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Posts posted by remus



    I'd like to see an infection gamemode similar to the Halo games. Bunch of survivors with only a couple of alpha zombies on the other team with infinite respawns and melee weapons only (Give them rubber training swords or something), then they run around and try to infect the survivors. When the survivors are hit by a zombie, they go to respawn, swap out their gun for a melee weapon, then they are also a zombie. It'd be brilliant.

    take it either semi auto only or pistols only, limited ammo. can zombies use grenades akin to in the original? remember you would have a bulk force would end up hiding in a room like they always did..


    different game mode start. everyone speread out before team selection out of view of any other players. package given to each playe with team colours of one form or the other. fight to get to your own spawn. die before making it there and you are downed till revived. make it to your spawn and you from then on play normally, first team to have all their team returned wins.


    and then just game maps from old good games... maby some split level goodness(be it under ground tunnels, or rooftop styled walkways linking buildings, or tree houses.... etc)

  2. ye have little faith. and thats only true to a point. whilst im limited colour wise(really need a lighter brown, and a darker green) you dont blow a large budget experimenting on such jobs. im quite pleased with the initial trial considering how quick and little i put into doing it right. plus it gives me other ideas(some of which are truely terrable...)

  3. as a premium member in bf4, i say get it. i hate sniping in general in most games but the sniping mechanics are awesome. only thing in online play is they are still balancing vehicles up. i had managed to master boats before they nerfed them, now they have made aircraft tough as and i just cant work them and killing them required t hit from an rpg to do it properly... anyone else have a hatred of support characters with c4 and ammo box holding lift doors on their own? but yea took me ages (dont think my kdr has been recovered yet...)to get used to it and just cant play other games now as they bore me with their tiny maps that i cant blow up( max engineer ftw)

  4. that looks like a sweet site and his runs as i call wm usually paid off quite well. wouldnt have gotten anywhere near the kills(or deaths tbh) sitting back exchanging fire... a couple of the guys at our site have that same playstyle and its pretty dam effective.

  5. i dont like doing it and generally dont but the last day i was out we were being team killed by people near our spawn constantly who even with a lucky shot wouldnt have reached the enemy. moving forward also helps with target identification. i got so annoyed with it i ended up going for an area with few of our team and pllaying without support. not how i want to act or play...

  6. move up. get annyoed when people sit back nearly at respawn shooting... giving themselves the dfficulty of hitting usually at too large a range, with narrow views etc... just move up and help with the thickest fighting. im not saying jump into the front line but unless we are defending staying so far back puts the team at a disadvantage...

  7. might be worht talking to a site owner as they will have cover that they could get stretched to cover where you want to play for a day if you provide some funds... also a responsibility waver could be an option...

  8. yea its a risk. but being a very sweaty guy the chances of damage are far greater of me not being able to see, adjusting /trying to clean and actually getting shot in eye/doing something properly stupid like running into a wall/tripping etc. and glasses which may well have improved circulation offer no protection from certain angles so i could be screwed if lying down and getting shot from an angle, grenade firing bbs up under the mask etc... ill take mesh thank you...

  9. so i finally got round to listng it on sunday, got an offer that night and just delivered it. so for interest of others i got it for £40 in a sale(rrp £60) not i lost the original gas cartridge and bought 2 new ones for £26. sold for £40. considering wear and loss of original cartridge, im happy enough with that( i had deactivated and reactivated the safety etc) and for such a quick sale tis fair enough. end of the goblin experience...

  10. i think it could work. in fact its the sort of thing i think about, currently thinking of soing some form of carpentry course that could help with such skills...

    so today rather than just thinking about it i started on the wooden grip for my shotgun as the long plastic one is doing my head in. after a lot of drilling filing etc it finally kinda fits(really should have picked a bigger bit of wood in the first place...) but it now fits smugly. looks crap like but it hasnt been shaped yet so hopefully before i go to my evening extra gig ill shape it a bit and maby get it finished, if not i should on friday...... tis already an improvement though...

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