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Everything posted by Fatboy40

  1. Fatboy40


    If they included Bennings it would have been perfect 🙄 (and Pingu really needs a sombrero)
  2. It's the above that I've found with my playing around with mechanicals as well. For the first point I now run a full cylinder in my v2 DMR with an M120 spring, I swapped to one around a month ago from a 4/5 and M130, and the increased air volume has 100% increased noise (just look at a G&G Firehawk to see this in action). If you're not shooting heavy BB's, and have a very good air seal with a 3/4 cylinder, an M95 spring can make a huge difference to noise. For me the biggest thing that helped my AEG on points two and three were a foam suppressor, changed the "twang" to more of a "thump", and swapping from a spring on my inner barrel to o-rings. Do what you can to try and change how the rifle "resonates", and I've found that polymer rather than metal receivers also help.
  3. Of course it depends upon the size of your glasses but I've a few pairs of Guard Dog Evader 2 OTG goggles and they're great (I can't comment on if they fog badly or not as I use an ExFog)
  4. Very interesting as I think my younger brother has this as he has a D-Day used Willy's jeep and a Dodge truck. So this covers you for all RIF's and not just those that mimic weapons from a specific conflict / period in time?
  5. Exactly, and in the context of this many players using HPA will have multiple site memberships as being a "member" is often a requirement to be able to use the sites own compressors or dive tanks for refills. I'm leaning more towards GiantKiwi's point of view here. UKARA just has I believe three points of data (potentially four), the players name / site / their UKARA number. If we follow the proposed... # A system that stores a profile/ portfolio of verifiable activity, such as pictures direct from registered sites, payment receipts, registered address etc. ... we're into the realm of substantial data on an individual that will uniquely identify them and can be used as a method of conducting fraud / targeted phishing etc. This leads onto knowledge of what the UK's Information Commissioners Office requires, nominated data controllers, associated legal liabilities etc. and this has overheads that will cost so need to be funded in some way. I just think that we're lucky that UKARA exists and all it costs is around a £25 cost to be a member of a site we play at anyhow (and the site gets a little more money so that it can turn a profit and still be available to us).
  6. @Colin Allen It's subtlety different from yours but I'm going to get one of these next pay day... https://www.ptssyndicate.com/product-page/pts-ep-series-enhanced-polymer-m4-grip-epg-for-aeg-erg-olive-drab ... as the base plate online looks like it may not foul up on the motors end bell, but we'll see (either way it's nicer than that on my DE M908A, as long as it doesn't put the motor at an unusual angle).
  7. @Wegalaxy I don't know if your forum name is a clue but if it is then you've already got a pistol that's better than a Vorsk EU17 / 18, with the magical AAP-01 being a further step better but costing way less. If I was you I'd be checking what type of mags your WE Galaxy takes, not sure if it's the gen 4 or 5 gas router, and buying a WE Glock that uses the same. However, the hop unit in the WE Glocks is a bit pants, nowhere near as good as that in the AAP-01, so to lift heavy BB's you'll want the Maple Leaf hop unit (which my son has in his WE EU17 using 0.32G BB's, and you can then go further with a Hadron Fang / H plate).
  8. The CYMA MP5K motor plate fits perfectly... https://i.imgur.com/7ScBKmn.jpg ... so that's me off to buy a GATE Titan v3 then and not tell my wife 😬
  9. It was tested outside of the pistol grip, so no gearbox to spin up at all. The battery was at 11.83v at the time, and 11.77v now, so should be enough. I need to try it tomorrow using a GATE Titan v2, with the same battery, and see what happens...
  10. Online people have been 50/50 with brushless motors and Falcon controllers, some perfectly fine and others nothing at all. Personally I've tried my best to talk to the manufacturers about many DE related things, I've reached out to "Fujian Qing An Precision Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd." and all the other variants of their name via loads of channels, and only a couple of times have they ever replied. Obviously the Falcon is built to a cheap spec / BoM, however there will be firmware present but God knows if later manufactured DE M900's have differences in the versions (for example the DE M904E went out of stock globally for a good four to six months at one point, and if one of the shortage was the Falcon there 's a chance they made a revision to it).
  11. @ak2m4 thanks, and there's no reason for a return, I know it will work fine in my MP5K when I buy a GATE Titan v3 to go with it 😃 Regarding batteries I use 11.1v Titan Li-Io's mostly, but tested this with a Nuprol 11.1v Li-Po.
  12. So, my motor's turned up nice and quickly, and onto a little afternoon light playing with it Hmmm, not sure what to say here, but so far I've not been able to actually use the motor so it's a bit of a mixed bag, but I'm happy that none of this is an issue with the motor itself which with more time I'll try in an alternative RIF. One important thing to say first, as it may benefit others, is the motor does not work with the Double Eagle Falcon controller. It spins for a split second and no more, tested outside of the RIF itself, but with a brushed motor you get a nice spin and then the Falcon giving two beeps as no movement of the sector gear is detected. I fitted a GATE Titan V2 to my son's G&G Firehawk so I may give it a go in there, or crack on and get a GATE Titan v3 fitted into my work in progress CYMA MP5K. Something that may affect more people though is motor plate fitment, in that the metal cover of the board / speed controller is quite high so my motor plate does not fit well (but would with cutting away some plastic from it). I'm not going to disassemble any other RIF's right now to compare motor plates, so YMMV. A few photo's... https://i.imgur.com/2sNwij1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/AgoaF53.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CXOy8QB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/QcgsHhm.jpg
  13. We need "bigclivedotcom" to give us a breakdown on that board 😃 (they've really pack in those surface mount resistors 😬 )
  14. Cool 😃 What are your plans for them / what will you be using them in? (I'm a bit over excited as this will be my first brushless motor in a RIF, I've used them before in RC cars)
  15. So trusty @ak2m4 has released a batch of their pre-production 34k (assuming on 11.1v) brushless motors, thankfully I had the cash available to buy one, and if you're quick there's one left at £73.50. God know what I'm going to do with it but with the money available I'm glad I've got one. I think to start with I'll enable the 20% speed reduction on it and put it in my DMR and see how I get on. Also I've got a work in progress CYMA MP5K, which I'll eventually be using with 7.4v batteries, so it could be a very good option to put in there once it's ready (I need to fit a GATE Titan v3 first). Anyone else here bought one?
  16. Come tomorrow I'll have not played for two months. Every time I'm free on a Sunday with money to burn the weather has been shit with it pissing it down, but of course when I have to be somewhere / have orders from my wife it's dry and sunny! I can't remember the start to 2023 being anywhere near as wet. Am I just a grumpy old man or is anyone else as pissed off?
  17. Most importantly did you buy it brand new from a known retailer, or used /second hand? If new from a retailer then you should not be dissembling it as you'll more than likely have voided your warranty. If used / second hand then did the seller state that it was all working before you bought it as you are covered by some trading laws in the UK even on used sales.
  18. Fatboy40


    On that subject the XT D pinion is a tight fit on the XT 22 TPA motor, you need to be The Hulk to get it on (or I'm a wimp / should be using a tool to do it (I had to use a c clamp to get the last one on).
  19. Fatboy40


    Friday 9th and no brushless motors 😭 That money's burning a hole in my pocket.
  20. Fatboy40


    I can't be the only one visiting your website daily seeing if the brushless motors have become available? It's like the desperation to get Glasto tickets 🤣
  21. Most of our days are spent outside, shooting to very mixed ranges, and my son's and my AEG are upgraded a fair bit so fine hopping heavy ammo and tuned to this weight. So, we get the advantage of a few meters more range (able to hit players further away who can't reach us / they feel the BB hitting them better) and are less affected by wind.
  22. When I was using 0.28g the ASG Cursed line were faultless, so this is up to summer 2023 before I and my son moved to 0.32g across the board for AEG's and pistols. Their price is great, they're easy to get hold off (I'd usually buy three of four bags at a time from Patrol Base along with other consumables), didn't get any in the bag that were damaged or any "dust" in the bottom of the bag. Personally I couldn't find anything better for the price.
  23. I like an easy life, so I'll be the boring one and say that I use Nuprol as it's a good one stop shop and predictable. Green equals around 60% of the year for me in a slightly tweaked AAP-01 and red when temps are around 10 degrees centigrade or less (I've made a personal decision to never use black). Shots are consistent and I know that my mags will remain pretty much gas tight, with shots of Abbey maintenance gas when I won't be using them for a while. I rarely need to disassemble my mags to oil up the o-rings, I've never needed to replace any o-rings, and as a side-arm I've not noticed the slight amount of silicon affect grouping / range on 0.32g.
  24. Won't be playing until mid-Feb, however just playing around with it... # It's perfectly clear. # The illuminated reticle is really good with clean edges. # The zoom is quite stiff to move, even with the throw lever (hopefully this will loosen with time) ... and as a one stop package, considering everything you get with it, I'm very happy (and it's passed the teenage son test, he wants one).
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