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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Yup. They'll invoice you after you pay.
  2. Stock is hollow but you need a few things to get it right - PM me if you want the details on how I did it. I can also share the way Dannn did his too. You will need to request an extra grub screw for the regulator. Mancraft will know what you're talking about - tell them you're going to remove the pressure gauge and will need it.
  3. Entirely depends upon the cost of the donor. You can get second-hand JG BARs for about £90. For the kit, regulator, adapter, spares and tournament lock maybe £175-180 shipped. 50 CO2 bulbs are about £17.
  4. Ask Shizbazki, Sp00n, Dannn or I - we're all currently using them. Don't think there's been a single complaint so far; they're excellent.
  5. Spare seals for the regulator and kit (cost about £2 for each). Otherwise looks good. Perhaps possibly consider the 4mm QD as it makes removing the reg a little easier if you're using a ammo pouch on the side like most do. I've found it to me useless if you go for the in-the-stock mod like I did though because there's not enough space for it and it stops the line flexing as it needs to. Order 1m of spare 4mm nylon macro/pneumatic line off eBay in case you screw that up. I've also found that the macro line off most eBay sellers has a slightly larger I/D than the stuff the Mancraft kit is shipped with. I'm not sure if this is because he wanted the line to be marginally more durable, but mine hasn't gone yet (the eBay stuff, that is) and the thinner walled stuff is easier to work with if you do want to get your regulator into the stock so I'd recommend it. PTFE/Teflon tape or pneumatic sealant for the cylinder head if you don't already have some. Assume by 'standard' you mean that you're going 45o?
  6. I don't get it - that's basically more expensive than some of the cheaper VisionKing scopes. It's not so much about functionality as it is about the clearness of the lenses, and VisionKing do a very good job of providing good quality glass that doesn't obscure your view and generally makes the game more enjoyable. Put it side-by-side a lot of the other cheap scopes and you'll see the difference, but it's hard to fathom by itself. It's a good forward investment as a good scope holds its value well - VisionKing in particular tend to sell for 80% of their price as new.
  7. I'm ok thanks. I picked my username when I was 13 and have regretted it ever since I was 14. Mostly picked because I thought it was original enough that no one else will have it and I could easily create logins everywhere. Nope: There's a 30 year old man in the States who got there first and continued to take the username from under me on any new game releases when I needed to create a new account. These days I'm usually first though, and it gives me great pleasure in knowing he's now the one who has to put one 'f'.
  8. Agree with wot though? I'd be buying a line-less reg because I've already got the hoses I need, so Beesting should be far more expensive anyway. It's just down to USPS as to whether that stays true.
  9. Shoulda EU widebored I'll be grabbing my SFR next week probably. Just waiting to find out if it's cheaper to get from Redline directly or Beesting (read: 'Will Redline quote the package value lower to avoid VAT').
  10. Our VAT is very different to the American state sales taxes - they don't have sales taxes levied at a federal level. The 7% reflects that as well as shipping costs (The SFR is made in the US so logistics are comparatively quite cheap I'd imagine). At least we have cheaper BFGs I guess.
  11. Is that from Taring Carving? They're working on my VSR stock.
  12. .com is based in HK - you would be better buying from AliExpress or DHGate or just a cheap HK retailer (Redwolf's shipping is fairly pricey compared to a lot of them). Their speed shipping might get here within a week but probably not. Their service is excellent - they're a very well established retailer. Their .co.uk site is the one based here, but their range is a lot more limited than .com.
  13. Yeh but you were actively going after him. I assume you weren't just running head-on into him? Most of that time that bastard was just sneaking up on people, and even in the basement that one time the 20-30 shots I fired didn't do dick to him apparently and then we got shot. 0/10, would run again.
  14. It's either run a little or a long walk to the respawn. I know what I'd do/have done.
  15. That eBay shop wasn't in the UK anyway. If the worse comes to worst then AliExpress and DHGate will have them, but obviously you'll be waiting 2 weeks to get it.
  16. Where's the impact detonated torch?
  17. I don't understand what you're asking :S
  18. Visionking's shop on AliExpress is basically the cheapest you can get them from if you do want a browse by the way: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/405045 - you shouldn't get an VAT slapped on as they don't declare the value. I know this is probably a bit presumptuous, but I've been burned by it: If you happen to go for one then make sure to change the currency to GBP or your bank will charge you a conversion fee when they charge your card in USD. http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Visionking-3-9x40-Rifle-scope-Riflescopes-for-Target-Shooting-Hunting-Military-1-inch-for-Ar15-M16/405045_32531607996.html
  19. Well unfortunately until you are willing to spend over £30 the chances are you're just replacing one poor scope with another.
  20. Read this thread: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30072-thinking-of-buying-a-tm-l96/ I'm not sure if 'unread kit' is the result of autocorrect or something, but just to reiterate increase it's not: Try to go the SDiK route. If you have the money for a 90o trigger, piston, guide, nozzle, cylinder and spring then you also have enough money to buy the SDiK if you substitute those normal spring upgrades for it. Here's the post in that thread that answers your question: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30072-thinking-of-buying-a-tm-l96/?p=233237 - in summary, you don't need a 90o trigger and nor will a stock rifle from the major clone manufacturers come with one.
  21. If you're serious about sniping then I agree with Trigger (his second link, at least) - Visionking make the most clear optics at a good price point of between £50-100. They're excellent value.
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