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Everything posted by Qlimax

  1. I agree with M_P if someone is stupid enough to part ways with their cash then let them. There's no forum rule on pricing so it's upto the buyer to research the item and pricing before buying. If they don't or can't be bothered then it's their own fault.
  2. Fump you've got it in one. Think once I've wrapped up my last Kydex job that'll be it for a while. I'll stay on the forum as it's always good to help others where possible.
  3. Makes perfect sense mate. Defo right about feeling guilty, when I go for a day of airsoft I feel bad as it’s a day I could spend with my boy. I think I’m doing to much airsoft related stuff, play the game, making Kydex holsters for people, forums, custom paint jobs for people, fixing them for people as well as my own etc etc etc. 100% taking a break to see if I miss it enough to come back and play again. I think at the moment it’s taking over my life and it needs to stop.
  4. It's not full eye NV's, it's only goes over one eye and i've bought it that way for that exact reason :-). I'm going to stay on the forum as i usually would as it would be a shame not to, this is ref to my last post.
  5. I always leave the key in the door myself, whether it be the front or back door. our conservatory is glass doors and i leave the key in that as well. Don't see the problem with leaving it in. I defo do it with my front door at night cos if some cheeky fooooker did the old millennium burglary on me then least they couldn't get into my house so easily but just take my car. If anyone knows what i mean.
  6. Might try that one day, i've seen YouTube video's of that place looks mint. Perfect chance to try my NVs out
  7. Thanks gents. Ill still be on the forum but not as much. I'm normally on every single day but need to take a proper break from Airsoft to see if i actually miss it or not.
  8. I think it's best I quit. I give everyone 100% and just get shat on. It's official...... I quit. Hope AF-UK continues to grow and people continue to enjoy the sport. Good luck peeps.
  9. Anyone want a new RIF. This guy is willing to pay for it ;-) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. Wow I’ve seen some stuff but this is taking the biscuit. You really respect the sport we all play and yet you’re asking for someone on here to break a rule that is very important to this sport so you can get a RIF. Why don’t you like everyone else on here has done……. Work for your UKARA and buy it properly. Oh a little FYI, it ant a license it’s a valid defence. You don’t get a nifty little piece of paper or anything……………….. You’ve got some balls kid I’ll give you that. LWA like all the big retailers have the UKARA entry part in there order process. You’ve clearly not looked or in this case have taken it that someone will give you there’s
  11. just read this, with regards to them being lethal there's a lot of american talk at the moment with regards to Juels and how the impact of an airsoft weapon can go from being none lethal to lethal. It's actually a pretty good read. For the topic above, as everyone has said being licensed for an actual firearm makes no difference. I have a few firearm licenses but it made no difference. It's always best to start off with a two tone anyway as some are cheap and if you break it or some shite like that it makes no difference where as if you go straight into RIF and pay a lot of money and it breaks.......... It's painful. All good things come to those who wait. Although i shouldn't say it but there is one Airsoft retailer who simply doesn't care if you have UKARA or not, they will sell you a RIF. my first RIF came from them and i didn't have my UKARA lol.
  12. Eagle6 is the only UK supplier of the Firefly flat nub. If they don't have it then it's a case of getting it from the USA. I got mine from Amped Airsoft. Personally if your going for the usual flat hop setup of Firefly with prommy purple then i wouldn't. i've had nothing but issues with it but saying that it is with my HPA setup so may have different results if your doing it with an AEG. I've had to switch to a Madbull 60 red Shark and the results so far in testing have been excellent. If you can't get the Firefly and are flat hopping an AEG i would recommend trying their Prommy flat nubs i've heard good results with them in AEGs
  13. Stippled Glock 17 and just bought X300. I've started my Kydex torched holster already, 20 mins into it and the retention is mint. Moving on to shaping and smoothing next.
  14. Ano yeah a lot ant it. Took about an hour or so to finish it.
  15. for that one about 45 metres of it
  16. made this for my SMP line and doing the same on my Tippy line as well. Little added protection.
  17. Pm me if you need any help with Tippmann advice. Mine is now sweet as a nut with a custom hop mod etc
  18. DT3 pal. It was an NWAA game day so bought 70-100 people there
  19. My Tippmann in action. Brilliant weapon. Just requires a few changes but once you've done them its sweet.
  20. I'm not set on staying or leaving yet, just thinking of something different which may be worth trying to see how it goes. Will need to sell my tr15 before I can look at a sniper rifle but always worth a crack. Yeah with my army past doing some sniper games would work well, I used to be on the Army's shooting team, was a pretty good marksman
  21. so looking back through some of the comments. I've been thinking. My main style of play is assault rifle and get stuck in there but have been thinking maybe to try a bit of sniper rifle something a little different from my usual style of play !!!!
  22. So had a game day yesterday to run my Tippmann and SMP at my usual site. Wasn't expecting much and had my Cba mind on. First game ok to long and a lot of standing waiting for something to happen or a lot walking. 2 1/2 hrs of that. Stopped for dinner. Afternoon game started in the smaller side of the site and what a game. Brilliantly setup, plenty of action, BBs flying, pyro going off here there and everywhere, Vatara was in play as well. Has defo made me think twice about quitting or not. More games like that as it was new and I'll defo be staying with the sport. Tried some Nuprol .28s in my SMP & Tippmann which were awesome, took a few top shots which I thought might be out of range but nope hands going up for a hit.
  23. Done marshalling and ran a site for a sort while not mine someone else's.
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