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Shamal last won the day on July 11 2024

Shamal had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    G and G 30th anniversary g26.ares amoeba 013.we smg8 mp7 gbb. Sig p226. M9 and mk 23 tm.Specna arms
  • Loadouts
    Black swat loadout. Viper multicam.south African vests. Mostly viper gear cause it's great gear
  • Sites
    Green ops liphook.portsdown hill tunnels(ucap)
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Drones,drink,driving and (hic) duns..sorry guns!
    Airsoft obs.
    Mainly reading in garden about airsoft with a gun in one hand and drinky poos in other lol.

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  1. Well I really can't work women out.

    Mrs Shamal is on a ten day cruise of the med.

    So I hatched a plot to send her a video of her two most loved furry friends. Nonky the tiger and cheeser the mouse. She is so protective about them that it's unreal.

    With the help of @EDcasea video was produced that showed them both hanging from my drone at the local cricket club although they have never left the house.( Excellent production from Ed.) 

    I sent her the video today thinking that she would go ballistic( imagine a five foot stick of tnt in the heat of a Turkish bazaar)

    Her reaction? "Ahh Sweet"🤔


    I asked her how many cocktails she had had. No reply.

    I may be on some sort of hit list for when she returns.

    If you don't hear from me then you know the reason why!😂




    1. Skara


      This may be a severe case of "fuck about and find out" coming to you mate, it was a pleasure knowing you :P

    2. Adolf Hamster
    3. L3wisD


      My wife once said that Sex on holiday was always better.

      ... it was possibly the worst postcard I've ever received.

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