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Alpha Wolf

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Everything posted by Alpha Wolf

  1. Hey does anyone know anyone that build comme to order Customised

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alpha Wolf

      Alpha Wolf

      I need a ptt that I pug in my phone and and headset 

    3. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Couldn't help you there I'm afraid.  

    4. Alpha Wolf

      Alpha Wolf

      Ok thanks for your help 

  2. Is there any Millson (airsoft over one or two days) start Saturday and finsh Sunday near Oxfordshire Berkshire or Swindon area cost no more then about 100 

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      I think everythings closed down for Stage 4 or whatever its called.

    2. Callsign.Raptor_


      Unfortunately not, Most if not all sites in or around the Oxfordshire area have had to close due to the latest restrictions.

  3. Hi guys is a m14 a gd gun make into a dmr

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      might be better asking in a post.


      for the most part with enough work and effort you can turn anything into a "dmr" for airsoft purposes, although it can be somewhat immersion breaking when someone rocks up with a short m4 with an hpa kit that's "a dmr honest guv"


      the m14 platform however is at least thematically appropriate as a dmr, however the amount of work required to convert is going to depend on what kind of base you're choosing and how far down the long range accuracy rabbit hole you want to go.

    2. Steveocee



      @Flintlock has one, it's mega (and for sale).

  4. Alpha Wolf


    Can you get honey badger to message me
  5. I can’t wait to go to red alert on the 2rd of August 

  6. Hiya l96 people just a quick thing I broke my hop up on my l96 at the weekend on a double Eagle m57 I wondering if any know a part that would fit on to fix it 


    1. Jedi_Master


      You would be better of making a new topic in the Advice & technical Help section. This is a forum, so more members will see it and it could help someone else in the future, also once a there are few more status updates yours will disappear from view.

  7. Any gun techs in Oxfordshire Berkshire area 

    1. EDcase


      Negative airsoft in Reading.

      [email protected]

    2. L3wisD


      Yeah, luke at negative ( @Armourpiercing)


      Or there's Beaker from Beakers airsoft bits, based in Thatcham (near Newbury)


    3. Alpha Wolf

      Alpha Wolf

      I contact both of them I hope one will get back to me soon as I need it for the end of August 

  8. Any know a gd cheap scope I use with my l96 as I want to get my sniper ready for my frist game in August 

  9. Any know a gd cheap scope I use with my l96 as I want to get my sniper ready for my frist game in August 

    1. Impulse


      I use this one from Taiwangun:



      Depends on your definition of cheap, but I love this one and it's never let me down. If you want cheaper, I can't really help you but I'm sure others have some experience with cheaper scopes than me (I'm typically a "buy good, buy once" kind of airsofter)

    2. Alpha Wolf

      Alpha Wolf

      Ok thanks for the tip do you have an l96 and would u add me on Skype alpha wolf 

    3. Impulse


      I do not have an L96 (had one about 10 years ago) as I prefer the VSR platform myself. I don't use Skype either, sorry bud 😅

  10. Hi guys 


    what people Opinion I just get aDouble Eagle l96 It have a mag cap 25 bbs how many mags should I get and what bbs would people say as a starter to sniper

    0.3 0r 0.32 thanks 


    Alpha Wolf 

    1. Albiscuit


      The heaviest it is able to hop is generally best. You will have to play around with a few and see what works for you, hop and range wise. 

      Again with mags it depends on you, how many are you able to carry and now many shots do you need? 

      I try to take as little out with me as possible so I use high caps, I have seen others goout with 8-12 mags on them (although I never understand why). Take as many as you feel you need. As with 95% of airsoft its all personal preference. 

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      plenty of midcaps is good if you hate the rattle/winding/general hi-cap thing.


      depends on your playstyle as to how much ammo you use, the site (for example length of games, reload opportunities, honesty of the playerbase etc).


      for a sniper the aim is range and precision without volume, so the heaviest and best quality ammo you can get your hands on would be the reccommendation, of course the gun may not be able to hop the super heavy stuff so you can either run lighter or get into upgrading and get the hop able to carry the heavier bb's.


      you'll likely be able to get away with just the 1 mag and a speedloader to top-off in the field.

    3. Skara


      It's not like you're going to do speed reloads on a sniper rifle.

      The supplied mag + a speedloader is how I started playing 11+ years ago.


      With my current bolt action I carry a whopping 2 mags (one of which in the gun). They do hold 45 bbs each tho :P

  11. Hi guys 


    does any one some one that can repaint guns in CAMO Colors like dpm woodland 



    Alpha  Wolf

    1. Cr0-Magnon


      hit up geartech_custompaint on instagram.

    2. MiK


      Loads of “how-to’s” on YouTube 

  12. Hi guys any airsoft teams in Oxfordshire/Berkshire/Wiltshire 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GAMBLE


      There’s many sites, that may be near you, just type in Airsoft near me and check their pages.... 🤔


      I’ve been to a few sites I play regularly at Red Alert Airsoft:



      It’s a small journey, when there’s a few closer sites, but for a better experience, it’s worth it! 💪


      Don’t mind a good game, plus on this forum you can meet up with people on here! 😜👍


      Since the lockdown, to keep myself busy, I’ve been doing YouTube vids aimed at the beginners so far.... you can check them out on the media topic, under my name!

      This Episode this coming Sunday, I will be talking about my site!  😜👍


      If you have your gear, it’s good place to start, I mention that as well! 😎👍


    3. Alpha Wolf

      Alpha Wolf

      When the lockdown all over we should be up at red alert for a game so I can learn from you if you don’t mind and plus do mind if I pm u 

    4. GAMBLE


      Fair enough, how many of you are there!?.... 🤔

      I'm no expert, just play for fun and use what works! 💪😎👍

      That’s the FUN part of Airsoft can meet anyone and enjoy a hobbie! 😜👍

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