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Everything posted by M_P

  1. Absolutely covered in VSR.

  2. Dunno, the torch just looks cool on it lol.
  3. It's a shame you're left handed- the better looking side is facing you
  4. Please paint it Looks a little odd right now- suits the gun though, that's for sure.
  5. Would it be possible for an SVD mag to fit one? I think that's look cool but have no idea about AKs or anything lol. Bloody nice gun though
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Right, I'll get the battery and crocodile clips ready *bzzt*

    3. Monty


      I don't even.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      I want ones of BorisJjohnson and Bertie Ahern.

  6. I love coming home from a long day to find my brand new £600 bike stolen from the station

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      ugees who need that stuff more than you do you white,rich,privileged scum.

    3. sp00n


      I wouldn't chance it mate for 2 reason, there is nothing you can do even if you see someone nick a bike, and 2 they might try and nick your car :(

    4. two_zero


      yes there is something he can do. he call the police. the police care very little merely for a bike theft, however if you say you might go and confront them yourself if they dont come, they tend to be a bit more alert.

  7. Never buy airsoft kit made by 'Propper'. It's proper sh*t.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DazMK5


      Ok I'll do it now :) I was looking at uktactical ill check that one now though:)

    3. DazMK5


      What's the 'revenges' line like. You can get the top and trousers all for £70

    4. M_P


      I've not used any but I think nickona is buying some he says its ok

  8. Ah right, they must have changed it to a standardised style then
  9. It's because the SRC mp5 is made to the same size as a real one unlike others, which is good apart from the mag issue
  10. Be aware that they only take SRC made magazines.
  11. I think it's meant for breaking windows or something
  12. Wish they'd get an M&P9 out first :/
  13. As much as I'd love to agree, try dropping a star destroyer.
  14. I f*cking hate trains. Always delayed.

    1. M_P


      For once it wasn't some selfish knob who jumped in front of the train, it was something to do with a signal breaking. After however many years of having trains you'd have thought we could get the things working by now

  15. Everyone in the blast radius would shit a brick.
  16. What's the consensus on WE sigs then? Specifically the 226.

  17. They're great, though the pads that come with them lack somewhat- I'm definitely replacing mine
  18. Considering a gbbr l119a1, just need to decide on the base gun.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I'm pretty set on WE for mine (once I can afford it) although the LM4 is a lot less likely to break, there's no doubt in my mind that it still eventually will, and WE parts are a load easier to get hold of, as well as being cheaper.


      Also, more realistic action? Whut?

    3. M_P


      The WE internals aren't particularly realistic, especially in the trigger area when compared to the kwa or WAs, the bolt carrier also doesn't go far enough forward to cover the entirety of the ejection port. Having had a look, parts dont seem to be too bad to get for the lm4, might just mean having to order from abroad as it takes the KSC internals. The hardest part is finding an lm4 in stock lol

    4. M_P


      The ejection port gap isn't that big but i'd probably alway find it frustrating nonetheless.

  19. I would really appreciate it if someone crashed into Vettel tomorrow.

  20. Check out novatech- I know the people who own the company very well so I'm probably a bit biased but I've never had any issues with their stuff and it's all much better priced than alternatives that i've seen or used and they cater for a variety of budgets. http://www.novatech.co.uk/laptop/gaming/
  21. +1 on that the m60 is epic. I've got this- assuming it counts
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