child?
  14. My custom Moonman patch arrived from Stitch Me Up earlier this week. Just got my hands on it today. Love it!
  15. That's me off uni until September. Roll on summer of airsoft!

    1. Josh95


      yr exams were early? did u do good? mine are next week

    2. DX115FALCON


      No exams. Entire year was coursework. Did pretty well :)

    3. Josh95


      wish i did ur course...

  16. Thanks for linking that! I've just ordered it!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      wtf it wasn't ainsley... poor show :)

    3. Lord_Metile


      I would like to see Ainsley laser engraved on all your guns.

    4. DX115FALCON


      Metile, I accept that challenge, and will have him engraved on my Glock as soon as I have the cash.

  17. Call Of Duty Black Ops 3: The Titanfall Saga-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Ghosts 2 next year

    3. cropzy


      Call of Duty died after modern warfare. CoD4 to be exact.

    4. Lord_Metile


      I think Waw was the best game (for PC anyway.) Black Ops 2 should have been the furthest they took the futuristic thing.

  18. Ive had no internet access in over 24 hours. During exam season. When all of our course notes are online. Thanks KeySurf. *angry mumbling*

  19. Ayo, DEDSEC! Any idea when the first gameday in May is at Bunker? I might be able to get my gear up to me by May 10th
  20. Got this done by Stitch Me Up. I'll post pics when it is done
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