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Status Replies posted by Shamal

  1. Fireball tomorrow, can’t wait for a day of shooting 

  2. Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time.  Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hatch and currently in hospital.

    So please forgive if it takes a while to respond to messages.

    Of course engraving service isn't possible at the moment.




    1. Shamal


      And they have put up the fee to climb it. It's now £12000. 😯

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  3. Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time.  Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hatch and currently in hospital.

    So please forgive if it takes a while to respond to messages.

    Of course engraving service isn't possible at the moment.




    1. Shamal


      Keep ya pecker up fella.

      You will be right as ninepence and back at it before too long I'm sure.

      Pma helps a lot. 👍




      Ps keep us informed 🙂

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. Game on Saturday, Sod’s Law the missus as put my charger away and now it’s disappeared into the ether 😂

    1. Shamal


      What was she even thinking touching your gear?


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time.  Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hatch and currently in hospital.

    So please forgive if it takes a while to respond to messages.

    Of course engraving service isn't possible at the moment.




    1. Shamal


      Sorry to hear all that.

      But you have a good reason to get better. You are going to take me to your local site so think on,you can't back* out now.lol


      *No pun intended.




    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time.  Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hatch and currently in hospital.

    So please forgive if it takes a while to respond to messages.

    Of course engraving service isn't possible at the moment.




    1. Shamal



      Nasty mate. Get well soon. 🤞



      Some people will do anything to get out of doing the washing up😉



    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  7. Don't you just hate it when a buyer just goes radio silent on you 😒

    1. Shamal


      Perhaps they are heavy sleepers.

      But I know what you mean.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. The deed and is done.

    I've paid my £130 for the national Airsoft festival.

    The other three of our small fire team have bailed so I'm on my own☹️but I don't care🙂

    So if you see a lonely old fella wandering about stop and say hello 😂

    1. Shamal



      I take it you are refering to the game price.

      I think it's good for a a three day bash. Entertainment,good food and beer and as much used Airsoft gear that it will make your head spin. And then there are multiple chances to win new gear.

      And now they have put on hot showers. Lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Took down my first V2 today, swapped over the knackered compression parts from my UTR's jam and even tried my hand at reshimming - and it works! Made up, honestly - thought it'd be a disaster but I'm absolutely buzzing - chronoing tomorrow to see how much it's jumped up!

  10. The deed and is done.

    I've paid my £130 for the national Airsoft festival.

    The other three of our small fire team have bailed so I'm on my own☹️but I don't care🙂

    So if you see a lonely old fella wandering about stop and say hello 😂

    1. Shamal


      That's a shame but understandable. It's only an hour or so for me. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. The deed and is done.

    I've paid my £130 for the national Airsoft festival.

    The other three of our small fire team have bailed so I'm on my own☹️but I don't care🙂

    So if you see a lonely old fella wandering about stop and say hello 😂

    1. Shamal


      Are you going this year? Or is it too many miles for too few smiles. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Bought a RIF on Sunday, to my knowledge hasn’t been posted out and no communication since Tuesday - How long do people normally wait before panicking? 😂

    1. Shamal


      That's good news.👍

      This status update put the wind up him then 😂



    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  13. Bought a RIF on Sunday, to my knowledge hasn’t been posted out and no communication since Tuesday - How long do people normally wait before panicking? 😂

    1. Shamal


      If it doesn't turn up tomorrow then I would get jittery.

      Unless the seller has told you there will be a delay it shouldn't take more than a week.

      Good Comms is necessary to let you know what is happening but that seems to have stopped☹️

      If someone is selling an item then it really should be packed and ready to go the next day(excluding Sunday)after the buyer has paid.

      I would hope you get it tomorrow🤞


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. What are you all using as bb catchers for indoors? My cardboard filled box has some large holes and is due replacment.

    1. Shamal


      The wife.

      She is useless though,she hasn't caught a single one yet!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Painting a boonie with different acrylic washes, great way to spend an evening.

    1. Shamal


      Whatever floats ya boonie I guess 😉

  16. Who's stupid idea was it to try to put my gearbox back together when getting up after being on nights, and being so cack handed that the anti reversal latch spring has flown off and disappeared off into the ether? Oh yeah, that'll be me!!!!!!!

    1. Shamal


      Funnily enough I had to go cap in hand to my local gun shop last week and begged an anti reversal latch spring which he had a few of in a box with other springs.He didn't charge me for it but I did spend £40 while I was there.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Packed, Chronoed and ready. But what will I forget haha 😝 

  18. Retiring from airsoft due to age and shot knees

    1. Shamal


      Only you know how you feel bud but Airsoft will still be in you. Keep hold of some gear even if it's just to have a play at home when no one is in. I do lol.

      I'm getting on a bit now but I've decided that if I can no longer tote the gear and myself up to heartbreak ridge at nae then I shall become an Airsoft groupie and just go along to watch and make a nuisance of myself 😂



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. This from my seven year old grandson


    How do you make two coins add up to 15 pence? Oh and one of them can't be a 5 pence.


    Answers below.....

    1. Shamal


      Haha well back when I were a kid if you were lucky you got a silver sixpence in your bit of Christmas pud. 

      If you were unlucky though you got a broken tooth 😂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. This from my seven year old grandson


    How do you make two coins add up to 15 pence? Oh and one of them can't be a 5 pence.


    Answers below.....

  21. This from my seven year old grandson


    How do you make two coins add up to 15 pence? Oh and one of them can't be a 5 pence.


    Answers below.....

    1. Shamal


      Correct smart arse lol.


      There was steam coming out of my ears and my head started hurting before he gave me the answer. Little git 😂😂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Anyone got any links to cheap torches with remote switch?

    1. Shamal


      They have a well used classified section here. 😉

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. Pissed off big time!

    Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and cleaning barrels ready for Saturday's game at z mart Newbury.

    Damnit very nearly had it all ready by front door!


    Just got email from ukapu that z mart,for reasons unknown as yet,are unable to cater for us.☹️


    I was really looking forward to going.


    I'm so pissed off that I'm considering going out and buying a cat so I can kick it!


    1. Shamal


      No need to apologise mate but thanks.

      I guess a lot of people were disappointed not just me.

      I've had me tantrum and Mrs Shamal sent me to bed early last night 😂

      I feel sorry for David having to send out the emails☹️



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Pissed off big time!

    Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and cleaning barrels ready for Saturday's game at z mart Newbury.

    Damnit very nearly had it all ready by front door!


    Just got email from ukapu that z mart,for reasons unknown as yet,are unable to cater for us.☹️


    I was really looking forward to going.


    I'm so pissed off that I'm considering going out and buying a cat so I can kick it!


    1. Shamal


      Hi @Blackadder

      Thanks for the info.👍

      I think I will see if ucap are running a Sunday game down the bunkers. All my mags have tracers in now lol.

      Thanks bud🙂


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  25. Pissed off big time!

    Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and cleaning barrels ready for Saturday's game at z mart Newbury.

    Damnit very nearly had it all ready by front door!


    Just got email from ukapu that z mart,for reasons unknown as yet,are unable to cater for us.☹️


    I was really looking forward to going.


    I'm so pissed off that I'm considering going out and buying a cat so I can kick it!


    1. Shamal


      Well just heard that z mart don't think it's commercially viable to run a game day with the numbers involved but apparently they were informed regarding the expectation of number of attendees.

      But to cancel at this stage left ukapu with no chance to organise another venue.

      I would have been happy to have paid another tenner.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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