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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. It was my first time at camouflage Airsoft Bournemouth and I kept seeing these large white mouldy looking balls and asked a regular player who told me they were the bio bbs. 🤔
  2. There is a site I use that only allow bio and from what I have seen the bbs swell up to about 10mm and become crumbly.
  3. The scene is a funeral wake. Several people have given moving tributes to the deceased, and now the grieving widow asks if anybody else would like to add anything. A man stands up. ‘May I say a word?’ he asks. ‘Of course,’ says the widow. ‘Plethora,’ says the man. ‘Thank You: that means a lot,’ replies the widow.
  4. Wow it is big. Deffo need a sight protector for that 😂
  5. On my M4 I have the ngal on top and and have taken the open sights off. I have a T1 sight on a unity clone riser.the ngal has a good torch so no need for another. Regards
  6. There was a fierce battle between the Cowboys and Indians. The Indians captured one of the Cowboys and took him to their village. The Indian Chief greeted the Cowboy and told him, “You must die in three days, but you get one wish per day. What is your first wish?” The Cowboy said, “Can you bring my horse?” The Indians brought the Cowboy’s horse, and the Cowboy whispered into the horse’s ear. The horse ran off to town and came back with a beautiful blonde. The Cowboy took the blonde in a teepee and made love to her. On the second day, the Chief told the Cowboy he must die in two days and asked what his second wish was. The Cowboy asked if they could bring his horse again. The Cowboy whispered in the horse’s ear again; the horse ran off to town and returned with a voluptuous redhead. The Cowboy took the redhead in a teepee and made love to her. On the third day, the Chief told the Cowboy you must die today and asked him what his third wish was. The Cowboy requested his horse again. The Chief whispered under his breath, “Crazy White Man.” The Cowboy grabbed the horse by his ears, looked straight into the horse’s eyes, and said, “Read my fucking lips; I said bring Posse!”
  7. Or,as has happened to me,its when you stray blindly into the opfors(enemy)base and get lit up and have to retreat red faced and muttering "wankers"😂😂 But the above answers are the correct definition 👍
  8. Talking about alternative medicine.Im wondering if accupuncture is any good for pins and needles.🤔
  9. Hi bud and welcome back.👍 It's a shame that your pa and bro have tapered off.Its great to make it a family thing. Yeah a lot has changed but the principal is the same. Throw plastic balls at people and run! 🙂 Enjoy your return and good luck with finding some more battle buddies 😉 Regards
  10. A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his: Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out. "Business trip or pleasure?" She turned, smiled and said. "Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston." He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs! Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked. “What’s your Business at this convention?" “Lecturer." She responded. "I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality." “Really?” He said. “And what kind of myths are there?” “Well.” She explained. “One popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck." Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed.. "I’m Sorry." She said, “I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t even know your name." "Tonto." The man said. "Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba." ..........
  11. Very fetching I must admit. A light sabre would have complimented the ensemble 👍
  12. Haha good one. 😂 Has he got his hands in snow muffs. 😉 Only joshing Nancy.sorry I mean Dan xx 😉
  13. Hi bud and nice to have you on the forum👍 New players would have been a good place to start lol. Are you new to Airsoft? Where abouts are you based? I'm guessing not the UK. Feel free to browse but remember...any breakages must be paid for 😉 Regards
  14. I thought that they were a limited production run. I've been guarding mine thinking its worth a fortune 😂🤔
  15. No that's ok thanks. Just interested. I have trouble printing my name 😂 Regards
  16. That's like our cheese grater. Nice job though👍 How do you get the metallic looking finish? Regards
  17. Well the dodgy bearings on our washing machine turned out to be a dozen .28's. If I had used bios she would have been non the wiser😂
  18. Hi bud and welcome to the pleasure dome👍 Crikey you have gone in a bit gung ho with the folding lol.Hope you are gonna take to it😂 Have a look on 'play airsoft.com' You should find most sites near you. Good luck,enjoy and call your hits!🙂 Regards
  19. We certainly are. And my boat is sinking fast! 😂😂
  20. BEWARE!!!! I caught a couple of guys stealing my gate last night. I didn't say anything to them in case they took a fence.
  21. PADDY'S LAST WILL - Paddy was on his deathbed and knew the end was near. His nurse, his wife, his daughter and 2 sons are with him at his home in Belfast. He asks for 2 independent witnesses to be present and a camcorder be in place to record his last wishes. When all is ready he begins to speak: "My son Seamus, I want you to take the houses in Cultra." "My daughter Geraldine, you take the apartments over in Malone Road." "My son Patrick Junior, I want you to take the offices in the City centre." "Bridget, my dear wife, please take all the residential properties on the Upper Lisburn Road ." The nurse and witnesses are blown away. They did not realize the extent of Paddy's wealth. As he slips away, the nurse says to his wife, " Mrs O'Shaughnessy, my deepest condolences. Your husband must have been such a hard-working and wonderful man to have accumulated all this property".. "Property?”, his wife replies. “The bastard had a window cleaning round.
  22. Lincoln green make great camo though 😉
  23. So if someone with a binary trigger 'spams' said trigger it's gonna be like full auto? Surely the marshals or other players will notice that and sound off. My arthritic digits can just about manage one pull before they need a rest. Since I have been dmr'ing I've not used f/a and I'm loving it 😉 Regards
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