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Posts posted by remus

  1. the joys of living in the country, we can just use the shotgun...(foxs harassing our poultry) not that i do my cousin (much as i dislike him) does go round hunting foxes specifically. you may well be able to contact a local gun club and find out if they know of anyone licensed to do similar whom can remove the problem from the area, however it will only be a temporary solution no matter what you do as more foxes will bread elsewhere and eventually move to your area. the best bet is actually to complain to you local council/ politicians( specially with elections next year) and get your neighbours to petition for a special bin to reduce the litter problem caused as a result of the pest problem. look into raccoon solutions from america etc as you want bins that they cant knock over and empty as foxes are clever beggars.


    Just ... no. It can't.

    First off it takes over 10ml of air injected directly into a large vein to cause any sort of embolism, 10 ml is a significant amount of air its quite a large syringe.

    2nd, the veins are under your skin, in order for a BB to penetrate a vein it first has to penetrate through the skin and cause deep vascular damage.

    3rd, the veins and arteries are under pressure, greater pressure than the pressure of the air, we know pressure flows from high to low, if any damage opened up a vein blood would be flowing out preventing air from flowing in.

    4th Gas under pressure dissipates into the air, you would not be able to accurately flow 10ml into the small opening of a vein with a gun.


    It is impossible to get an air embolus from a BB.

    i rember being warned about it in school when we were working with compressed air by the teacher. the pressure in my pistol dosent seem that much different to me and has the added bb. combined with the pictures of people cutting bbs out from under their skin... personally dont think its worth the risk specially when its completely unnecessary(but accidents do happening people walking round corner as shot taken etc. and i didnt mean enough to talk about the high volume to cause the 10 ml, just any at alll. fancy taking point black pistol shots from c02 pistols at say temple, throat etc? nah. just shoot me from a few meters away and be done...

  3. i think i should point out that however highly unlikely a point black shot from an airsoft weapon, especially a gas pistol surely has the possibility to force air into a vein, with then can go to the heart and cause serious problems. whilst this scenario is highly unlikely it would be quite stupid to point blank shoot someone(and also good luck not getting your face smashed in) i know of one guy that used to boast that the used his pistol once sneaked up behind them and point blanked someone in the temple... for soooo many reasons a bad idea. never purposefully point blank someone(unless in thick plates and you are 100% sure) as its not worth the kicking/hassle. just put one in the centre of the target and move on... (and if using a dmr carry a secondary for when stuff like this happens. ffs i carry an m4, shotgun, pistol and a knife. it aint hard!!! though i like the idea of grenade that suicide death sounds a cool idea black death!)

  4. i dont know, im not sure black death might notice being shot... lol. i have ran past people before and shot em in the back from a few meters and ran on got killed later on and whilst walking back had to tell the guy id shot him as his didnt notice...(apparently) only really happens when im in enemy lines though...

  5. the thing with sticks etc, if you get it wrong they got ya. but with the ranged weapons, a la cross bow you can have a few attempts to take em out befor you can then try to use the stick/run/ wack em over the side of the head with the bow youve now became fed up with. so both together sound like a better idea than one or the other(least til one slows you down too much and you use it to block a doorway somehow...

  6. expensive(to me ) but it was the pattern i liked and only place i could find my size in stock. quality seems grand, bit smaller than id have thought. i went for the ripstop ones though so should last better...



    the problemit seems really is theres not a lot of supply/ not many selling it so not much low priced, probably just as well going for the slightly more expensive stuff, unless your search fun is stronger than mine...

  7. i treat the bang rule as if im giving the person a chance to surrender, but that they are potentially going to react and try to refuse it, i always keep the target in my sights ready to shoot if they start to move. and vise versa i will only take it if i cant see a way around getting hit. iv had someone run through i room i was hiding in with me watching where they came from, them pointing the gun at the opposite corner to the one i was in and them try to shout bang. course i shot them and didn't take the bang. thankfully we dont have that awful sniper rule. but i have to wonder why the sniper was advancing through a hostile area without a capable weapon for short range, who does that? pretty sure thats not part of the role...

  8. your problem is cheek to stock yes? why not cut the offending area of the mask off, and replace by stitching a area of neoprene on(for example) to reduce potential damage in that area. whilst still being comfortable to lean against the gun. course this was too much hassel for me so i just bought a raiser for my sight...

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