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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Not that cheap - barrel length dictated price so actually £57 for a 260mm is just above average price. That STR looks great by the way. Make sure you work on that hop as you'll only see the true benefits of a wide bore with a properly tuned one with a bucking or R-hop patch that performs consistently.
  2. Nice. We need more responsible radio owners like you about before someone draws OFCOM's attention.
  3. You're new here, so sorry if I'm being presumptuous but those radios aren't legal to use without a license. Please read this thread if you're not aware of that So long as your site hold a license (which they likely do) and allocate you a frequency to use then you'll be fine. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/31144-radios-guide/ in fact some of the frequencies preprogrammed on the BF-888s are allocated to emergency services only so be extra careful: http://www.essexham.co.uk/news/baofeng-bf-888s-review.html
  4. Excellent gat, but good lord please learn how to hold your phone so it doesn't take pictures upside down if you're not going to rotate them afterwards. I almost dropped my laptop trying to look at these.
  5. That's genuinely interesting, but again for airsoft I couldn't care less what people call it except that calling both a 'sniper' has - on occasion - been confusing and is an unnecessary contraction if I ever did see one.
  6. It really doesn't matter what you call it so long as you're not using the same word to describe two vastly different things (i.e. a gun and a role).
  7. About 10ft/s, but obviously you go through your gas a little faster.
  8. Some do; some don't. You're putting too much faith in a site called 'Taiwan Gun' to know the semantics of the word (i.e. 'single' meaning 'single action' or 'single' meaning 'shoots once ever time you pull the trigger'). Without videos or better videos it's hard to say, but I'd wager it's a double action and the slide doesn't move at all. Non-blow back doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do anything - again, it could be double action with no reciprocating slide. If you're putting this much thought into it then do yourself a favour and save up to buy a proper pistol. Anyway, this is incredibly, incredibly boring. Last post from me on this.
  9. Again though - it's double action. That means a heavy trigger pull. The trigger cocks the hammer and releases it, but unlike single action pistols the slide will not reciprocate to reset the hammer every shot (blow back). So yes: You do not need to manually cock it every shot, but the trigger will be quite hefty. It's a cheap gun.
  10. It's ~~custom~~. Can't you read? Come on Monty.
  11. Added a little more detail because we all enjoy learning more about cocking.
  12. Double action means when you pull the trigger you both cock and release the hammer (i.e. two 'actions'). Single action means you just release the hammer/striker. Single action is generally more desirable as it's quicker to shoot and just all round more pleasant as a rule because you don't have to apply much pressure to the trigger. In a single action it's generally the slide moving back that resets the hammer for you instead of you having to do it yourself. E.g. Glock, M9, 1911 - basically any modern pistol can fire in single action. A lot of them will only fire in single action. Non-blow back pistols are almost always double action as there's no slide resetting the hammer. Blow back are almost always single action. E.g. TM Mk. 23 and most revolvers. You also have guns that can fire in double or single action like the M9. You can have it uncocked and still pull the trigger back to both pull back and release the hammer (like a double action). As soon as you fire that first BB or bullet, the slide comes back and you're in single action until you run out of ammo. You can also manually pull the hammer back on most revolvers and then fire it single action, but obviously there's no blow-back system like a slide to reset the hammer so you'll need to do it every shot or go double action. Some revolvers will only do single action and you have to manually pull the hammer back for every shot. This whole thing really matters more with real steel than it does in airsoft, but for CQB you'd likely want a single action pistol for quicker response and to stop your finger from getting too tired (heh).
  13. Yeh. 0.43s don't exist (except in black). I've never once seen them, which is why I was wondering lol. You should try the Geoffs too whilst you're at it.
  14. Eh? The important distinction is that 'sniper' is - and always has been - a role and isn't just restricted to a single type of gun. I've certainly seen posts where it gets confusing as to which people are actually referring to (even with the correct context). Call it a bolt action rifle, a rifle, a sniper rifle, a boomstick - whatever takes your fancy. Just don't call them both 'snipers' because that makes zero sense. Pedantic would be someone saying 'oh actually it's a carbine and not a full-length rifle, so don't call it a rifle'. Correcting genuinely non-distinctive COD-talk like using 'sniper' as two vastly different nouns? That's not pedantic. You'd look at me as though I was god damn retarded if I called my M249 'support'.
  15. Most will quote below the £12 minimum for VAT to be applied. If not you can ask. Just put something along the lines of "Please state order value as $10 on packaging for tax purposes" in the order notes (or email). I have no idea. Try to leave my stuff quite simple externally unless it has a legitimate function. Sorry.
  16. Disclaimer: Don't spend your money on poop externals. You'll regret it after a year and could have spent the money on something else that actually does something for the performance of your gat and will hold its resale value if you do want to get rid of it later down the line. That said, Airsoft Peak are good for that kind of budget stuff. Also try AliExpress. Also go second hand. Saw your post on ZeroIn so I think you already have the right idea. Facebook sometimes has some half decent stuff if you can see past the nonsense on there.
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