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Everything posted by Spartan09

  1. well, i could tell you... or you can wait and see =P
  2. forgot to add the other day, but i have booked a ticket, so i will see you guys next week and if UPS gets their finger out of their arse, i will have my new toy to play with
  3. Parcel arrived with some goodies from airsoftworld - box of 6x TAG smoke grenades - 2× pots .36g ASG BBs - 2× Mlok to picatiny rail adapters (to replace knackered chineseum ones on my tippmann) And a conceal carry holster for my TM LCPII and stay tuned, because if the tracking data is to be believed, I may have another update tomorrow with even more kit
  4. And I have had an email this morning... My 249 is on the way from Taiwan. UPS estimates delivery on Friday, but I can almost guarantee It will be delayed in customs How you doing over there grandad.. XD
  5. ah, i think i know the one you mean. (*edit* this one right? https://www.vanguardsolutions.nl/?v=79cba1185463 ) yeah thats a bit on the expensive side... especially if the G&G ones will do the job just as well. anyone asks for speedloader recommendations, i will recommend those ones every day of the week
  6. nope, Valkyrie. they were my preferred BBs, but apparently due to a number of issues, they have decided to cease trading, as i was informed on my last visit to onlyairsoft (my preferred brick and mortar airsoft shop) TBH i rarely eat at sites, aside from maybe a chocolate bar, in order to avoid getting cramp/stitch while running around in the afternoons.
  7. any details on what loader that may be? would be good to be able to get extra rounds in each mag to keep me in the fight for longer between reloads still going to try with the G&G speedloaders when the mags arrive, but it would be good to know what other speedloader i may need to look at in case they dont work. (as i said above, the G&G speedloaders are able to overcome the tension on an EPM1 mag unlike other soeedloaders, so at this point i dont see why they wouldnt work)
  8. I have seen some sources claiming 175 rounds per mag, and pics even show the mags have round count markers all the way to 175... Guessing it will be a similar case to the PTS EPM1 mags, where spring needs breaking in or you need a strong speed loader. (Bit of a side note, but I that is the case, then i use G&G pistol sized speed loaders to fill my PTS mags, and they are bomb proof, surviving for 2 years at this point, when other cheap speed loaders would shatter under the strain) I'm not so convinced that it will be so easy to convert the gun to an external gas and BB combined box mag (and I don't see any other way of feeding gas other than from a combined mag without HPA lines involved) Not without significant mods.
  9. Duly noted, I shall make sure to bring a reasonable sized "consumables" bag. Which reminds me.. I need to find a new supplier for my BBs as my preferred supplier has aparrantly closed shop =,(
  10. @Dan Robinson glad you enjoyed the battlesim at redcon. everyone at RIFT are great guys and girls, who do know their stuff and actively work to deal with any issues raised to them by players, and last time i met Kostas he had a good laugh together. i have got my eyes open for the october event, so maybe we will bump into each other then. (i havent been airsoft for a few months so im a bit out of the loop, is that a shift your rifts or a different event?)
  11. reforger is on a list of "sites to try" i have been compiling based on recomendations... and that weekend is my weekend off work.. so it looks like we may be meeting up in a couple of weeks
  12. thats a new one pretty much this, though i generally refrain from hosing anyone to avoid escalating things too much. if i hit someone and they dont take it, then i just keep shooting until they get the hint, or i get shot, then i go to respawn via the nearest marshal to let them know and i encourage other players to also report cheats rather than rage at them. (this happened to me once where i was using my lee enfield. shot a guy several times who kept responding by moving further and further down an earth bank and tried to hide behind a tree. this was witnessed and confirmed by another player, so i just did a "mad minute" and the guy finally took the hint)
  13. will probably wait until i have the gun in hand and then order the para stock, either from the link @mightyjebus linked, or any UK based shops that subsequently list the parts. the main part im looking for though will be the CO2 box mag power source... because it will be easier to store a box of 88g CO2 bulbs than a crate of green gas. probably cheaper to run too depending on how long the gas/CO2 lasts when being fired
  14. I did look at DCA, but he wants nearly £800 for the gun alone... SWIT has it for 560... so i was able to order the gas box and 2 sets of 3 mags with postage for only slightly more than DCA wants for the gun alone... I know I will have to pay import, but hoping it won't be too much. And I don't mind waiting a little bit as it allows me to sort out the supplies I will need to run the gun. I am keeping my eyes open for a collapsible stock and the CO2 box mag options to be released
  15. Soo.... I might have "accidentally" used my credit card and pre ordered one with SWIT airsoft... I know I will get stung with import duty, but still got to be cheaper than buying from the only UK based seller I can find taking preorders... Just a little bit annoyed that they haven't released the CO2 tank option yet... hoping it gets released soon
  16. Appreciate the suggestion @Lozart and @Skullchewer Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it due to a family emergency occurring yesterday. Hope you guys had fun, and hopefully I will be able to meet you at the next one
  17. Hi guys, As the title says, I am looking for recommendations for skirmish sites for this Sunday. I realise I'm leaving it to the last minute, but I was meant to be working all weekend due to contractors working on our new workshop, but work has just told me I am not working now due to the contractors cancelling I just looked at my regular sites, and they either aren't running this weekend, or are running themed events that are fully booked. So, having not been airsoft for a couple of months now, I am looking to get back out, and am looking for new sites to try out, ideally within a 2 hour drive of Northampton, not fussed over CQB, woodland or mixed, ideally looking for skirmish over battle sim type games, and if any other forum members are attending, then it would be nice to put some faces to names Any recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  18. Without looking at the car myself and checking components/listening for abnormal noises etc... it could just need a regas, especially if it hasn't been done in a while. There is a chance that there may be a leak though. If you have a UV torch (and UV resistant glasses for safety) shine the torch around the compressor, pipes and condenser (small radiator for the AC) If there is a leak it will glow under UV light. Failing that, book it in to any garage that offers an AC regas service and ask them to regas the system. Part of the checks they have to do is a quick UV light check, then put the system under vacuum and check that it holds. Average cost of a regas should be about £50-75 depending on the garage and should fix the issue most of the time
  19. I thought the citadel was being turned into a computer/data centre. Or at least that's what I heard Having played the site at the AI500 a couple of years back, I can say that the site itself is a good mix of CQB in the cell blocks, (with one block spread over 3 landings,) and open lines between blocks and the notorious (at least in AI500 terms) sports field. Only issue though, as we found out at AI, is that when the wind picks up and the rain gets into the tiled doorways of the cell blocks, it gets very dicey. (I don't know if anything has been put in place since AI500 to mitigate those factors though) Playing at AI500, the wind was so strong between the cell blocks that it was impossible to shoot between buildings as the wind would just blow any weight of BB wildly off target, and several people slipped on the tiled floors just inside the doorways as they ran between cell blocks. The biggest issue that AI500 had was trying to cram nearly 500 players onto the site, as there became a few bottlenecks in he cell blocks, but I reckon with a lower player count the site will flow a lot more freely. And if there are some barricades set up on the sports field, that will help give more options to fight across the land, rather than trying to cross one large open area or the paths either side with minimal cover. Overall i thought it was a decent site, and one I would like to revisit if it wasn't so far away from where I live.
  20. greetings fellow northampton airsofter, i got most of my guns and my starter kit from only airsoft in stevenage (about 1hr drive from northampton) and they have a store in norfolk (1.5hr drive) i havent been to the norfolk store, and the stevenage store is only a small shop, especially in comparison to the likes of patrolbase, (its only a standard high street size unit, but well stocked for its size) but the guys there are knowledgeable and easy to get on with, so i would definately recommend them. if you have a question or want some information, then you can message them through the chat on their website www.onlyairsoft.com and they are usually pretty quick to respond (during opening hours of course) i should also like to stress that im not sponsored or affiliated with them in any way, just a very happy repeat customer
  21. If the shmeisser case is still available, what is the internal dimensions? Looking for a case for my SMLE, but have struggled to find one long enough to fit the rifle.
  22. That's one hell of a transcript, and gives an insight into the home front during both wars. Thank you for sharing
  23. my great grandfather served as a petty officer on board submarine HMS Triumph. i know the most about his story as i was fascinated by hearing about him from my grandfather as a child. he had a picture of the submarine on the wall in his cottage. i was studying WW2 in my history lessons at the time, and i got to hear the story of how his submarine was lost without trace, and i was even shown a christmas card he sent home in 1941 shortly before the sub departed for its final patrol. i even emailed the submarine museum and royal navy themselves to get copies of his records, but it wasnt until a few years ago that i found out far more about the subs history Triumph was actually supposed to be coming back to the UK for maintenance and crew leave, but had to undertake one last patrol after another submarine developed a fault. the submarine was to take a couple of SOE and MI9 operatives to an island called Antiparos, where they would then be taken to greece by fishermen, and then at the end of the patrol, the sub would swing by the island again to pick up a number of escaped allied POWs that had been dropped off by the greek fishermen (german and italian forces monitored all fishing boats, and imposed a 3 day curfew on all crews, otherwise the crew of a fishing boat would be arrested as allied collaborators) the sub radioed that the commandos had been dropped off and was heading to their patrol area, listed in records as being near Piraeus, and was never heard from again. while the sub was gone, the Antiparos operation was compromised (actually an interesting story in its own right) and theres a file in Kew where MI9 and SOE argue about who was to blame, as one operative captured was moonlighting for both agencies. i also found out that my great grandfather recieved a kings commendation for bravery. while the sub was berthed in Malta, a supply convoy came in and was promptly attacked by the germans. one ship was set on fire and my great grandfather, along with several other shipmates and others on the quayside all ran up the gangplank to assist in fighting the fires, saving the ship and the supplies on board. the wreck of the submarine was discovered earlier this week in deep water off the coast of Sunion definately encourage him to ask those questions. and if possible recored the conversations to preserve the information for the future. my biggest regrets are that i didnt ask more questions, ask them earlier, or record the conversations
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