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Posts posted by remus

  1. i used to work in a nerd shop that shut down last year. they tried the whole casual coffee bar thing beside the shop and it could ave worked but not enough was invested in it and it helped to drag the rest of the business down. they tried to have consoles etc for a while but it not only cost money, it cost extra money( commercial retail tv licence) and helped to distract people away from their hobbys back to console gaming and not there fore spending monies on cards and models etc...

    but if you do it tuck shop can do well for easy fast sell(so long as you have milk tea coffee coke and bars etc) tis amazing how much people will go through whilst they would think alot more about buying something useful...would be worth while to look up do any airsoft sites offer anything similar and how they make it work. have a clear advertised plan to pull people in on those nights. makes the difference believe me over we will see who comes and what they want to do. and a reason why they want to come to you and not do it from the comfort of their own home... if you ad people comming in to do demos of new stock/ their work(so local gun painters/ upgraders etc, new supplies) help to improve sales etc. if you can get the right to run a even have a warroom section to show your plans off get feed back etc. not that im a fan but bring your own drink lock in has proved quite effective a few times too combines with Halloween competitions etc

    just cause in retail a couple of sofas and a console will seem a bit waste of space if its not done right...

  2. what id be interested to see(eventually as no new shop should try to do it straight away) is a mystery box/sale. if you look at black friday it will show you have us big retailers are able to use it to get rid of stock thats hard to shift. say after a year or two if you are able to look at your stock and think thats good but its not selling putting a decent sale on it whilst not making you money will release the capital back into your company to reinvest into products that will make money( no proint slashing profits on something you know will sell at a good price for you. if you look at some of the american ones youll see this. throw in the chance of getting something good and peeps go mad. after seeing a good sale i regret missing on a site last year has made me check up on it now and then to see if they do anything similar. looking at products increases the chances i will buy and improves your hits etc. also look at how face book pages do giveaways to boost their names...


    but where id start is your rebranding. good name restyle, get patches made to give away to make your name, get onboard to make your name ...(sponsor a local site/make sure there is a local site) run some events well that make you stand out, sale stalls at such events etc( i know a couple of start out airsoft buisness guys selling out of their boot at sites they play at, fair play will come into this if you do it, you want a good rep on and off the feild)

  3. the site i go to has a facebook page and i can find out via it when big events are on(games every sat, sometimes weed nights/sundays) we have a team page to share our airsoft pics( partially to avoid questions about being in the paramilitary)we have a team page for team discussion to organise our own players to get out and play. i use this site to learn and to find out things that i think ill likel not find out from local airsofters. better to find out some things from a range of players whove had experiences with the things im looking to know about

  4. having broke, dissembed and rebuilt my tm super 90 id advise against it. awkward as. and not much you can really do, other than spring(which will make pumping harder and the parts may not take the strain, i shattered mine as standard...) there was something i read about the pistol head things. its probably in this link about dissembly... regardless let us know how you get on....


  5. right so halloween is coming upand whilst i dont care for Halloween i dont mind dressing up to scare peeps. one of my team mentioned it so i may well give it a go. i do have most of a rorschach costume somewhere but am also thinking evil clown... but anyway if anyone has inspiration from their old load outs etc please share. :)

  6. i use one of the rubber bayonets as it came with a scabbard which looks better. the cold steel knife has that as a disadvantage against it and that its hard as. one of my fellow airsofters uses a cold steel axe and ive been told its been banned after someone got a rap across the knuckles with it... i might be getting something new for halloween though, decisions...

  7. yea that detach button in the aug is a trap for anyone who dosnt realise / thinks its safety or somesuch. must have been something similar to the previous owner of mine, he lost the spring out of his(that keeps the button on...) anywho you do occasionally find full aug front ends on ebay. just search aug airsoft... might get lucky. probably £30 ish if you are lucky... in fact there's 2 outer barrels on right now....

  8. if aiming down the sights is a problem with mesh, you can always get a raiser, rarely causes a problem for me(only when im near an obstacle im trying to shoot over and the height difference does put me off. at range its fine otherwise...

  9. mesh lower face mask does the job for a decent price, plenty of ventilation, bend to fit face, no problems with talking or sound absorption... also for gum shields to be effective they need to be on both lower and upper teeth. but hopefully someone who has had them a while will comment...

  10. never had problems from playing in the rain. infact it seems to make most of the douche bags stay away. but when it gets really heavy it is a nightmare. the worst ive played in yet is hail, cant tell whats a bb and whats hail....(i just hid under my trench coat...)

  11. yea hes fine buying down south. not sure they like guys walking about with replica guns in public anymore than we do though. i would both have something to transport them to the even it(gun case etc) and have a site membership in case questioned by the guard(if you are serious about airsoft and dont want potential problems do both of these anyway) it would also probably be a good idea to contact the convention peoples to make sure they are fine with it etc...(they might need to get permission from the guard for replica weapons in public)


    as for the socom, you could also just get the asg one and a separate lam unit cheaper...

  12. i use one of the utg ambidextrous ones and even after only a few uses ive to say im impressed. theres a plastic rod thing in it that makes it so different to the other material ones ive used and only slightly harder draw than the plastic ones i had and broke.... and i wear it on my right hip on my shotgun shell belt...

    this one btw http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201086761814?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

  13. i had 2 springer pistols, some galaxy thing that actually has a very strong spring and shoots well even without a hop(ive used it in airsoft and gotten kills... and another thats like a glock but lower powered than the galaxy one despite having mag lock etc... just gave it away, lol... think i still managed to get a couple of kills with that too...

    my first reall airsoft gun was my king arms 1928 Chicago Thompson typewriter machine gun... what can i say im a classy guy...

  14. i run both(most shotguns really are very similar) and yes i run both at the same time. and yea start with the combatmachine. when you get good the shotty will be more fun but the aeg is necessary for doing well as you learn. and yea research where you buy from in the http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/10-places-to-buy/ page. theres a reason combat machines are sold our nearly everywhere....

  15. the secret is not to buy velcro, search hook and loop etc as velcro is the original copyrighted specific company one which is more expensive.... think i read that somewhere one here....

  16. i remember a kid who unknown to him i remember from having done youth work where he lives and i remember him punching me in the balls... fun kid... anyway he came to our site and proceeded to shout orders at everyone and scream cover me when he came under fire(thats what happens when you give orders, you give your position away....) lets just say i may have left wide gaps for him to be flanked... lol


    then you get at the like of our last 'milsim'. 3 entrances into the enemy controlled ground. i was one of our sides team captains and we were supposed to be the quick response. anyway the 3 gates got efficiently shut down by the enemy. me and another regular were the only ones left at one of the gates as everyone kept probing to get through the others. eventually the defenders wondered off looking for kills and glory at the other areas leaving a skeleton force, and my team mate went for it. when i noticed he was away i followed. between us we cleared the site and finally managed to take down some objectives. and all down to the player that chose the harder path and was patient and skilled at it. respect for them over those who just go for glory....

  17. yea dye method worked well for me(dyed multicam) only thing is it will fade evenly so look nearly one colour. when dying if using the dylon black dye stuff(should be in you local supermarket in the cleaning isle) which is easy use if using the full packet at once make sure you have everything you are looking to dye in at once to achieve equal colouring and that when washing to achieve equal fading wash all. but definitely a good way to go is looking for unique specially as you could potentially get the exact darkness you are looking for....

  18. i drive. and i give lift to some... infact thats how we ended up forming bad company, me and the other guy i usually regularly give lifts to kept saying well make a team... came from that. infact they come from all over our town which is famous for being religiously divided (if youve ever heard of drumcree thats in our town...) and we all get on great even with our differing views... aint airsoft great...

  19. also the tm hop thing is pretty moot on their shotguns as the hop unit is non adjustable one tri shots so all it gives you is their rubbers which without the adjustablility that aint brilliant... plus i pulled mine apart cocking it..., twice, the first time the stock broke around the butt screw(new stock) the second time i broke the inner shell... and both times via cocking it. which is kinda necessary to do with a shotty...


    however i have using my spring powered shotguns outshot a couple of gas powered ones with ease so going by that wouldnt recommend that route(and they have had lots of breakage problems....)


    also i remember seeing a shotgun somewhere that every time you pump it it adds a bb to the chamber, so you get the accuracy of the single shots, with the cc joy of multi shot... ill see if i can find it....

  20. What about a Goblin Deuce? :D


    They're pretty expensive over here for what they are. At least they are at Patrol Base - £85! Plus £26 for another couple shells. Out of stock most places too :(

    AND it only holds two shells of course.


    However, they seem really awesome for CQC and room clearance!

    i had the goblin solo, which i reviewed in the pistol section---- http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/15641-the-goblin-experience/

    . for the money though, get a shotgun...

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