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Everything posted by Qlimax

  1. I ant arguing or picking at what you’ve said dude, I’m simply highlighting for others that will read what you’ve said is actually incorrect. This is why people hate HPA, some of what you’ve written is completely well off and wrong which others will read and believe. I’m only pointing out it’s not correct. I apologies if you feel I am picking or arguing dude because I am not nor is it my intention. the problem is those who don't use HPA don't care how it's setup or why it hurts when they are hit. They simply want to put bad name against HPA users.
  2. The only difference with J creep is that an AEG will not be as consistent in shot to shot on a heavier BB, whereas HPA users once setup correctly your Fps will reduce on the heavier BB but your shot to shot consistency is pretty much the same 1/2+-
  3. no. you setup your Dwell based on the length of the barrel your using. it has nothing to do with the weight BB your firing through it. My Fps is setup using .20s, my Dwell is setup using either .20s or .28s it doesn't matter. ALL hpa users are chrono'd on .20s there's no difference between a hpa user and an AEG user. all are chrono'd on .20s
  4. all wrong. HPA users are all chrono'd on .20s. My SMP is 345Fps on .20s and when i chrono it using .28s it's something 290Fps if not less so this statement is completely wrong. plus a J rate is no more than 1.2J on .28s which is still within the J limit. Any HPA user setting their system up at 340+fps on .28s should not be allowed to play as they are taking the piss. Ever user I know sets their system up Fps wise using .20s as you should then once set they setup their hops for .28s etc|
  5. yeah you can buy a manual pump to fill HPA bottles. whilst cheaper it takes a lot longer and if the pump over heats you've got to wait for AGES for it to cool down
  6. The main thing that annoys me about HPA is that people don’t like it because they say it’s easy to adjust the Fps or ROF. But they allow and accept PTW’s which have a far easier way of changing the Fps, keep another cylinder in your pocket, pull rear pin out snap open, pull charging handle to remove cylinder….. in goes your other one all in about 10 seconds. My SMP, I’d have to take my rig off, get my bottle out with my regulator on, get an allen key out adjust and repeat the first steps again putting it away etc. I’d be more noticeable than someone switching a cylinder out. So why like one and not the other ! yeah i don't agree with those who take the piss on their ROF as there's simply no need to have it that high
  7. Exactly mate, people I know who own PTW’s clearly more expensive than my SMP don’t mind it, they like having something that can challenge their system. I believe if you can lock it off so you can’t adjust it then there shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve even bought without being asked numbered zip ties so if I ever have to lock it off there’s no argument on whether I’ve changed the tie or not as it’s numbered. I’ve not yet met a HPA owner who has changed there system after chrono. Pretty much every site allows a Tippmann so why not P* or SMP’s ? Hef, the site you play at obviously allow your Tippmann’s so you’d have no trouble with an SMP or P*, if the right purchases is made you can lock it off. I paid more for my regulator so it would have a tournament lock on but worth it. I’ve only ever heard of one site now allowing SMP’s on it and that’s F&O but they allow P*………..
  8. No mate, someone sent me a PM about my SMP and there was a comment within it about it using a heavier BB, the lad didn’t understand why it would need to use it. And also asked about the speed trigger if it's unfair etc !
  9. It’s come from some American guy who owns and runs an airsoft site over there. I’ve just copied and pasted it in my post. I’ve posted it from a comment made last night, not made in a bad way but got me thinking. This is where it’s come from. https://www.jerichoairsoft.com/index.php/66-why-hate-polarstars I hear a lot when playing, people moaning I have the advantage using HPA and even more of an advantage using a speed trigger. My SMP is no faster than most PTW’s that play on the same site as me. Like the above says, I’ve spent a lot of money maintaining and upgrading my unit to make it run properly. If that gives me an advantage over those that just buy out of the box then that’s not my fault that’s theres.
  10. My SMP is set to 25rps, if could take it up to 50 or more I think but it defo goes up to 50 which I don’t as like you say most AEG’s can’t do that. It’s also set at 345Fps on .20s then I use .28s. My Tippmann ROF is shite anyway due to be an earlier serial number ROF adjustor is an issue but it’s currently with Tippmann having upgrades. The site I play at have never complained, never asked me to tie off my Tippy or SMP and have only ever chrono’d me once… through trust. But that’s why people complain as us HPA users are using heavier BBs because we have to due to the system we’re running. Very much like PTW’s they run a heavier BB because they have to, using .20s in either system simply wouldn’t work. I’ve tried in both of my systems a .20s and whilst it shoots the flight path is really bad. Go heavier and it’s more consistent.
  11. So, I’ve just read this online and I have to say a lot of what’s been said I agree with. Here’s what I am talking about. Have a read. HPA rifle hate? I guarantee it’s not why you think So Polarstars have been around a while now. To begin with, there was a mass outrage about them, that I really didn't understand. Having been an airsofter, and a field owner for quite some time now, I’ve been through many of these hatred phases. First it was Systema’s, and how people where supposedly changing out cylinders mid-game and shooting hot. Shortly after this, there was the the LiPo haters, saying that people with LiPo’s had crazy ROF, yet they do nothing more than a well upgraded AEG will do with any regular battery. Alongside the LiPo’s were people hating on people using box magazines on M4’s (this one I agreed with) especially if they combined this with a LiPo , and the list goes on.. ... for a while people hated KWA AEG's because they all shot hot out of the box... ...there have been many things hated on in the airsoft community, but once Polarstars were introduced, we really had an ABSOLUTE WHINE-FEST on our hands. Some parks banned them completely, some put them in their own group away from others, other parks introduced guidelines such as ROF caps, that applied to everyone, in a hope to play fair. With Polarstars, the complaints seem to be that players believed that polarstar users were changing their FPS after chronoing (something we have NEVER caught anyone doing), or changing the ROF after chronoing (which we caught only ONE person doing ever). Fundamentally though, there is one thing that overrules any of these complaints, and that is that a rifle is an inanimate object, incapable of doing anything without the user doing it. Basically, it’s NEVER the rifle’s fault, always the player that did something wrong. Knowing human nature, there’s only ever a rare few people that ACTUALLY do the things they’re being accused of. Most people do play fairly. So why does everyone hate Polarstars? I’ve gotta admit, for the longest time, I was stumped, too. Until recently, I made an interesting discovery… ...we were short staffed at the park one day, and so I was chronoing some players. As I was chronoing these players, I was astonished by just how many guns were firing like absolute crap. I chronoed around 50 rifles that day, and almost all of them were shooting around 310fps. Here’s how it broke down; Out of the 50 rifles I chrono’d; · 3 rifles shot 270-300fps · 33 rifles shot 300-330fps · 8 rifles shot 340-360fps · 5 rifles shot 360-400fps · 1 rifle shot over 400fps (did not pass chrono) Even just a few years ago, if you chrono’ed people at around 330fps or below, the player would be shocked, and make some comment about getting his rifle serviced, as it wasn’t shooting right. They'd be heading to the store THAT day to get their rifle looked at! I was amazed as player-after-player handed me their rifles to chrono (some were even brand new rifles) and either didn’t pay attention to the chrono, or made no comment when they shot 310fps or so. So, what does this have to do with polarstars, you ask? EVERYTHING. The players in the higher end of the FPS spectrum were mostly Polarstar users. There was only 1 AEG at the park that day that had a respectable fps of 385fps. Everyone else was shooting WAY low. So why does everyone claim that polarstar users are ‘shooting hot’? It’s real simple. The reason everyone believes polarstar users are shooting hot, is because the majority of players’ rifles at Jericho Airsoft are shooting too LOW!! When you get hit by a .28g that was shot from a polarstar chrono’d at 385-390fps, and it feels like it hits you harder, it’s because it IS HITTING YOU HARDER, yet still WELL WITHIN our chrono limits. Why do people hate polarstars? Mostly because they’re used to being hit softly by weaker shooting rifles. Isn’t it also funny that the players complaining about polarstars shooting hot, are also the same players complaining about people cheating at OVER 100ft AWAY??? Also the same players complaining about the guy in the bush not calling it? This also explains why everyone was yelling ‘OW!’, when I shot them with my AEG shooting 385fps. So let’s wrap this up really quickly and explain what’s happening here. Most airsofters today, seem to go out and buy a rifle, and instead of upgrading the internals to shoot well, and keep maintaining that rifle, they don't. Instead they buy a helmet, a scope, or some other kind of accessory. Most of them have a full loadout, all the gear, yet don’t even own a full uniform. A lot of these players have over $800 dollars worth of equipment, yet only a $200.00 rifle, and complain that a uniform is too expensive to buy (you can buy a uniform top for the same price as a t-shirt). These players maintain their rifles, and therefore the rifle’s fps drops down by at least 50fps, and doesn't get maintained. Often these players will spend $200.00 on external upgrades such as a rail system and a silencer making their gun look cool, but it shoots terribly. I would personally rather have a gun that looks absolutely out-of-the-box-stock, but shoots beautifully, is accurate as hell, at around 385fps. So, what should you all do? Follow my rule of thumb here; Whatever the chrono limit is, aim to get your rifle shooting CONSISTENTLY 15fps lower than the limit. OUTDOORS: 400fps limit = aim for 385fps INDOORS: 350fps limit = aim for 335fps By consistently, I mean that your rifle should not vary by more than 2-3 fps +/-. This allows for any discrepancies, or any days where your gun shoots hot. At 15fps under, it should never shoot over. At lower than 350fps, bbs will NEVER break through bushes or brush. I guarantee if most players maintained and upgraded their rifles even slightly, to shoot within a reasonable FPS, the complaints about Polarstars would disappear. The playing field would be equal, because everyone would be shooting to their airsoft rifle's full potential. So there you have it, it’s not the Polarstars, nor is it the players shooting them, it’s actually the poor performance of people that neglect their rifles that have caused the misunderstanding, because everyone's used to being hit SOFTLY BY THEIR GUNS.
  12. get a Kydex holster made and mount it onto a Blackhawk drop leg panel. i've made my own and already had the panel, really good. can't fault it.
  13. Mil spec Solutions my gold slide and barrel came from for the G17 but I think they do 18c as well. My 18c was a KSC brand. I'm not for one second saying all 18c are like that, I'm just sharing my view of it it. Also I didn't buy mine, it was given to me for work carried out on someone's AEG.
  14. I’ve had both 18c and I currently own a 17. I hated the 18c. side arms are meant to be single shot and given the Fps on some side arms if your using it full auto at close range you may as well use your primary weapon. I hated the 18c fire selector, you’ve got to have the slide locked back before you can change it from semi to full and vice versa. I think it’s personal preference. Whilst the 18c is fun to play with on full it’s not my cup of tea. G17 for me.
  15. Yeah wasn't good cos I had to go pick it up still armed hence the Oh Shit, cos it could have gone off in my hand.
  16. So got board yesterday whilst the missus was out & decided to have a play with my TRMR testing out my .209s, 9mm & Mag-Flash. I have to admit I knew the Magflash was bad but Jesus why these are being made is beyond me. https://youtu.be/QSZjfbVyrJ0
  17. oh are they the green label. oooo no. i've had them before they were shocking in my G&G. If you compare them to 120rd Pmags the over quality between the two is obvious.
  18. Yeah will do but you'll have to mod the Pmags. There's a thread on the forum on how to do it. My Pmags were shocking in my TR4 SMP but now they feed perfectly
  19. It’s not worth it, they’ll find some way of making it look like it’s a part of their prohibited items list. They destroyed one I sent out which meant I had to take a hit of £110 and they destroyed one I bought from a guy on another forum to which he took a hit of £95. No quite sure what Two-Zero means but I did have proof of RM’s wrong doing but deleted the emails from them as I had no purpose to keep them.
  20. Best way forward is to get a petition in place and get as many UK Airsofters to sign it as possible and submit it to RM. All Airsofters pay a lot of kit and we expect if we send something via proper means and all above board that those items should arrive to its intended and for those WANKERS not to think it's perfectly acceptable to destroy it because in their eyes it deemed prohibited..... I can setup a petition no problem if needs be as RM are taking the piss now, other courier companies simply return the item back to the sender.... not destroy the damn thing.
  21. Honestly mate i kid you not, i've had something destroyed by RM even after i proved it was an Airsoft weapon and it was perfectly legal, I even took it to my local MP who wrote a letter to RM on my behalf saying my purchase was all above board and to release....... They still destroyed. Loads of people are having their RIF destroyed even after complying with RM's new rules on how they must be sent, they are still doing it.
  22. The info I have has come from a friend who’s in senior management within Royal Mail. Although they’ve not announced it in their change of policy it’s what they are doing. Someone send me an item Special delivery it was a 1911 with two mags and they ceased it and destroyed it although the parcel contained my name on it, contact details and UKARA number they still destroyed it. I have tried to get it in an email from my mate but given his position and knowing what can happen if it’s in black and white he won’t provide me with it other than by word of mouth. Despite what their website says I seriously wouldn’t send anything via RM, they will destroyed it. Royal Mails position on any RIF is that it’s prohibited even if it’s not.
  23. I can vouch to some point for Mr Pink, the WE XDM he bought was from me and I posted it but not via RM as their current policy is to cease all RIFs and destroy them. Mr Pink was decent, told me when I arrived (I had tracking info anyway) but he still did. If it's been sent via RM with no info of the sender or person receiving it they cannot contact you to say it's been held.
  24. Shock and Awe Airsoft for me, woodland site & S.W.A.T Fortress CQB site. both are excellent sites ran by decent people.
  25. Amazon sell them at good prices. I’ve had one before it was really good, battery lasted for days but it’s a little tricky to manually program so unless you have the programming cable and frequency doc it’ll be a ball ache. Overall though they good. think they are like £25-30 off Amazon buddy. http://www.amazon.co.uk/BaoFeng-UV-5R-136-174-400-480-Dual-Band/dp/B007HH6RR4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437032171&sr=8-1&keywords=Baofeng+UV-5R
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