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Nickona last won the day on August 21 2014

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Vektor R4
    Vektor Z88
  • Loadouts
    African Merc
    SADF Infantry
    SADF Recce
    In progress:
    Rhodesian Army
  • Sites
    Xsite Lane End
    RIFT Com's Site 3
    IronSight Airsoft
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  1. That'll be becuse it was a (I assume Viper) Repro one. Having owned both copy and real M83 vests the real is leagues above the copies in absolutely everything I carry a mix of 5.56 R4 mags and 7.62 AK47 mags and both fit fine into my mag pouches. The AK ones are a little harder to get in but then again they are bigger. The dividers on them are also a lot better than the dividers on British kit you can have one mag in either slot and it wont bounce all over the place. I have to say they are possibly one of the best military sets of large scale issue gear (the whole M83 package) ever created with British Paras using the chest rig even in 2008 and possibly later... bearing in mind it came into service in 1983
  2. South African National Defence Force - Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 2013-2014 - Part of MONUSCO Kit List: (top to bottom) M87 Kevlar Helmet S2000 Helmet Cover S2000 peaked cap Desert scarf S2000 shirt Mechanix Original Gloves M83 Battle Jacket SADF canvas sling S2000 Trousers Lowa Patrol Boots (need changing as not perfect) Weapons: Vektor R4 (ICS) Vektor Z88 (ASG/KWA)
  3. Here's my South African M87 Kevlar helmet with S2000 cover
  4. Well I was looking pretty much as African as possible... What gear and guns were you running?
  5. Here are some pics form the weekend SANDF - Congo 2013-2014 Recce Inspired loadout (wrong camo trousers)
  6. Hi All, Here is my review of RIFT's new site "The Ridge" http://fireteamzuluairsoft.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/viceroys-sitereview-rift-airsoft-ridge.html Enjoy!
  7. Just got back from war and peace, didn't spend too much but more then I was planning on! SADF Nutria Aapjas (winter coat) S2000 SANDF Body warmer (gilet) S2000 SANDF patrol cap Repro French F1 cap UN Cap SANDF South Africa Flag patch British army camping bed oh and lots of beer!
  8. Nice! I'll have been there since the 12th so I can give you my number if you need help getting around.. we're also doing rides in the Buffel!! An airsoft one or a real deac one? I wouldn't mind betting it'd be cheaper to get one online, but you never know if someone has one for sale
  9. Thats basically a cheap Chine vest.. £42 to me seems high for one and I wouldn't bet on it lasting too long And what people have said, ask BEFORE you buy
  10. I'm going for the whole thing with a SA LHG!! If anyone form AF-UK is going come buy the SA Forces LHG camp and say hi! Would be nice to meet some other members Also if you're in need of refreshment I think we've got a Saffa beer for sale! Teddy, public transport should be fairly easy as its right next to a train station
  11. @Blackdeath To be fair you look like you could apply for the role of the Mountain of GoT and I'm fairly sure your arms are bigger than my face!
  12. I usually have a private purchase USMC holdall from San Diego which is 100 odd litres and a SA M83 Bergan as well.. and sometimes a small day sack for value bits or bits likely to get broken. I normally take a couple a rigs with me and bits to fill them out
  13. Yea because ti was replaced with crimes like .. ya know.. theft
  14. Haha, well I do need a gap year job.. is Angola still kicking off As for the Mk.7 point, you would make an absolute killing if you could borrow a Mk.7 for enough time to make a mould
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