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Zak Da Mack

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Everything posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. I think airsoft should be introduced around 12/13 years old when they start to understand consequences of certain actions etc. But I would not show airsoft to a 4 year old, I'm not a child expert or anything, but at that age, he's most likely just interested in different things, learning the world and stuff.Keep it out of reach and just keep on telling him that it's dangerous and not for him to handle.
  2. Nice pics guys! I have taken numerous photos, but thanks to my low res, the final quality comes out sh**. Can't wait for my new pc which i can hopefully buy at xmas
  3. People who seem to do this are the ones who think this is more than just a game or those that have got wound up and have not taken the responsibility to take themselves outta the game to cool down.
  4. Not a plc, it's an ltd. Plc is a public limited company. Soz, had to point that out. I'm in business work mode. Was I the only one who knew mark didn't own jbbg? As well as bulldog being their own phantom brand? Gotta say, the entrepreneur is a business genius, although his business ethics are left to be answered for...
  5. Good luck. I'll be in the colour party keeping new cadets who can't do drill in check
  6. Flex man, you must be minted with all this stuff you get
  7. Is there a steam group for this? Also, would anyone like to play Arma 3 at some point?
  8. Still rocking the scar I see, looking good as ever. I never knew you had an AK. How can you use that EOTech so far forward? Does it not hurt your eyes?
  9. Anyone heard the rumour about the mall closing in the new year? Is this true? :(

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Steelrain


      Have any of you guys played at the mall?

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      No, but I really want to go

    4. Lozart


      I pretty much only play there (so I could be a bit biased)

  10. "A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material.[1] The projectile may be solid, liquid, gas or energy and may be free, as with bullets and artillery shells, or captive as with Taser probes and whaling harpoons." Yup, it's a gun
  11. I wear German para boots and they are quite comfy after wearing them for a while. They are a bit bulky though. My ones are also knackered now as the bottom is falling off, they're being held together with some elasticated glue now. I think it's time for some new boots
  12. Got this song stuck in my head at the mo'. Not a proper song, but it's very good. It tells the history of Russia along to the melody of tetris
  13. Hi bodge, I've been watching your vids for a couple of months. They are brilliant, keep up the good work and keep them coming
  14. Just paid my deposit for the next Okto Eight game. (Seriously guys, you should come) Airsoftworld are also doing a half price sale atm on CoverT ballistic glasses at £24, so I bought a pair for this weekend game at AWA (which I'm no longer going to ) Came with the glasses, 4 different pairs of lenses, a strap, a bag and a case. Gave them a few bursts at the lenses at point blank. They held up well, a few marks which rubbed off, no scratches and they also hold up pretty well against fogging.
  15. Been playing Arma 3 alot at the mo' since it discounted. Been doing alot of recon and supporting CAS on invade and annex. Anyone else play arma 3?

    1. Mack


      yeah, quite a lot actually

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      What do you play? Thinking about giving altis life a go

  16. Do you know if they accept standard AK gearboxes then? Was thinking of getting a mini AK74su for CQB/something different for when I hopefully get my UKARA. Or are cyma AKs just as externally good?
  17. What was wrong with the AK Ian? I thought they were supposed to be good. That wood looks a bit light coloured spatch. Is it just the camera or do you like it like that?
  18. A heat seeking grenade which explodes when in close proximity of an enemy would be cool. Oh, and it must be able to go around corners by itself
  19. TBH, I used to like the P90 until I held it in real life, then I realised it wasn't as good as I thought. It's probably the same with the PDR; it's the futuristic look that appeals to me. Can't believe you haven't seen that gun before.
  20. Haters gonna hate. But I quite like it but probably only because it was good on battlefield 3
  21. Did you say this is a public woodland? I could see problems with that. Also, how much would the game cost, considering it's for charity and costs will be high as you're buying probs quite a few props. Are there airsoft guns involved?
  22. Whenever I played a factions, I used to build a sophisticated underground bunker with many levels, dead ends, traps, safe rooms, all unmarked so attackers would get lost. Although, I sometimes got lost aswell.
  23. I used to like factions, but you get giant cheaters using xray packs who ruin everything
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