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joshcowin last won the day on May 18 2013

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  1. I’d definitely up for a 24/48 relaxed milsim once I’ve got all my gear together yes
  2. Welcome to the forum mate plenty of good info on here and some great people too!
  3. Hi there, after looking at events to try over the next year or so and not finding a great deal. Does anyone know of any events that are similar to the National Airsoft Festival? I used to like going when it was smaller and not so expensive (2016 was my last year) if it’s a 2 day event with a bit of a social then that would be perfect. I don’t get much time to play anymore so I like to make the effort when I can. thanks Josh
  4. Anyone else having problems with viewing airsoft related posts on Instagram? I search the airsoft hashtag now and apparently there’s no results found!

    1. heroshark


      It's fine, they are mostly best avoided. You should maybe take up needle craft or origami.

    2. ak2m4


      some airsoft owner made a video on yt about it, Instagram only good for cat video's 

    3. GiantKiwi


      had a post from 10 years ago with the tag deleted the other day and issued a warning - if it has anything depicting firearms, its no go.

  5. Just thought I’d make a positive comment about these guys as I didn’t even know they sold airsoft products . I have and thousands of others have used their sister site just paintball. They are the real deal and are the biggest paintball suppliers in the UK gill and Andy run a brilliant company so I’d definitely say buy with confidence!
  6. I have a friend who’s just starting to get into airsoft. He went to MAW a couple of weekends ago and was telling me about a sniper who kept shooting them in their spawn and the hits hurt like he had never felt before (he did complain to the marshal) he also said that he was shooting people himself included after they had said hit and out their hand up. Lo and behold kicking mustang releases a video of him in a tree spawn camping. My friend is in it and you can even see him get overshot too. Friend said where he was sitting was far closer than 30th tree MED. people like him need banning from all sites!
  7. Hi all apologies for not being elaborate in what type of kit etc (blaming it on the 12 days at work) so I’m looking for a multicam loadout resembling a US soldier/SF. I have do a couple of milsim events previously and really enjoyed them but not played airsoft for a few years now. I did used to have a full atacs loadout with a warrior plate carrier but to be honest I found it very uncomfortable and cumbersome even stripped down of pouches. so as for specific items a decent plate carrier and a helmet similar to a team Wendy exfil but no where near as expensive. Ideally one that you can directly mount comms too. thanks for the help.
  8. Hi there, as I’ve been out of airsoft I’m a bit out of touch on what retailers are around and decent. What retailers do people recommend to buy a Milsim load out. I’ve been looking at tactical kit and they have some of the stuff I’d like (things like agilite plate carriers). Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
  9. Very nice work, can’t wait to see what else you do in the future and hopefully use yourselves for one of my own rif’s one day.
  10. From what people have been saying over the last few years it seems they haven’t changed their ways even now. Me and a friend are getting back to airsoft and have played at the department site. Said friend decided to buy a vfc m4 after seeing it in the shop and was told that they had just sold out but they can order one in and it will be with them ready for collection by the next Thursday 9 days away (we only live 10 mins away so happy to collect). They took payment over the phone at that was that. The next Friday comes round with nothing heard from them which they said they would ring. He rang up Saturday to be told “oh no we said Thursday the 17th not the the 3rd” friend puts it down to him not hearing right and leaves it at that. 17th rolls round and still nothing so gives them another call to be told that the shipment had been delayed at sea and will absolutely been in the store by the 25th. Now I’m sure a lot of you can see where this is going! Friend rings up on the 25th to be told that it will get here when it does. Now I was next to him at this point and in no way was my friend rude or impolite to given that response. by this point my friends ranging and heads down to the store to demand the RIF or a refund straight away. Ironically the refund happened instantly! While he was in their thought there was the vfc m4 he wanted sitting on the shelf. He asked why can’t he have that one then to be told that’s just a shelf one to show people what we have. It seems to be a take payment then use your money to order the stock. Unfortunately I know of one of the owners and years before extreme airsoft was set up he had a business selling extreme sports equipment (windsurfs,wakeboards etc) and there was rumours going around then that he was very unreliable when coming to shipping products out. But because he seemed like a genuine guy I never believed it. Hope this helps people
  11. Hi their. Just got back into airsoft and wanted to go through some of my old photos and send them to a friend who is getting into airsoft. Unfortunately when I go to click on the image it comes up with a question mark and when I click on the post it comes up with a you do not have permission to view this post. Any idea what it could be? Thanks.
  12. For me there’s a few that I wish I’d gone too and missed out on or ones that I played a lot of but have been shut down. the Mall, never got to play their due to transport etc and always regret making the trip down. From what a few of you are saying it ran better when first & only had it before Z adventures. Ucap the sandpit, I remember watching a milsim video on it once of players going across in boats and was hooked ever since, never got to play it though. Raf upwood. Played there a couple of times and always had a lot of fun. It did seem like it was very clicky though and if you weren’t a regular you got looked down on. Grange farm Airsoft, a good little site. It was nothing special map wise but the gameplay always ran well and the marshalling/hit taking was the best I’ve seen. When the special event ran (sort of a 2 day social) the made the extra effort to make sure everyone was having fun. there’s one site that I find brilliant but unfortunately due to how many players go now it takes it away a bit. And that’s the national airsoft festival. I went 2011,2012,2015,2017 and the early years were so much better game play wise.
  13. For me the embassy in Leicester was the best site I’ve played at. 3 story warehouse with a pitch black basement open main floor with man made structures then a top floor of offices. Marshals were great along with the gameplay. Unfortunately wasn’t around for long and has now been converted into flats.
  14. Getting back into airsoft again and for good this time!

  15. I will agree with ed on this one z1 forums are a sham to airsoft and make themselves lol silly by not letting to mention any other retailers. As for the shop i have had a hit and miss with them first time ran smooth as butter.2nd time I had to send photo evidence aswell as ukara for some reason to purchase a gun which then they took 6 working days before they sent it out and came out with the excuses. Even at the nae some of the guys seem very clicky and off don't get me wrong a lot of them are decent people. I think if you stick to fire support,airsoft zone and patrol base you can't go wrong
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