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Everything posted by Qlimax

  1. Poor isn't it. I've changed it out now with a Madbull barrel
  2. So i've been asked to show what a standard inner barrel is like from the Tippmann after posting my profile feed earlier. Now pictures don't really show how bad it is but how the outside of the barrel is, it's basically the same inside. Feel rough, cheap & someone you'd make a can of pop with on a cheap production line.
  3. A third party MOSFET are better than the G&G ones. My Gen3 FET lasted for about 2months before it had to be replaced, whereas my AirFET MOSFET I've had in my Gen2 for 2Yrs and it's worked spot on. ICS have some nice new weapons out at the moment. Fire support have them, take a look. They are within your price range
  4. Think this weave is better than the original one I put on. Much tighter and its not a shoe lace.
  5. Mr Tippy face lift #571. New barrel soon.
  6. got them from Helmetworld mate. Using a Puxing and a Baofeng with them on a UB94 PTT mate
  7. Qlimax


    I'd get defo. My next is the new Hydra SMP with bluetooth
  8. Qlimax


    Brightcandle, let me apologies to you as my opening thread said i was extremely annoyed with the whole situation and i felt as if you were trating me as if i was supid and didn't know what i was doing but i realise that was my frustration setting in. please accept my apologires. i've realised my attitude was piss poor and should have conducted myself better, even more so since i have been a member of this forum for sometime. Again my apologies. I have since resolved my problem, Miracle barrel, Pro-Win hop & prommy purple. Shooting as it shiould be
  9. Qlimax


    The other problem, pretty much all that have replied to this thread do not know me nor have interacted with me, those that do know me will know before I post anything like this I check everything first to make sure what I am posting is as accuracy as it possibly can be. My laser distance measurer says 90m, google maps says 74.66m which isn’t much different. Now I wouldn’t come on here and say then that even at the lower distance it’s doing that is it wasn’t because it is. The main problem is everyone is focused on the range of it. I haven’t once said I am trying to shoot at some stupidly far away to get accuracy.. No I haven’t. What I’ve actually said for accuracy I am shooting at 15m which is a reasonable distance.
  10. Qlimax


    So my laser measurer is slight off, it records 90m from standing point to what I am shooting at. Google Maps show it as 74.66m so slightly shy but still it’s doing a long distance more than what your all saying.
  11. Qlimax


    Just to make a point to you all and prove you all wrong. At the weekend I will get my a photograph of the range showing the distance in Metres. My local site has a 50m range which you can clearly see each BB going down. also Hudson I don't recall using the word Useless do you? ?? No don't think so. Helpful is what I used so if everyone is going to be picky littlw girls then I will be too. this thread is a prime example of airsofters bitching at their best. Someone asks for genuine answers to help and rather than help you pick and bitch over the slightest thing. That's why I asked Mods to close as I knew the minute I got the first reply it was going to be a waste of time
  12. Qlimax


    No its actually 90metres as in 90 metres. all the info as above to what you've asked
  13. Qlimax


    the 6.08 is a brand new TM barrel. the 6.03 is a standard G&G TBB barrel. the range has nothing to do with massive over hop since the range is due to it being an SMP so 95m is normal and over distance its consistent. everything you've mentioned isn't a helpful answer. Also my Fps is 290Fps.
  14. Qlimax


  15. I have a slip on one it's great, 2.5mm in thickness, with mine i don't have to pull the lens out. If your mate made these for a £5er each or something like that i'd buy without question.
  16. I used these guys last week to buy my GBBR M4 a CTR and my experience with them was really good. delivered in record time, well packaged up. really happy. Would use again.
  17. So Alyan Airsoft is sending me a replacement conversion kit which has a slightly different designed. I will keep this thread updated as and when this new conversion arrives. In the meantime i will be trying something with the one i have here to see if my idea works or not
  18. Yeah on it now with PayPal. the design is good but the execution behind putting it together is piss poor.
  19. so here's the first discovery of the main issue. bare with me was having a moment with the bottle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwsLDeJYWyQ then i found this after removing the main conversion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m6Hf4fqd_0
  20. ill post two videos now bare with me
  21. an update. This thing is an absolute JOKE. perfect waste of €600. Anyone looking to buy one from Alyan Airsoft......... DON'T BOTHER
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