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Everything posted by JimFromHorsham

  1. yeah , much like some other models , you’d think given the nostalgic popularity that would appeal to 40 somethings with disposable income we’d be tripping over stuff like this , sometimes you just have to take what you can get . All that aside the NE Uzi is a really really good looking and authentic feeling replica Liking the DMR’s , I have a WE GBB EBR & a WE GBB Mk12 MOD1 build , the MOD 0 would complete the trio though , what make is that one ?
  2. £500 is a lot but I’ve spent more on less in the past . German doesnt phase me in the slightest either . it’s an Uzi , a steel , heavy , clunky gas Uzi im happy
  3. anybody know what happened ? Looks like it took some effort to get it there …
  4. Had to be done weighty beast test firing tomorrow
  5. that was a good link , thank you just wanted to say a big public thankyou to the very talented @mightyjebus for making dreams come true using his technical ability and my supreme postal prowess he sorted my MP5 stock adaptor good and proper ! It’s now solid as rock , thank you Paul
  6. You could always cut it down if it’s too much 🤦🏼‍♂️
  7. Get some old dead batteries and tape them together or nice smooth pebbles taped together and put them in a jiffy , write his name on it and pop it in a post box with a single first class stamp attached , he’ll get a card asking to pay the postage difference and I guarantee he’ll do it because curiosity will get the better of him . do this once a week for a month and get your friends from all over the country to join in . obviously forget to write the senders details on it It really upset a known scammer a few years ago , so we waited a few months then did it again
  8. MOD Stanta if I recall , 2012 ish
  9. Probably not, another germanium lens would probably be better lol so I guess that means your 3k fantasy might come true one day
  10. *Laughs in thermal imaging* 😛
  11. Actually looks pretty well made , nice materials and low production volume . given how much your average Top shelf mass produced plate carrier or chest rig is these days I don’t think £150 is too much to ask .
  12. Personally I’d be starting at £300 posted with all the bits seen , £250 posted without . theres a lot of nostalgia still floating about this forum and a Prime LR300 certainly gets my juices flowing 😛
  13. Had one 10yrs ago , but don’t recall issues with the comms but I never used a dummy shell , just a Motorola & extended antenna which tucked in nicely under my left arm . Real plates or weighted plates are a must and will make it sit properly .
  14. 25-30g is probably the difference in the old style mag vs new one .
  15. i agree really , a very strange way of running things . Airsoft is full of “possibilities” , but the core of the game is built on trust so if you dont put some trust in your new punters then what’s the point
  16. Is it a full “night game” or just a 7-10pm type of game , if the latter then you won’t need much this time of year .
  17. Did your friend get any complaints during the first game ?
  18. the gigant ! Lol !! this was peak performance !
  19. had a quick rummage , I’ve only got up to M5 here and only up the 20mm thread length , I’d happily stick a couple in the post for you but looking at your pics I think too short if you want it to go all the way through the block ?
  20. ill have a look in about an hour for you
  21. So an M5 or M6 bolt at 25mm would be the first choice to try imo . im happy to have a rummage later and if I’ve got anything suitable I’ll pop them in the post for you if you like ?
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