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Everything posted by Mack

  1. TYR Tactical small cutaway IFAK pouch TYR Tactical utility pouch both multicam
  2. Can someone post my UKARA licence meme, I'm on holidays and pictures use up to much data
  3. Whay you linked is just a barrel nut. You may need an Armourers wrench to get it off. Not sure if the threads on ares are imperial or metric but that will determine what brand rail will fit.
  4. Same as usual for me too, always bring my PCU lvl 5 jacket for when it rains
  5. Note to self, wife and copious margaritas = very tired husband

  6. Honeymoon in portugal in 3 hours. Might try sneak in some airsoft

    1. M_P


      Two tones r us :D

  7. The only difference is everything over here has to be 1 joule or less. No exceptions.
  8. I'm no tech but that looks like a pre engagement problem, Re you running a high ROF setup?
  9. Oh FFS, Just when my wallet was getting a well earned rest
  10. Will a mayflower back panel fit on a CPC?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jelliffe99


      Not the solidfox I'm afraid though Mack as the zips are different.

    3. jcheeseright


      yes, the mayflower panel WILL go onto the solidfox CPC, it doesn't use the zips.


    4. Jelliffe99


      Roger that- ignore me mate

  11. Just tried my Wedding suit on #Nerves

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lozart


      All the best with the wedding. My only tip - pay attention to everything - the whole day goes by in a blur otherwise! Any way, getting married is the easy bit, it's BEING married that takes the work!

    3. DEDSEC


      Considering I almost fell over on my wedding.. My only tip would be 'not to wear bloody pointy shoes!'.


      Best of luck to you and your many years of pain and suffering.. That's a joke, have a good, heathy! relationship mate.

    4. Mack


      Of course you tell me that Ded, after I've already bought the pointy shoes lol

  12. Mack


    Think it needs to be the same site mate.
  13. Some people needing a reality check again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monty


      Just saw, bloody hell.. Reminds me of the tercel hi capa thread...

    3. Mack


      Got it in one Loz


    4. Lozart


      Yeah...that dude is living in cloud cuckoo land.

  14. Sopmod going to get some work done :)

  15. Anyone recommend me a good Tech to do some upgrades on my sopmod?

    1. CES_williamson


      [email protected]


      did some brilliant work on my sopmod !

    2. Jelliffe99
    3. Mack


      Cheers lad, will give them a try, cant seem to get in contact with kingdom of airsoft.

  16. If it ever fails, heres a permanent solution, just fitted some today infact https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=barrel+shims&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=DwESVMfBNeyI8Qe9h4HgAQ
  17. On the A&K m249 I had, it was just a long spring. It fed like shite!
  18. That is a BTC Specter MOSFET for TM next gens. Like fucking gold dust these things
  19. Just picked this bad boy up, last one apparently :D :D :D
  20. Just picked up a BTC Specter for next gen!!!

    1. jcheeseright


      good times, saw one was going on zero-in and wondered how long it would last!


      The difference it makes is absolutely incredible :)

    2. Mack


      Got it from Richard at eagle6 mate, said it was the last one. Watched a few reviews and had to have one no matter the price

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