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Everything posted by JimFromHorsham

  1. I ment more the process of taking the lower apart and getting it back into the guarder frame , it’s just a bit fiddly . Filing a tab off a soft bbu is easy (to me ) in comparison . if you are slow and methodical with a clean work area and properly fitting tools it’s really very simple , if you are heavy handed , in a rush and trying to use the tip of a butter knife on screws then you will struggle .
  2. Even if it performs well that is crazy money for a clone that when it fails you may have no one to go to with the way sellers pop up and down on Ali . you’d be better off getting something from Vortex or Holosun from a registered dealer or as said above a used genuine Eotech can be had for less (I would avoid eBay though unless you know the seller ) . Optics Warehouse often have used ones come through at fair prices .
  3. If you are worried about doing a slide which is very simple then I’d not even entertain the lower . just my 2p.
  4. A little Silicone grease for orings is best .
  5. I’m not entirely sure how compatible the WE slides are with TM , but if you are saying it’s cycling to a fashion then I’ll take your word for it . my guess , and the cheapest starting point (and you’ll likely need one anyway ) The nozzle can’t keep up with the speed of the slide so it’s just always forward during firing , you need a stronger nozzle spring .
  6. Great info @Darkmikey22, thanks for taking the time to share it
  7. lmao , I did exactly the same thing … but I just can’t justify it . At the other end of the budget VFC are bringing a full metal officer sized pistol to the table very soon (if not out all already ) it appears to be blank and trademark free so perhaps some custom engraving might in order . I did also see a mention somewhere that it may be TM compatible ? .
  8. that’s a great build , i like that a lot
  9. Nozzle sticking in the hop unit or really sluggish ? Is the the bolt travel back and forth quicker than the nozzle can ping back with it , Strip the bolt carrier group and make sure everything is well greased and check the nozzle return spring would be my first port of call .
  10. Built this up last week , all stock TM internals apart from an upgraded recoil spring and it was running ok but the nozzle return couldn’t keep up , and the hop rubber (original , estimated at 10yr old ) was gash , fitted a maple leaf inner & hop rubber and a nozzle return spring from an AAP01 and it’s running like a boss . New gas routers and mag valves on the way too so hopefully it’ll make a reliable warm weather plinker . And just for picture porns sake , 😛 hello , you replied while I was replying with the Sig the Beretta is a TM in a Guarder kit , original finish and modified pachmayr grips ( not by me , the front section has been cut out , rear section not installed) they’d normally come like this
  11. If you want the genuine ones then I’d think they may be proprietary to Surefire ? plenty of cheap clones about though so just grab a few from China and cannibalise them. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32990808892.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.3e960new0newYi&browser_id=f52e7dd9c77047edbc7ad2aa8196c1d3&aff_trace_key=63d16e63e4ea468e9400458cbb5780c9-1646597032432-02861-UneMJZVf&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=vdgeg2ntdnicav7b180b96c30e11ce0b0a7b23834d&gclid=&pdp_npi=2%40dis!GBP!!8.34!!!!!%402100bde316523783363287507e8dc3!!sea&algo_pvid=ee4b58bb-3557-4e53-b169-5672f1efd6fb
  12. well that depends which one you are wanting , a picture paints a thousand words 👍
  13. Like some U.K. retailers alot of overseas companies may only ship 1-2 times a week , as in get themselves to the depot or get a courier pick stuff up so if you happen to miss that day then there can be a few days delay . i can say though all my WGC orders have been delivered within their stated time frames of late , same for KY , Redwolf , Impulse and HAO . @Enid_Puceflangedid you pay for express / fastest shipping available ?
  14. Remote lead , remote switch , tail switch , rat tail switch .
  15. Always a positive transaction from my experiences although currently no shipping to the U.K. which I suspect is why they still have stock. my last NGRS mags came from RW , but the ones before that were from impulse .
  16. I’m well aware thank you , I’ll try and work on my sarcasm for next time
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