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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Well that's 99% of people here off the list
  2. You think that's bad, have a look at this from the same seller. I wouldn't pay 45p for these, let alone £45 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374305964657?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110002%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20171010182220%26meid%3Dc4f53f41c788471f91cf64929fc860a5%26pid%3D100891%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D374300703685%26itm%3D374305964657%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSellersOtherItemsV2&_trksid=p2332490.c100891.m5207
  3. Welcome to the asylum As others have posted, a bit of rain isn't a barrier stopping games in winter, infact I enjoy playing in bad weather. Just make sure you pack waterproofs and/or a change of clothes for the journey home
  4. I'm kind of torn on this. While part of me thinks wtf have they done to that poor thing, there's also a part which can't help laughing at how outraged (some of) the purists get
  5. What muppet was that? I'd like to avoid going to anyone who calls themselves a tech but doesn't even chrono their work. Unfortunately I can't really help with alternatives as you're quite a way away from me
  6. You could also try messaging them on Facebook or Instagram
  7. Oh I appreciate the effort that goes into getting a decent looking weathered effect and how easy it is to mess up. Thats why I took the easier route with my AK and just didn't bother cleaning it
  8. Could be hard to find a holster that'll fit a pistol with a bong attached
  9. I'm liking the rusted look of the second one, it really does look like it's been left in a muddy ditch for a year
  10. It's a shame tart cards are relegated to history, I was going to make a few with the numbers for scam texts I receive
  11. I'd be moving the lowest glow stick as light attracts bbs and a shot there could be painfull😁
  12. I'd recommend getting your site membership (please don't call it a licence, airsoft licences don't exist and those who say otherwise don't know what they're on about) sorted first. This way you won't be stuck buying a nasty looking 2 tone which sticks out like a bulldog's bollocks. Isn't there a minimum post count to access the classifieds? @Steff post a few more times (preferably without spamming threads) and you shouls be able to see them
  13. This. After 15 years youd think people would know that. An airsoft licence is as real as unicorn shit or a MP's election promises coming true
  14. Welcome. I see the addiction to buying new guns and gear has well and truly set in but don't worry this is completely normal, I'm sure most airsofters have enough spare kit to equip a small army. Personally I find I get to the point where I think I've got everything set up just how I want it, only for a new shiny bit of kit to be released and the whole process starts all over again
  15. £19 less than new but with a cheap chinese red dot and torch thrown in Edit: a quick google search shows these can be picked up for £130
  16. This, I had that same scenario last game. I spoke to the guy on the receiving end who said he thought it hadn't gone off, only to get a surprise a second or so later Not at all, in fact I'd be more concerned if you didn't I used coloured tape to id my bfg but then went with doodling on them with some paint pens but unfortunately it chips off easily
  17. Another vote for a bfg here, but I would say that as I'll take any excuse to use pyros. Do you play cqb or woodland? The impact detonated bangs can be unreliable on softer ground so a timed one may be a better option
  18. The only "proper" cqb site I can think of is Red 1 in King's Langley. Alternatively there's Apocalypse near Royston, while it's a woodland site the gamezone is quite small with relatively short engagement ranges
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