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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. If the main website isn't working it might help to contact his local police station directly as you have his address. When you do report him don't let him know so he doesn't go quiet or disappear, the more bullshit he gives you the more evidence you'll have to pass on to the relivant authorities. 


    Also, as tempting as it may be, try not to make any threats (either directly or indirectly) as it may harm your case

  2. *in a David Attenborough voice*


    Here we see the species known as the thotsofter. They can be distinguished from the regular airsofter by the excessive make up, perfectly styled hair and lack of dirt on her from never actually leaving the comforts of the safezone where they feed on the thirst of the younglings who are yet to discover pornhub. Once she's sufficiently fed she then retreats to home to post pictures on social media to gain more attention"

  3. I'm no legal expert, but from reading this I think their insurance (or lack of) would be the last of their worries if they're offering paramilitary training




    "Prohibition of quasimilitary organisations.

    (1)If the members or adherents of any association of persons, whether incorporated or not, are—

    (a)organised or trained or equipped for the purpose of enabling them to be employed in usurping the functions of the police or of the armed forces of the Crown; or

    (b)organised and trained or organised and equipped either for the purpose of enabling them to be employed for the use or display of physical force in promoting any political object, or in such manner as to arouse reasonable apprehension that they are organised and either trained or equipped for that purpose;then any person who takes part in the control or management of the association, or in so organising or training as aforesaid any members or adherents thereof, shall be guilty of an offence under this section"

  4. 5 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    I have seen autistic players turn up unacknowledged too.   They WILL freak out at close grenades. 

    Sorry but I'm going to have to pull you up on that, as a parent of a kid with ASD and having quite a few personality traits of someone on the autistic spectrum. Not every person with ASD will shit themselves and have a meltdown from pyros. What's more likely to cause problems are non hit takers or background noise (eg players talking or a generator running) during a safety briefing due to not being able to filter out background noise. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


    A gentle reminder of the playbook for when you get a call / message from someone claiming to be a reporter from the Daily Drama, demanding that you explain why you refuse to disavow the Russian-Nazi-Nonce-Lizards infesting your hobby.


    1) Put the phone down / delete the message, and block.  Give them nothing, not one single word.

    2) Repeat as necessary for up to 7 days.

    3) The story is over.

    I prefer something like this firefighter's reply to the scum asking if they can use his twitter post after the Grenfell tower fire


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