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Everything posted by M_P

  1. I know but a requirement for a neoprene mask is ridiculous, it's hardly going to protect anything
  2. What so even with a mesh mask you still have to wear a neoprene one? That's logical
  3. Wander what the logic is one that? It's not gonna provide much protection lol
  4. You have a PEQ on there, could you not just stick the battery in that? Mind you if that was an option I guess you'd have done it. You're right that its a bit if a downside to the socom but equally it does all you the choice of more than 3 different stocks so I think its worth the slight hassle of battery fitting. That said mine just has the stock hand guard atm, I may feel differently about it if I had a low profile rail on it.
  5. It's a tm recoil so the buffer tube is full of springs and a weight
  6. Coming dangerously close to throwing my phone out the window.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Esoterick


      hehe I've got an S3 so no problem with the screen size, just apps don't work correctly - which seems to be a common theme on Android, hence my comment.

    3. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace, and it likes to CHOOSE when I want to send a text or call someone..........

    4. TacMaster


      Got an iPhone 4. Very good, have only had 1 problem with it when the touchscreen wouldn't work (admittedly I had kept it in a breast pocket during an intelligence gathering game) however it was fine an hour later.

  7. Hope TM release a new recoil or someone else makes something cool soon, I've got enough to buy pretty much any rifle but there's nothing that stands out as something I really want.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Wait for the new Real Sword stuff (Y)

    3. M_P


      I expect the sun to burn out before Real Sword get round to releasing their stuff Ed :D

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      That's why I said "wait" lol

  8. Warrior have finally released the full set of OD stuff, goodbye money.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Esoterick


      I'd definitely get everything as a set otherwise it looks weird.


      Shame they can't just adhere to the colours properly. It's like my DPM trousers: they are clearly replicas and not surplus as described...

    3. TacMaster


      I think there should just be a set shade for each type of tactical green; khaki, Olive Drab, Olive, Foliage Green, Ranger Green, Smoke green etc... it'd make gear buying so much easier and you could mix stuff from different manufacturers...

      Here's my rig because of the lack of this:

    4. Sam_G


      I will be spending more money on Lots more WAS OD kit!!

  9. Yeah didn't think there were kit limitations, it would greatly reduce the people able to be on various teams.
  10. The main problem for me is the cost of it, it's a lot of money for what is essentially a big skirmish- if it was at a big MOD site or something then fair enough, I think it's a case of balancing the game-play against the social aspect of it. For me I'm 50/50 on it, I much prefer to play smaller games though if I have the available money to do it without issue then I may well attend.
  11. Might be tempted to go this year, but will depend on work, money, willingness to sleep in a tent etc.
  12. What the thing one the lower front of the left hand pouch Chris?
  13. What would be the point? it couldn't be clear if it was that thin, so it'd be just the same as metal mesh only a lighter colour.
  14. Elite force dont really sell in the UK im afraid, some retailers may have their bbs but that's about it. Though again for your own sake, don't buy a tavor.
  15. 25 is quite a lot for a sling, the TUC's are just very expensive, the two aren't comparable in price, only function.
  16. It'll just be another makes gun that they've re-branded. It's a sad state of affairs when there's a real possibility that TM's 75% size kids version is likely to be the best lol
  17. Unfortunately, they're all terrible. Best option really is the ares and be prepared to replace bits regularly- they have a good customer service but still not an ideal solution.
  18. It's worth getting some deans connectors and swapping out the tamiyas too.
  19. I don't think many of us would have a huge interest in a ww2 game, a milsim or regular game would be much better.
  20. Depends what you find comfortable, that's exactly where I'd put one on that rifle too- though something more low profile.
  21. Great day at iron sight today, met Esoterick- always good to put faces to names.

    1. Esoterick


      Yeah it was a good day, thanks for lending me your spare plate carrier. Only downside is I want one now lol. Got a weird double bruise that looks like Owl eyes on my stomach, no wonder it hurt hehe.

    2. M_P


      No worries :) I'm covered in cuts all up my arm too, keep knocking them which is a right pain

    3. jay83


      Hopefully be there soon.

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