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Everything posted by concretesnail

  1. Like you I need a setup that I can change rif and keep playing. I use a warrior rpc and have different placards for each rif setup. I have ak open top pouches on currently but in the case with my mp9 is full placard setup for it. Two clips and rip, new pouches go on. If you don't want a plate carrier then ops do the minimo chest rig. It take placards and having used the ops before I've found the quality to be good.
  2. @evilmonkee ill certainly look that up. Had a good time at the kingdom, a good site and the Marshall team did a good job and the selection of objectives and they way they were fed into the day was enjoyable.
  3. I've just tried my racal frontier under a dye i4 and the fit was fine. Radio comes through the left ear, and microphone os built into the right ear. I have it running through a ptt into a baofeng 5ur radio. If you really want over ear then I'd look to remove the ear Pro from the mask and go from there, but look to get some gel cups as they conform better to a misshapen set of surfaces (in use peltors for work with assorted pieces of ppe)
  4. Tobiasc95, first thing to check is the magazines. Check that the indent that holds the mag release catch is clean and undamaged. If they are then the issue is likely in the magwell. If you undo the screw on the larger paddle side of the mag release you should be able to remove all of the parts and inspect them. If the magazines are okay, then you should be able to gently bend the mag release bar to move the hook part of the unit more into the mag well. Pictures will help greatly if following the above doesn't make sense or doesn't work. For future reference if a magazine gets jammed in the mag well undoing the screw on the large mag release paddle allows the entire catch system to be pushed through and off the well completely. If you need any other info I've done quite a bit to my g&g 308 so stand a good chance of being able to answer questions.
  5. First time with op-tac at the kingdom on Saturday, for a 12hr battle sim event. Initial briefing covered all the health and safe stuff and broad rules for the day such as; medics, surrender, capture, etc. With a closed game brief with objectives and timings held for each team in their own fob just before game on. Games went well, some nice variety in objectives to play throughout the day, as well as time and vip exclusive tasks. Structured brake / cease fire allowing for provided food if ordered and wanted by the players, being the only stoppage of play throughout the day. The site is a good mix of natural environment and built structures spread over large area with plenty of elevation changes. Facilities wise some of the best I've seen on airsoft events; wooden cabins, solid fixture toilet and shower block which was clean and fresh. With some good footwear and play you will have a cracking day there. I'll be going back without a doubt.

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Anyone got one spare, lost mine yesterday, and no chance of finding it in the dark.



    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Im after some 7.62/ak bungee topped pouches, two or three would be great, they can be doubles or singles in Atacs au camo.


  8. Those b6 chargers are a liability. There's so many clones and poor qc. One of our quad group stripped one and pictures of the internals were shocking.
  9. I use skyrc and idst chargers. If you want a easy to use charger the skyrc units are solid. Idst adds a lot more functionality but as the cost of setup needs. As to where to purchase, I use hobbyrc.co.uk for lots of my quad parts and service has always been great. Tutorial wise. Look up Joshua Bardwell on YouTube. A lot of the quad flying folks use his guides and he has a few on batteries and chargers.
  10. Filmsim would be a better description i think.
  11. Welcome fella. There quite a few places for you to play if your able to drive out from Tamworth, playairsoft.uk is a useful map to start with.
  12. I've done a few of this type of event, although not with op-tac. I prefer the longer engagements and more complex objectives. I've also found that they draw more experienced and honest players, less youtube fodder and better team/strategic play. I'm not one for uniforms and all that either, so i play in good, comfortable gear and clothing which features shades of gray, khaki and olive at best and couldn't meet a lot of milsim dress codes.
  13. Assuming you mean justbtheough the optic, not the magnifier at the same time. The lenses I've had from red dot engineering have all been very clear. Make sure you've taken the film off both sides of the lense. If you mean through the magnifier as well then there might be some blurring of the reticle as it's close the magnifier assuming the magnifier is focus for a particular depth of field, though I'd hope it has a focal adjuster built in to it.
  14. Hahaha, hopefully there will be less rubber, 12hrs it's going to chafe. For some reason it's what they have been calling it, but it's like a milsim with less stitch counting and less kit restrictions.
  15. I'm trying to find out the pin out for the racal frontier units. I want to swap the racal connection to a nexus type plug. I don't mind the cut and solder route but a little help regards a wiring diagram or colour code would be nice if anyone has any idea. Or a test method to work it out?
  16. Afternoon all. There's a 12hr battle sim event with op-tac this weekend and Im going as a solo for the cartel faction, as the others I generally play with can't attend. Just wondered if anyone else is heading there to play?
  17. If the motor is caged and everything runs fine outside of the receiver then I'd be looking for something in the receiver or grip that could be pushing on or twisting the motor inside the cage. Or pushing on the gearbox casing in the areas of the gear axles. If its possible, fit the the gearbox into the receiver and run it withot the pistol grip on. If it runs fine and then fails when the grip is fitted you know where to start looking.
  18. Is the gear box the type which uses a motor cage to hold the motor?
  19. Check for shorts but it's likely the mosfet is fried if its been smoking. The link you posted took me a set for a v3 gear box, the arp is a v2 gear box so that product won't work. If the etu is OK, then the mosfet replacement should be all that's needed, I'd not look at the g&g unit nut instead look for the perun mosfets. They do a plug in upgrade unit that is very good. Etu++ I think it's called.
  20. Sorry to here of your troubles fella. If I were looking I'd consider looking at a plan chest, either A1 or A2 sized depending in the longest rifle. Personally I'd go for one taller than I needed so I could add more or fake front the bottom draws and knock through the trays to make a larger bottom draw and then store kit in it. Tool draws might be worth a look too. Both would give a flat top to work on as well.
  21. I've also used red dot engineering on ebay, they were really good at answering questions and sorting custom protectors.
  22. Strikes me as open and honest, and I enjoy his presentation of whatever does. Similarly to madmole, my experiences of opening and working on rifs seems to mirror his opinions. I also still own an ares rif, though only one.
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