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TacMaster last won the day on April 23 2015

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G M4
    CYMA RPK-74
    S-Thunder 40mm grenade launcher
  • Loadouts
    Full OD
    Russian EMR
  • Sites
    Anywhere I can get to
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  1. HI guys, used to be really into airsoft in my teens however life and work got in the way. Luckily I held on to my guns and I just need new batteries. but I'd like to ask what's changed on the RIF market in the last 4/5 years? How have all the old guard brands like G&G, TM, CYMA etc. fared in terms of quality and are there any new players to look out for? Cheers
  2. Hello all! A colleague has just got me back into airsoft- hopefully going skirmishing again this summer, but it's been It's been years! Dug my old gear out & blew off the dust, surprisingly my moscarts still hold a fill of gas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDcase


      Welcome back to the money pit 🤣

      Amazing the seals are still good

    3. Shamal



      Enjoy your return. 🙂



    4. AirsoftTed
  3. I'm quite liking the set of Russian Digi-Flora I recently received from Grey Shop. It seems to work quite well in the UK since it's quite a dark pattern
  4. My order from Grey-Shop arrived today. Everything's there, only issue is putting the Smersh together!

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      just incase you're not sure -



      Can't wait for mine to arrive now. How long did it take?

    2. TacMaster


      About 5 weeks, my order was pretty large (and the box is massive) so that might be partly why.

      I've assembled the smersh now, and it's seriously comfortable

    3. sp00n


      5 weeks!!!! I was hoping to get my order (ordered on 6th, shipped on the 9th or 10th) before next weekend lol

  5. I dunno man, I've seen quite a few particularly shitty Russian gamers on PC- I've been TK'ed in games because I had an EU server tag
  6. That is an amazing tool, thanks for sharing this
  7. Horrified to find that my M4's hop rubber seems to have ripped!

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Thats nothing unusual they can often do that when getting old especially when the hop up is set too high.

  8. You can get refillable CO2 canisters which can be filled with purely green gas or a mix of green and CO2. They cost about £20 each IIRC, and you'd need a few- you might recoup the cost of CO2 cartridges in the long term, but in the short term it would be far more expensive than a normal GBB pistol with green gas. On the subject of pistols, I've been airsofting for a good 3 years now and I've only just bought my first skirmishable pistol.
  9. Also, green gas = propane with a very small added percentage of silicone oil. Before now, people in the safe zone have told me that propane will 'break' guns even though it's just GG without the oil.
  10. Maybe £250-£300 including starter gun, magazines, gear, face protection, battery + charger and BBs?
  11. Having looked on Taiwangun, you can get a CM.040C AK74M and 4 150rnd AK74 midcaps for about £144 including free shipping. Very good deal. Plus, if you're looking at putting together a modern Russian loadout this particular model would be perfect as it is pretty much identical to what's being used by the Russian military at the moment.
  12. With that budget? A CYMA series AK would be perfect. Any model number above CM.028 is fine.
  13. But Sergei, X-Ray is of making you stronger than capitalist pigs
  14. Do you get paid every time you mention this obscure gear company, Spaz?
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