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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. The questions are fine - DG isn't well documented at all really. We're working on fixing that, but yeh. The WA/G&P is the only one with a functional bolt catch. AFAIK, fitting for the WA/G&P M4 is $200. Honestly getting the M4s done by TNK Guns is a good idea though as they do require some degree of tooling. It needs a regulator and a big air tank. You're looking at maybe £250-300 for the air line, regulator and tank alone if you want a decent 4500psi tank and a single QD regulator with a wide bore on an SFR. Works out slightly cheaper if you were to send the M4 off though or buy one in the US and get it shipped to TNK Guns before they send it to you as the regulators are a bit cheaper there than here (also they come with the wide bore hose) and they can bundle it in. Still, only a small consolation when we're talking about this much money. I think LordGeorge on here fitted his own kit. I've got a terrible memory but I think it was a 416. He could probably tell you how hard it was to do. (This is the old fitting tutorial - links may take a while to load) https://web.archive.org/web/20150226051753/http://tnkguns.com/img/airsoft/m4doc1.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20150226051835/http://tnkguns.com/img/airsoft/m4doc2.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20150226051843/http://tnkguns.com/img/airsoft/m4doc3.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20150226051954/http://tnkguns.com/img/airsoft/m4doc4.pdf
  2. I've shot the Tippmann, but I don't own one and it was literally just a 'hey can I have a go?' sort of moment. Like you I was looking at them a lot just over a year ago when I was looking into DG, Tippmann and GBBR HPA tapping. I do own a Daytona M249 - obviously they're a ways apart from the M4 but the engine design is identical in concept (just different in dimensions and the way that the trigger mechanism works). You have two choices for the 416 for DG: VFC GBBR 416 and the WE GBBR M4 kit (also compatible with the 416 that WE make). They're machined to exacting specifications so aren't compatible with all the 416s out there. They do WA/G&P GBBR M4 kits too though. I'd probably recommend G&P if you're going for the M4/AR option as you can buy more interesting uppers and lowers given how popular the WA Magna-compatible stuff still is today. Versus the Tippmann the DG does have slightly better blow back in my opinion. It's more immediate - the Tippmann has a strange feel to it that's a little more along the lines of some of the heavy-bolt GBBRs in that it can seem slightly sluggish. Still really quite fun though. Purely in terms of durability the DG also wins out as those things will not die. Seals need replacing maybe once every couple of years (or yearly if you use it a lot) but other than that they're just a block of rather expensive metal that doesn't really wear in the same way that the Tippmann and some GBBRs have done. TNK Guns will ship the kit to you to fit - there is also an EU retailer selling some of the kits called HPAirsoft. I'd also be happy to fit one if you're really not confident enough in doing it, but ultimately the M4 kits are pretty straight forward to install. You can send it to the states to be done and broken in if you'd like though obviously that costs time and money (but they do an incredibly good job of breaking it in before it even arrives at your doorstep, which is nice). The biggest pain is the break-in and a lot of people cock it up. There's information out there on what to do to get it done properly. The website is being updated to make this more accessible, though really the DG is less plug-and-play than the Tippmann so that's another thing to consider. I'm actually becoming the official spares dealer for Daytona Gun in Europe so if you do need spare crush rings, buckings etc. then I'll be able to sort those out. Shipping the spares piecemeal from the US was getting very expensive ($35 each time for a $20 spare is silly) so I'll be keeping some on hand here.
  3. The Tippmann will win every time against an HPA-converted GBBR when it comes to long-term durability. Especially a stock WE or VFC - you will have hammer issues after a few months of constant play because they're just not made to stand up to the constant use that a lot of users who HPA convert them try to put them through. For HPA-converted GBBRs, not a day goes by where there's not a post on some forum or Facebook about someone rounding off their hammer, ruining their BCG or just having real issues with keeping magazines lubricated. That's not to say it can't be done, but you need to know GBBRs and be prepared to take care of it more than a Tippmann might need. You also have the issue of changing the line over to a new magazine every time you switch (unless you get a custom built hi-cap HPA magazine) and the constant maintenance, cost and additional weight that comes with owning so many GBBR magazines. What's your budget? You've not stated one, so I kinda feel a plug for Daytona Gun might be in order just to be sure that you've explored your options. The Tippmann is great though if you're looking to keep things affordable and fun, and finding spares is fairly easy too. There's also quite a big following even in the UK, and the regulator-less (I got it right this time Sp00n!) design makes it even cheaper than some HPA-tapping mods because you won't need to splash out £80 to £135 for a Redline Firebase or SFR. In short: Buy a Tippmann M4 as it's made for the job. If you really want a functional bolt catch then save up and buy a Daytona Gun kit for a VFC 416.
  4. Yeh, don't escalate it until you've spoken to the buyer. If you open up a message thingy with them and they don't reply within 30 days(?) it's refunded anyway. Some dickish retailers will wait until the 29th day to reply, knowing that PayPal doesn't look to well upon users who don't talk it out with sellers before escalating to a dispute, so be wary of that. Probably not the case here, but may happen.
  5. Please do. I use their tracer, but it's a different material. They're still made in the BB King factory so maybe Chonggao have pulled their socks up or maybe the newest batch to hit Europe hasn't been left outside long enough to swell up before being sold. Still seems ridiculous to me to sell hygroscopic BBs in the first place, but hygroscopic BBs that aren't in an airtight packet like the BB King OEM and Gunfire Rockets? They're just asking for trouble.
  6. If you can't get through via email or phone then start a PayPal dispute - they'll be forced to reply that way.
  7. Er, except for the fact that you've missed a whole word on the link a tried from the title? Lol, well at least we know now.
  8. Can't find a site with that address. Are you sure it's correct? :S
  9. Double post, but looking at the X-fire website, all their 6.05 cuts are the AEG type, not VSR if we're going by the pictures.
  10. VSR long is for their aftermarket outerbarrels. If you have the money I'd recommend their light barrels as they're cheap (I think about £30), strong and have a much nicer finish. Na, it just means you can't use AEG buckings or R-hop (because VSR buts have no 'bridge'). Not really a biggie if this is your first BASR though, and many have said that you can get R-hop-like results just through decent VSR buckings like Firefly or Maple Leaf anyway.
  11. Recoil spring: Make sure you're not short-stroking it too much as you'll get feeding issues. The 150% springs are meant for use with more powerful gas, but you may also have to upgrade the hammer spring too so that it can actuate the valves on your magazines properly should you use a more powerful green gas. Video: You'd be better using silicone RTV/Gasket maker as that'll dry and not soak into the hop up bucking and warp it. Most people just use PTFE/Teflon tape as that works just as well too, plus is more easily removable. If that's still not working for you then PTFE plus a couple of loops of fishing wire or dental floss will fix your air seal. Any more than that is basically overkill. Again though, I'd avoid using a lubricant as that looks like what he's doing here. Used to watch a lot of his videos and he knows his stuff when it comes to disassembly/reassembly of Glocks. Was the first guide I followed when I took apart my G18C and his channel has loads of info on it, but I'm not quite sure what he was doing here as there are better ways of sealing a bucking into place.
  12. Problem is: Can't really R-hop a VSR cut if you ever want to do that in the future. You can get good results from just VSR buckings though. There's a reason why they're so popular. I only use AEG buckings - even in a couple of my most recent BASRs I've built and got them working very well. I've even used VSR buckings in AEG barrels and had good results, but I'd never recommend doing that. Most of the decent aftermarket hop units will allow you to fit both VSR and AEG buckings. Basically, you can get great results out of both. If you go the bucking route then a VSR cut is probably better. I agree with PT247 - the 6.05 PDI barrels are exquisite. They have free shipping right now too.
  13. Yeh, the bottom two PT247 said were what I was going to suggest - that's why I was asking how you tested A lot of people overtighten and strip the receiver screw holes or just seat the sear slightly too high for some pistons.
  14. How did you check if the sear is engaging?
  15. 1. Yes. Accuracy is affected more by barrel and hop setup, but consistency of your gearbox can matter (on an AEG though inconsistency isn't usually a huge issue unless you have something seriously wrong like a cracked cylinder). Test the new barrel and hop setup first then see if it needs bringing down. If you use a 6.03 or 6.05 then chances are you won't see much of a muzzle energy difference so you should be fine. 2. No. Site membership can be renewed instantly (stored for 12 months after your first game) by site owners just clicking a few buttons. Most site members will just do this for you if you're a semi-regular to 'enliven' your UKARA defence again. Two things to remember: Firstly, UKARA isn't the only form of defence - frankly receipts showing you've played before are more than enough (why I try to pay in advance when I can) and secondly VCRA only covers the point of sale, do defence or not owning the guns you already have is fine.
  16. Yeh, in practice it matters little but that's the law.
  17. BAMF mags are good from what I've heard through the Daytona Gun groups, but like Sacarathe says: Just buy PTS EPMs or Hexmags. You'll pay duty on anything with a value of more than £12 and the service charge is a killer. Like I say in every one of these threads: Don't buy from the US on 90% of airsoft gun stuff (gear being a different thing). Mainland Europe has good deals on most things but as it's not always in English Google doesn't index them very highly when you search, so be aware of that. Edit Here you go: http://www.socomtactical.net/BAMF-190-Rounds-Polymer-MidCap-Magazine-For-M4-M16-Tan & http://www.socomtactical.net/BAMF-190-Rounds-Polymer-MidCap-Magazine-For-M4-M16-Black
  18. It's any 'bright colour' - bright blue is fine. Again though, if you're under 18 then you can't buy anyway. In practice that usually just means making sure your parents know if it's online as legally they're the ones meant to be buying it.
  19. Can't even buy a 2-tone under 18 really, but you can have your parents do it. Usually I wouldn't mention such things but as you have a YouTube channel you need to make yourself familiar with the law so as not to spread bad information if you ever say anything off-hand in a video. Those threads in the second link I posted on the other page have everything that you need to know Please be sure to do your due diligence as airsoft is a hobby that regularly comes under threat in the UK, so we all have a responsibility to know the law. If you intend to publicise airsoft-related content then this is especially important.
  20. Yeh, I even use their .30. tracers
  21. Just remember: You can't get properly site registered or UKARA registered if you're under 18.
  22. Surely you've learned by now that an accurate consensus in airsoft takes at least 13 years to reach. That's why some people still swear by Nuprol BBs.
  23. Given that they've only hit UK retailers this week I'd imagine no one has any tangible experience with them yet. Looks like you're the Guinea pig!
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