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Posts posted by remus

  1. indeed the first site i played at i kept playing at til it closed as the marshalling was so good. too reports of not hit takers seriously to the point the marshals would take vests off move to a position on accused and test fire on them and make reaction based on weither or not they took a hit giving a few chances then removing people sort of thing. i even got tested a few times(obviously not in limited life games) and constant reminders to players to stay within the rules etc. i prefer my marshals actively trying to improve game days...

  2. 5 hours ago, Lozart said:


    Now THAT'S a big loft!


    well its the reason i agreed to this house, i needed somewhere for me lol

    5 hours ago, SgtTalbert said:


    The stuff from IKEA works well. The only thing I'd say about gun walls is they look good (personally) but if you are an avid buyer, then you will quickly run out of space lol. 

    fortunately i not a huge buyer but then i dont really sell much on. only want a few more rifs then will replace to better guns  but i financially limit myself quite a lot so it should be grand. more problematic is multiple hobbies...

  3. 7 hours ago, Asomodai said:

    A shame. Tbh I am surprised how few sites have gone out of business these past few months. 

    give it time... player restriction and any further restrictions will start tto bite them soon. govt aid has held them together so far but that wont go much further. saying that my local has been continuing to take over more sites to add to its portfolio...

  4. My oldest rif my Tommy. King Arms one do metal with plastic effect wood. I do intend to start work soon on making real wood furniture for both period and post apoc that will be interchangeable. May pick up an American helm at some point as seen a few really cheap in antique shops. Then again I'm more likely to end up captain America than doing realism so who knows...


  5. Recently moved(as soon as lockdown allowed) and have the roofspace as a mancave. Planning to put in a Gunwalloe or something to display my rifs. Anyone got a display wall that can show pics for inspiration As I consider insulation etc too...

  6. mostly playing springer shotgun recently and also being someone who likes to double tap as i dont trust the tri shot to properly connect all the time.... been playing at a cqb site and has semi only which is fair as not really range to justify full auto. have seen some great plays that noone would risk with full auto threat. but then they also have a few speedsofters with pistols on hpa with m4 mags and hairline triggers... and 1 joule power limits anyway. im fine with larger mag sizes but not rof. plus how it seems such is played is like running blind and shooting as soon as gun is round corner and not based on eye sight. obviously some players need such advantages because a level playing field isnt fair on them or something....

  7. im still at work too, awaiting mortgage to finalise so can move to new house... wife pregnant but shes still at work too. i dont close til gvt tell us to(we work with the home office)


    but i have a few things i really wanna do if we do close up, my new airsoft mask which is actually loosely based on a plague dr is top of list, updating pagging, inserting and plumbing in fans, possibly adding some form of filter, google lenses more straps etc.. 

  8. may be a better spot but figured it can be anything really... move if nessiary

    so assuming this all kicks off... we all need a distraction from such... share what you are working on when on lockdown! preferably airsoft of course but am sure any good distraction will be nice if sites do close etc... iv a unch to work on so if i do and can i will share too if/when i do get to be at home... 

    and hope all keep safe throughout! happy lockdown all lol

  9. nope not aware of tha tone. tbh iv not played a lot of sites and really need to get the finger out and get playing again.


    fair, i have an mp5 and its much easier lighter smaller. do reccommend tbh if you get a good one (i got mine second hand, its had work done but also a few cracks but it works lol am impressed with it compared to bigger guns that really just are extra weight over it tbh. )

  10. hey bud. atm im just really getting back to play myself as has been busy with everything lol(worked n thrones so stopped play so as not to get shot in face then new jobssss tehnen wedding and such so just waiting for shfts to align...) did have a team but aim to reform part of it when can get back to play but not the most important part just yet.


    if you want outdoor try cap which is outside of portadown towards the birches. iv not gotten round to it yet but i believe its got a great tem behind it(alot of the old greenzone regulars iirc) you also have torrrent - dungannon and theres a few in down. 


    also if you are after gear christ at the mill is excellent but i know a feew other shops if he dosent have what you are after (i also have an aug im looking shot of that needs work but willing to let go very cheap)

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