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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Have I missed something or is he really wanting £30 for a plastic box?
  2. https://preppersshop.co.uk/wellco-peruana-us-military-combat-jungle-boots---brand-new-68308-p.asp?_=&variantid=68642&gclid=CjwKCAjwvJyjBhApEiwAWz2nLcpxWDh3VUopBiT6f2VkL1Z4lsq3A-bxCLUAnVfaAKRN6AGNr5QahBoC8EUQAvD_BwE Just don't you lot go buying them all before I get paid at the end of the week
  3. Fair enough. Maybe there should be such a thing as an airsoft licence, but that would involve getting the civil service to actually do something
  4. True, but for many the realistic look of the guns is part of the appeal of airsoft over other similar games True but I can only go on the information available. However from what limited exposure I've had to reenactors they tend to take it far more seriously than even the most stitch counting airsofters. Also I thought reenactors also have to be part of an official group to be able to buy rifs Couldn't agree more.
  5. I was thinking worst case senario hence the word potential. While you're right in that it's the reenactment defence which is being abused, its airsofters who are abusing it. Also, unlike reenactment, airsoft is only mentioned in the accompanying notes not the act itself so it would be easier to remove our defence. What really gets me about the whole justcos bullshit though is that IIRC airsoftworld made a big song and dance about how they were a big part of the discussions with the HO before the act came in and now seem to be trying to get around it at every opportunity possible. Unfortunately though I get the feeling it'll only disappear if someone ends up in court and loose which would probably have other negative consequences for the game
  6. One problem I've noticed with plate carriers is that they can lead to people not feeling hits and then accusations of cheating. Something like an assault vest or chest rig will help prevent this. Another possible issue is weight. Plate carriers tend to be heavier than other types of load carrying kit (even without plates) so might not be suitable for a 10 year old
  7. While ukara certainly has its flaws imo its the best of a bad bunch. Some of the other so called defences are quite frankly taking the piss as you can sign up for them without ever playing or intending to. This has the potential for us to loose our defence (which was given on the idea we would be self policing) as all that would be needed is for a MP who is wanting to make a name for themselves or need a distraction to latch onto how a bunch of gun nut potential serial killers (because that's exactly how airsofters will be portrayed) are circumventing the law and bang goes our defence
  8. This meme is useful for many things, whether it's bb weights, gas pressure or the Geneva convention
  9. I'd put one on one the porch roof for next time the jehovah's witnesses come knocking
  10. I've seen them go for anywhere between £50 and £100 with most places around £85
  11. While it can appear costly, the amount it costs for the essentials needed to start out don't have to be astronomical. Apart from a gun the only things that are really essential are eye/face protection and a pair of boots with good ankle support, everything else is just a bonus
  12. That's definitely an option. A roll of camo tape is a cheap and effective method of hiding the bright colours. I'd go for something like this as the tape sticks to itself not the gun leaving no sticky gunk when/if removed https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grapelet-Stealth-Camo-Woodland-Rifle/dp/B071F2JFSZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?keywords=camouflage+tape&qid=1685622095&sr=8-10-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1 This. My go to gun is a MP5K which cost me about £140, has no upgrages and has no trouble keeping up with guns which cost 3-4 times as much
  13. Along with a large dose of being a narcissistic racist cunt. There's a reason why he's banned from over 25 sites across the county and has to drive from Essex to the Midlands to play
  14. I don't think I've seen a site go as low as 10 for regular game days, but Ambush Airsoft near Cobham have a minimum age of 11 so that's an option if his birthday is coming up. https://www.ambushairsoft.co.uk/ I second the bit about renting at first. Apart from the reasons already given he might find a particular model gun doesn't suit him, for example shorter smgs and carbines suit my style of play more so something like a G3 isn't for me no matter how much I like the look of them.
  15. No. You've just seen through the veil of bullshit for what he really is. If it wasn't for websites like ladbible picking up his content he'd just be another nameless twat with a camera
  16. Well they hit something, whether or not it was the kid they hit is a different matter
  17. So the first 20 shots missed and he was about 5 yards away
  18. That's what I thought. Sites are free to have whatever rules they like for membership, but to blame it on ukara if that isn't the case just seems a bit shitty to me I know ukara is simply a database of site memberships. What I'm getting at is that it's not unreasonable for a player to not be able to play for a few months but to then return to the site. Should said player have to go through the 3 games registration again. Obviously if a player got their site membership only to never be seen again the of course it shouldn't be renewed. This to me just stinks of a policy being in place to make more money and being blamed on ukara
  19. Spotted a site making this claim on faceache. Any truth to it or are they talking out of their arse? It's the first time I've heard that
  20. Yes. When I first got mine I had accusations of using a hot gun as I was keeping up with high powdered sniper rifles thanks to the hop unit
  21. My girlfriend is always finding things to complain about. Yesterday she said when peeing at night I should aim for the side of the bowl to keep the noise down Today she's saying her cornflakes taste funny
  22. If you do start getting issues with fogging give this stuff a try. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ek-123625-Cat-Crap-Anti-Fog/dp/B002ZNA488/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_1/258-1609256-6450823?pd_rd_w=MEBac&content-id=amzn1.sym.be8bfb0b-71c2-49e5-8313-71fb505e1622&pf_rd_p=be8bfb0b-71c2-49e5-8313-71fb505e1622&pf_rd_r=SNW0WXBH7004NQZGXJSB&pd_rd_wg=WBzdh&pd_rd_r=069d3fe7-f415-4d79-ab51-902c98f336db&pd_rd_i=B002ZNA488&psc=1
  23. This here is why I shouldn't be given mod duties. I would've yeeted him ages ago for being a serial cockwomble
  24. Definitely deserves a spot here. I'd like to know where he got the £330 from, a quick google search has them listed between £200 and £260 from UK shops
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