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Everything posted by M_P

  1. Find a way of lowering the FPS then tap to HPA. It's a sniper rifle so consistency is everything, propane won't cut the mustard to be honest.
  2. Yep, ours were ordered less than 2 hours after launch
  3. Olive drab Warrior DCS DA5.55 in OD x2 Marui recoil pmag in black x3
  4. What the symbol out of interest? Something you can up with or what? Look great by the way
  5. Also bought a marui socom, thanks for the heads up.
  6. warrior assault systems have cloned tacos- very interesting.

    1. Lozart


      and half the price of the HSGI stuff to boot!

    2. M_P


      Yeah, looks like a good deal over here when they're released separately and not just on the clone costa rig. Hope they hurry up with them in OD though.

  7. It's a marui recoil so the buffer tube has the recoil weight and mechanism in it. I assume Jcheeseright asked because he didn't see the PEQ at first and was wandering if the batteries were inside the RIS.
  8. Just because it's warm enough for you doesn't mean it'll be warm enough for the gun Most good stuff will still function but you won't get the most out of it till later in the year.
  9. I think it'd look even better with an inforce apl but it's sexual nonetheless.
  10. His videos are so boring to the extent that I would rather staple my scrotum to the side of a bus than watch them.
  11. Hmmmm, not long till shot show now. Getting impatient.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      I'm interested to see if unity tactical bring out any more stuff for their fusion mount and the odd thing from a few others manufacturers.

      Other than that just looking forward to the general awesomeness

    3. M_P


      Plus there'll be the odd airsoft thing too, and even the stuff that isnt often has a way of working it's way into airsoft anyway so it's nice to see what could be coming up.

    4. Nickona


      normally a good camo pattern or two comes out as well

  12. Is it possible to swap out for an ICS aeg grip do you think? I think that's what WE based the receiver dimensions on- might be worth a try anyway. Assuming it's anything like the AR-15s I wouldn't worry about "because otherwise they'd be fucked so fast they wouldn't be worth owning" the internals last quite well although my mate's 416 has had quite a few issues with the ra-tech parts. The steel bolt doesn't function at all and the trigger group springs up problems every other week- If yours end ups having issues, have a look at getting a CWI trigger set, they're meant to be much smoother. However that is based on the AR-15s so may be completely transferable to the l85. Shame about the grip though, people complained about it when the gun was first released, you'd have thought they'd have done something to sort it out by now. How does it shoot so far though- hopefully something of a brighter note?
  13. Lol. PDI M40a3= $3000

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      Someone on arnies emailed them to ask. It uses a real mcmillan stock I believe so that's where most of the money goes.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Well, I won't be getting one of those then.

    4. jcheeseright


      cheap at twice the price, I'll take two!

  14. Yes I'm aware but it doesn't stop the fact that their base price is at a level where they expect people to pay ridiculous amounts of money for every product they sell.
  15. That is zero one remember though, they overcharge for everything they sell. PTS masadas for example were over £100 more than anywhere else if I remember correctly.
  16. I think you have to use the WE specific adapter for the madbull rail Ed, though you could see if thee ICS one could bee modded to fit a save a little.
  17. I've never seen the point in this, whats to stop someone putting a red cable tie on a hot gun at home and bringing it?
  18. a hydration pouch? Use some artistic license, if there aren't any pictures then make it up but do it reasonably.
  19. I think the one with the VLTOR bits actually looks quite cool
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