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Status Replies posted by pyromancer6

  1. t8KzcUt.png


    Plugging a battery into my completely standard never missing a beat CYMA Highspeed MP5 to find out it's somehow exploded or stripped one of the gears was not on my bingo card for this lovely wednesday evening. Losing the fucking will to live honestly lmao

    1. pyromancer6


      Binds either way - I was adjusting motor height because it slipped a little during play and it was sounding a little screechy - went too far in so backed up a bunch and boom - sudden lockup into screaming. Changing the height now doesn't do anything - it just screams. Broken spur gear? I took the motor out of the grip and it seems to be working fine and I don't see any damage to the pinion or shaft or anything

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. t8KzcUt.png


    Plugging a battery into my completely standard never missing a beat CYMA Highspeed MP5 to find out it's somehow exploded or stripped one of the gears was not on my bingo card for this lovely wednesday evening. Losing the fucking will to live honestly lmao

  3. Any idea when you're getting the J-cage bearings back in stock bud? Turns out the CYMA bushings are a bit too shonky for SHS 13:1s..

    1. pyromancer6


      Thing is - I have no room for shims with the standard CYMA bushings at the min and putting the old bearings in from my CYMA platinum that neg built for me means I can add shims and it's a lot quieter - but they don't quite fit the holes and pop in and out a bunch and it's making me nervous that they might give up the ghost, hence me looking for new ones. Might consider the XT bushings now that you're mentioning them though..

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Talk me out of buying a thermal please 😭 

    1. pyromancer6


      Power to you then man - if you've got plenty of pews and gear you're more than happy with then - why not? Hope you end up enjoying the purchase as thermal/NV stuff is really cool

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. As an avid DE falconfire enjoyer myself I was amiss to find out that it was playing up on today's gameday - I assumed it was the rain causing issues as it always does with mosfets but after getting home it's doing the dreaded beep-beep and the only mention I could find online was your thread/post from a few years ago:

    Am I fucked? I only just about got this thing shooting nice too 😢


    1. pyromancer6


      Nah, it's the after - it's firing bursts on semi and on auto it lets off like 4-7 rounds and does a double beep which is a 'module error' according to DE - the only mention online I could find was your old thread which is why I shot a message 😅, appreciate the info!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Talk me out of buying a thermal please 😭 

    1. pyromancer6


      Just think of all the extra pistols and other fancy larp & gear stuff stuff you can play about with constantly with instead of a pretty niche [but still very cool] optic... Or atleast that's how my monkey brain operates.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. It's a shame that there is no real benefit to using a LMG over a AR with a drum mag. I wonder what sites could do to try and encourage them.

    1. pyromancer6


      It's a shame box mags are just so wank unless you spend a fortune on one - it's much easier to get a ARP-9 or M4 to feed and fire on a drum then it is to get anything A&K or similar flavoured to feed correctly because, well - support gun activities :P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Fresh CYMA 'ZEUS' v2 mosfet to fix up a friend's CM.009 M733, had it apart and had a nightmare shimming it, ten hours later and it's working - only for the solder on the positive wire to detach the moment I disconnected the battery 😅, can't beat it.

    1. pyromancer6


      Having two things disconnect within the day of having the CYMA mosfet just means I got unlucky and got a lemon as I haven't had such murder with anything else I've used 😅, and it's just female spade connector's I'm looking for right @Shamal?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Fresh CYMA 'ZEUS' v2 mosfet to fix up a friend's CM.009 M733, had it apart and had a nightmare shimming it, ten hours later and it's working - only for the solder on the positive wire to detach the moment I disconnected the battery 😅, can't beat it.

    1. pyromancer6


      Another one for you - decided to try a different motor I had laying around that had a bit more to it, and well..



      Should've just paid the pennies and learnt how to put a perun in, honestly. Pisstake 😂 - Guess a recrimp is next on the roadmap...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Fresh CYMA 'ZEUS' v2 mosfet to fix up a friend's CM.009 M733, had it apart and had a nightmare shimming it, ten hours later and it's working - only for the solder on the positive wire to detach the moment I disconnected the battery 😅, can't beat it.

    1. pyromancer6



      Not the worst but considering it was DOA when he orginally got it I'm happy with it. Ignore the laboured breathing - I had the phone tucked into my throat to get the POV lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Any one know over the glasses eyewear that doesn't have high curvature? Tired of goggles crushing and trying to bend my glasses backwards into my face.

    1. pyromancer6


      Ever looked into RX lens inserts for existing goggles? I got mine when I bit the bullet getting the whole novritsch antifog setup and it's been great so far but I'm not too sure if the set of goggles you're using has an insert you could use or not

  12. Took down my first V2 today, swapped over the knackered compression parts from my UTR's jam and even tried my hand at reshimming - and it works! Made up, honestly - thought it'd be a disaster but I'm absolutely buzzing - chronoing tomorrow to see how much it's jumped up!

    1. pyromancer6


      Quick change spring as standard on these little DEs, fortunately! Turns out I accidently threw in a massive spring instead of the one that orginally came out of it - it's still a little spicy but with the hop set it settles right down. Compression parts are awesome - gonna order another set for a friend's CYMA CAR-15 I've suddenly got the confidence to ''fix'' or fuck around with inside lol (do need a new cyma mosfet board though, trigger is knackered)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Took down my first V2 today, swapped over the knackered compression parts from my UTR's jam and even tried my hand at reshimming - and it works! Made up, honestly - thought it'd be a disaster but I'm absolutely buzzing - chronoing tomorrow to see how much it's jumped up!

  14. Ordered a gearworks/macaron from the site recently for the MP5 and while it was working great the nub wasn't playing nice [because MP5 hop units are a pain in the ass] and I ended up cutting it to fit on the gameday and it ended up all pissed (was on the bench outside before playing so it wasn't the best job 😅), is there a slightly less wide nub you'd reccomend or would it be a good idea to just order a fresh gearworks/XT nub and actually cut it straight? Cheers

    1. pyromancer6


      Just recieved my order today, probably should've clarified it was about this post rather than putting a random message about a stanley knife haha, appreciate it bud 😅

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Does anyone know of any sites with some sales/deals on their BBs atm? Will need a restock soon I reckon. Ty.

    1. pyromancer6


      Warhead do good ammo for decent prices if you're buying in bulk - the delivery is a little pricey however so make sure you're buying enough in bulk to make it worth it - haven't a bad thing to say about them honestly

      If you need just a random KG or two of ammo I've been getting Geoffs off an Ebay seller for decent prices in a pinch when I can't afford/be arsed dealing with the warhead order so maybe look at that if you're in a pinch?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Currently bollocks deep on trying to get a mate's LCT RPK he purchased second hand with lots of work done to, way above my paygrade but we hope for the best lol






    Turns out it's a Negative Airsoft build from about two years ago, detailed in this video so I'm going to gingerly toptoe around all the work and hope pressing the jefftron's reset button brings it back to life 😅

    1. pyromancer6


      Not too sure what's up with it, but it's not looking too good. When a battery's plugged in it's still completely unresponsive, not even a sensor check (the motor's also in), only thing that would point to according to jefftron's manual is that the fuse is gone, but from the looks of it...





      ...Fuse looks alright to me. Has the leviathan pulled a leviathan and died of death?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Currently bollocks deep on trying to get a mate's LCT RPK he purchased second hand with lots of work done to, way above my paygrade but we hope for the best lol






    Turns out it's a Negative Airsoft build from about two years ago, detailed in this video so I'm going to gingerly toptoe around all the work and hope pressing the jefftron's reset button brings it back to life 😅

  18. Currently bollocks deep on trying to get a mate's LCT RPK he purchased second hand with lots of work done to, way above my paygrade but we hope for the best lol






    Turns out it's a Negative Airsoft build from about two years ago, detailed in this video so I'm going to gingerly toptoe around all the work and hope pressing the jefftron's reset button brings it back to life 😅

    1. pyromancer6


      @DerDer From what my mate told me the previous owner's lovely hand burnt wood that Luke did on the original build snapped so the pistol grip and handguard were changed

      @strykerles It was stuck in safe so we had to manually go into the jefftron app to make safe actually semi to get it to fire - which was fine for testing things until the jefftron randomly got upset and won't connect anymore. Just cracked the casing them so after a little once over I'm going to see if pressing the reset button when it's connected to power'll do anything, fingers crossed 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Ordered a gearworks/macaron from the site recently for the MP5 and while it was working great the nub wasn't playing nice [because MP5 hop units are a pain in the ass] and I ended up cutting it to fit on the gameday and it ended up all pissed (was on the bench outside before playing so it wasn't the best job 😅), is there a slightly less wide nub you'd reccomend or would it be a good idea to just order a fresh gearworks/XT nub and actually cut it straight? Cheers

    1. pyromancer6


      Planning on doing a order of a few bits for delving inside one of the pews because a jam's knackered the airseal stuff inside so I'll let you know - heart of gold you've got by the way haha, appreciate it

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Against my better judgement I've prepped the gas Golden Eagle 870 for sunday. God help me.

    1. pyromancer6


      Yeah, the M870s are pretty notorious for being swiss watches with a thousand hair thick springs that love just pinging across the room never to be seen again - I got PTSD from the last time I took mine apart because my cylinder was a little loose and I just couldn't get the thing back together for the longest time and ended up getting a mate to pop it back together because I was losing my head after it just wouldn't play nice lmao

      At least with the GEs you always have the option of just buying another one if you royally cock it up, and even then you're still under the price of a new TM one lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Against my better judgement I've prepped the gas Golden Eagle 870 for sunday. God help me.

    1. pyromancer6


      Honestly, even though it was doing looney tunes outlines around people it was a blast honestly, we've only just had work done on our CQB part of our site recently and they're getting a bunch of cheap springer shotguns in to do shotgun/pistol only games in there so I thought I'd give it a go early, apart from the stock trying it's hardest to leak (long flathead 'm4 buffer tube screwdriver mate' to the rescue) things went perfectly fine, which was a suprise

      I'd love to do one up eventually though, get the longer barrels, the high output valves, the posh modify gas tanks, shim the hop so it can hop 0.28s etc but seeing as HPA's disallowed at our site there's no point really going crazy with it because the gas shotties are just limited without an air line meaning it just works 40% of the time rather than 100% lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. I have spent way too much on Aliexpress this week...

    1. pyromancer6


      It's a real stinker when you get to the checkout and get suddenly slapped with our 20% tax and your order jumps up all of a sudden 😭

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

    1. pyromancer6


      I did have to give my UKARA number over to customs for whatever reason when Novritsch support sent me over a replacement G36 midcap because the one I bought to see if I liked it shit the bed - but I think that's just Austria to UK customs being stupid lmao

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. It's honestly incredible how every single teching session steadily goes from theraputic to requiring therapy yourself in the span of around 30 minutes, you'll have 90% of whatever you wanted to do done, get stuck with one tiny thing, get frustrated/order what you needed, and when you're closing your gun back up until said part comes or you can have the patience again something'll go wrong or a spring'll be a cunt and before you know it you're a shivering, sobbing mess losing your mind praying you'll never pick up a hexhead screwdriver ever again

    1. pyromancer6


      Lovely stuff, where'd you source the RK-3 for the SLR-RW in the middle? After one myself but can't seem to find a single one in stock anywhere.

      Also need to get around to getting mine done with an Aster, the fire selector's doing AK fire selector things and can't reliably shoot semi anymore which is a big dealbreaker with there being so much semi-auto at our site lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  24. It's honestly incredible how every single teching session steadily goes from theraputic to requiring therapy yourself in the span of around 30 minutes, you'll have 90% of whatever you wanted to do done, get stuck with one tiny thing, get frustrated/order what you needed, and when you're closing your gun back up until said part comes or you can have the patience again something'll go wrong or a spring'll be a cunt and before you know it you're a shivering, sobbing mess losing your mind praying you'll never pick up a hexhead screwdriver ever again

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