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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. RIS rails on a L85. I get the practical reasons for them, but my god they're gopping
  2. Wow. If marshalls are ignoring cheating and letting the game go to ratshit, rather than do their job I doubt I'd be wanting to go back
  3. I can see it now. Player: "Marshall, he's not taking his hits" Marshall: "who?" Player: "the 8 foot tall guy with 3 heads, blue skin and green hair"
  4. Fortunately it's a small minority of folk who think a team name, rank and callsign that look like they're from a bargain basement CoD, makes them the SF of airsoft. Usually they stop when they finish going through puberty
  5. I'm just going on the amount given on xe.com. Either way, £255 would still be good (assuming the internals aren't made of dairylea)
  6. That looks nice and at £215 it could give the TM a run for its money
  7. Apparently it's "a head turner" Yeah, people turn their heads away to laugh or vomit
  8. Just picked up a few bits and bobs including dummy plates. I've only been using a p/c for about 10 years so it's about time. I've also ordered a patch for a very old PMC 😁
  9. Or he's still waiting for his solicitor to stop laughing
  10. Apologies for the late reply. These are the ones
  11. No offence taken. It does always make me laugh how anal some people get about it though Pics or it didn't happen 😁
  12. To me it just looks like another AR15, but it's not my opinion that counts. If you like it then go for it and fuck what others think
  13. What ever happened to creating decent content to get subscribers? Mystery box. A fancy way for shops to dress up shit they can't sell
  14. Exactly. If you enjoy putting together a perfect impression then good for you, and I respect anyone for putting in the time and effort. However the moment anyone starts ripping into someone else for their choices then that respect is gone. Fortunately these sort of people are the minority out on the field
  15. This is a perfect description of the Red Alliance forum and is what put me off impression load outs, along with all the yes comrade bullshit (usually from folk who were just a twinkle in the milkman's eye when the USSR collapsed)
  16. That or the builders were wearing stetsons and spurs
  17. Not a sale, but posted on faceache by a site (which I'm not going to name). The nearest houses are just over 200ft away so I'd like to know what size pyros they're using
  18. Walking, wild camping, urban exploration and photography, particularly of classic warbirds
  19. Also half term has started. I'm not saying all kids are dumber than a box of rocks, but the number of idiot posts always goes up in the school holidays
  20. Have S10 face wellys gone up or is someone feeling optimistic? The respirator bag, gloves (both pairs) and replacement lenses should be about £10 each
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