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Everything posted by Skullchewer

  1. Just went to chrono it and a fly buzzed through the chrono aperture 🤣 Hopping .2 on green gas. I believe the Umarex/VFC is fitted with an NPAS as standard in Europe, so I might break down this beauty and see if we can't tweak that fps a little. Then again I may just leave it for now and see how she performs out of the box. It's a joy to shoot in my barn range, with a very satisfying recoil. Itching to take it out on the field.
  2. At NAF? No way. 20 round mags against 3000 people not calling their hits? I'll be rocking something with a drum mag.
  3. Look out for a dickhead with dreadlocks.
  4. Just gave in and ordered the umarex HK G3 GBBR. My first gbbr. I did some research, talked to my gbbr friends, and then this thread gave me the final push. Should be here tomorrow.
  5. So, after proving it works by having an enemy squad walk past me so close I could have reached out and touched them, here's my completed ghillie loadout. The base layer is a Jack Pyke LLCS suit in British Oak. Goggles are some random mesh brand, viper if I recall, sprayed with krylon over masking tape. I then cut a piece of camo cloth mesh to shape and glued it to the frame of the goggles. The main cape is one of those mesh ones you see on all the airsoft sites, with the detachable hood. Got them both on fleabay for bugger all. I bought several packs of various leaves from Hidden Airsoft which I attached with brown cable ties. I added cheap plastic fern leaves and vines from amazon which I dusted over with krylon. For a little extra outline break up I cut up an old pair of British woodland camo trousers and tied on the strips, then did the same with an old camo poncho. The results definitely work. Not overly expensive, just a bit time consuming.
  6. That's just straight up not true.
  7. Red Alert's third Battlesim yesterday, with the story continuing from the previous two. This time the ETF forces from the previous years have been routed, with a small hold-out squad roaming the battlefield causing chaos, as the Vukodlak war machine rolled into Calladia. A great day was had. Blazing sunshine, which wasn't so great for me for the majority of the day, in full ghillie. But damn my home made ghillie set up WORKS! One of the regulars, Duncan, has a collection of military vehicles, including a weasel, an open topped tracked atv. In the morning, while @Smiling-Dutchman and @Honey badgerwere on guard in the fort I was on overwatch outside in the undergrowth. Duncan nearly ran me over. I had to scramble out of the way waving my hand to show him I was there. In the afternoon the ghillie got another test: At last years event one of the staff, Rozy, was an npc and had been wandering the site all day with a fishing rod, asking for fish. So this year I packed a tin of anchovies in my loadout, just in case. Vukodlak forces set up their F.O.B in the morning, and our C.O. tells me that I will score victory points if I can deliver the anchovies to Rozy. Who is sat in the pick up truck inside the Calladian F.O.B. The enemy spawn. Arse. Oh well, forget that idea... After Charlie Squad (our squad) were instrumental in delivering supplies to the refugee camp, I decided to push out solo and go Calladian hunting. I informed my squad over comms, and struck out into the undergrowth. After a few minutes out occurred to me that if I kept pushing up that hill ahead of me I would be getting close to the Calladian HQ. Sod it, I'm going to try. I went into full stealth mode, watching every step, looking out for twigs and branches, trying to be as quiet as possible. Voices? Ahead of me... A Calladian squad coming down the hill, through the woods from their spawn. I quickly turned, vaulted over a fallen tree by some bushes and rolled under, my rifle under me cloak wrapped around, MK23 clutched in my sweaty mitt. I saw them stop and start whispering. They'd seen movement. I waited. They moved forwards. I could see them clearly. Definitely Calladian, at least 4 of them. I had an easy shot on one but that would lead to me getting hit and blowing the mission. My close encounter with the weasel (ooer) had convinced me my cloak works, so trust it! I just lay still, and after a couple of minutes of no further movement the Calladians decided that there was nobody there and continued forward... all of them passing right by me! One of them I could have reached out and touched. Daaaaamn! I waited as I heard them trudge off down the hill, then when I was sure they were gone I continued towards their base, moving even more carefully now, crawling through the undergrowth, and like the idiot I am not noticing the patch of nettles until I was crawling through it. I managed to sneak right up to the Calladian HQ without being spotted. Unfortunately there were quite a few troops their prepping to respawn. So I stood up and strolled into their base, enjoying the confusion on their faces as I held my gun aloft and shouted repeatedly "Nobody's shot me yet, nobody's shot me yet" I stopped short and tossed the tin of anchovies at their feet, causing them all to scatter as if it were a grenade 😆 The Calladian CO picked the tin up and handed it to Rozy. Mission complete! At that point a kid leveled his pistol at me and shot me in the chest as I stood there grinning my head off. We all had a good laugh about it then I went off on the trek back to base, reporting my success over comms to my squad leader. When I got back to HQ I was met by a round of applause from all the Vukodlak soldiers present. Slow, tiring and painful but omg that was worth it! And the day ended in the third win in a row for Vukodlak! Hats off to all of Charlie Squad, which was all Outcast members and @Smiling-Dutchman who made a great addition to our yearly squad. Red Alert Battlesims are always awesome. This one I will take away some great memories. The next battlesim will be next year, the next battlesim lite is July 23rd, with no kit restrictions or camo requirements.
  8. I used to know a joke about Midas and Oedipus meeting up but I forgot it. Shame. It was mother fucking gold.
  9. There may be some small items you can pick up which can be cashed in for team points. The most common is small laminated intel cards that are found on enemy combatants captured alive. However there may be other things, such as contraband. A satchel or similar could be useful. I know others have captured stuff to trade before, I haven't. Also you'll want something to carry your ammo to the FOB in
  10. Yup, bloody good day! For the record @Smiling-Dutchmanis a good player! Takes his hits and plays intelligently, but with a good sense of fun. The last game was stick in the mud. They often do silly little short games like that at the end of the day, that's a good one. The one time we tried it on full auto... ouch. Thanks again for shooting me in the nipple ring 🤣 Had a personal best yesterday. In one game mode I set up in a good sniping spot with my DMR, got 6 definite kills and a few "Did I get that guy or did someome else?", with 0 deaths throughout the game, while holding an objective point. I'm sure others here have done better, but I've not managed a K/D ratio that clean before.
  11. Oh yeah, Rolling Fort is great. Fort is always a fun one to attack and defend.
  12. Anyone said Bolster Armouries yet? Not even kidding, guy at our site got one, played it for a few weeks, gave it to the site tech to upgrade. I'm not even surprised. Airsoft for rich idiots.
  13. Also: I don't need to do a write up for my day, as @Jaylordofwaarghdid it for me🤣 All I would add is that they change the game modes up all the time. No two skirmish days are the same. There's a couple of game modes I'm not overly keen on, but they don't detract from the rest of the day.
  14. Glad you had a good day! That particular safe zone hut is always reserved for the Paintball kids parties, when there are any, unfortunately. The next full battlesim is in a couple of weeks and they're always a blast! Was good to meet, hopefully next time we'll be on the same team.
  15. Hwasan Mad Max shotty and 15 gas shells. £80 Yeah, don't mind if I do. And the 4 shells I've tested are still gas tight.
  16. Hey, I want to introduce you to a personal friend of mine... Peak nerd.
  17. This month sees Red Alert's third annual Battlesim. Over the past two years (sims) the ETF forces have been driven back by Vukodlak forces as they advance across Europe. Now the ETF are all but destroyed, remnants routed and fleeing the path of the seemingly unstoppable Vukodlak war machine as it presses into Caladia. The sim, as with most sims, has kit restrictions but this is mainly to what camo is allowed for each. If you want to play on the eastern European Vukodlak side, for example, you don't need an AK, just camo that matches the restrictions (See the link below). There are ammo restrictions, based on your role (Rifleman, heavy gunner, smiper etc). This year there is no medic role, but medic rule is still in effect. Red Alert battlesims are always excellent fun, with the marshalls also acting as NPCs, and a very fun atmosphere throughout the day. Great for battlesim veterans and thosse new to the experience. Join us! Full details here: https://redalertpaintball.co.uk/battlesim/
  18. Did some more work on my swamp thing loadout for an upcoming battlesim.
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