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Posts posted by Impulse

  1. I went out to Gunman Eversley Alpha this weekend for a weekend of shooting GIs in the 'Nam. We set off on the Friday to get there nice and early and set up our camp compound. The guy who drives us all up there and introduced us to 'Namsoft loves his glamping, so we are always very well stocked. A bit of a squeeze this time as his grandson was with us as well, so we were four people instead of three and therefore needed a 2nd tent as we couldn't all fit in the one. We managed to get everything packed in and got there 2nd out of everyone. Another pair was there when we arrived and were setting up, but were setting up away from where we usually like to camp, so we claimed our corner and set up the tents, gazebo, literal kitchen etc. I was a little worried, as my heart was playing up a lot a few weeks ago, but it had been quiet since the Tuesday before last, so I made the decision to go along. Also, the guy driving couldn't play due to tendonitis in his hips (but he still wanted to go as he loves his camping and wanted to see the familiar faces), so we were down to three during the gameplay. He did get out there though as a civilian to help Josh with some objective placements and stuff. Friday night I found it difficult getting to sleep due to anxiety around my heart, but eventually got to sleep without any issues.


    Anyway, first day was... slow. I headed out with my new PPS Kar98 set up for 1J on .32s and we were put with the main squads to go and put up some observation posts. It's not usually how we play, as our little group does our best work when we're a bit more independent and just focus on making the lives of the GIs hell, but we went along with it to avoid conflict and also help show our new addition around and get him used to the 'Nam. He's only 12 and only started playing airsoft recently, so it was a very different experience for him from normal skirmish and we wanted to make sure he didn't get overwhelmed.


    Our first little sortie went... pretty poorly. I think part of this was that Josh said it would be game on in 5 mins after the brief, but it probably took closer to 20 - 25 mins for the NVA/VC team to get out to our respawn and go through our objectives and how we wanted to do them. We didn't get too far outside of our base before we got attacked by two separate groups of Americans (well, one was the Aussies, one was the Americans). My friend tried to sneak into one of the many thick bushes just ahead of us, but as he did so a third American team popped around the corner and him also being armed with a Kar98 was not the best weapon to engage a whole squad, so he dived for cover but got hit. He managed to crawl over to me (as you can crawl to a teammate in these filmsim events), so I medic'd him back in. We took a couple of the Americans down, but there were way too many of them and the firepower was overwhelming. I managed to take a few out with the Kar98 and as it's fairly silent they couldn't pinpoint my location. One guy definitely ignored the hit I put on him, but outside of that I put non-hit taking down to them being fairly long distance shots while they were moving and I think we've all been there; a single shot at long distance so the impact isn't massive is easy to not feel when you're moving about. The rest of the group tried to move on the flank and my friend eventually got hit again by the m60 on the hill that had been medic'd back in as well. I held down in the bushes until my friend's bleedout, as the dogtags I hated from last year's game made a return and I didn't want to abandon his to be collected by the US for a free point. I think that the US thought it was just him there and were trying to mop up the other squad to our left before coming to collect the dogtag, as I managed to scoot out of there and link up with the other squad higher up in the valley without much trouble. We kept going around until we got to the first observation point and set up to defend it as we had to hold them for 15 mins to score. We held our ground, but eventually got attacked by one US unit who managed to sneak through the ferns onto a flank. We managed to repel them though and eventually got reinforcements to push them back and around to the other side of the valley. I got left behind somewhat, but linked up with a few others and we also pushed up, however only four of us (me, my friend, my other friend's grandson and another VC guy) went to the next observation post. However, it was fairly quiet around the mortar pit, so we placed it down and dug into the bushes. No US forces came across us, so it was an easy 15 minute hold to set it up. We then lost the other VC guy (no idea where he went!) so the three of us pushed to the fort as it was a central location and we thought we could do some damage from there. It was fairly quiet, but one of the special forces teams did walk right by us while we hid in the bushes; one of them even looked directly at us and my friend's grandson was standing up! Either he didn't want to get shot as we all had guns trained on them, or they actually didn't see us because their whole team walked past us. In hindsight, we should've shot them all as they passed, but we let them pass instead to stay undetected.


    We then discussed our next plan of action and when I left the bushes to go do that... they didn't follow, so I was left by myself. Apparently they had gone to the gate of the fort and held there, while I went around the back and had to Metal Gear Solid my way through another three whole US teams; one of 5, one of 10(!) and one of 4, as with the Kar98 there was no way in hell I could engage. Well, I could, but I'd probably just give the US troops a free point as they'd likely take me out with BB spam into the bushes and take my dogtag. Managed to sneak by all three teams undetected, despite wearing all black and sticking out like a sore thumb; who needs a ghillie to stay hidden, eh? :P


    I finally made it back to our base and called it a day there. It was about 2:30pm, so another 1hr 30 mins left of Saturday's game, but I was exhausted after having to sneak my way across half the site. The results of the Saturday was 58 points to the NVA/VC against the 42 points to the US/ARVN, so a win for the NVA on the first day put us in a good place. Saturday night I also managed to sleep decently well, though I did wake up in the middle of the night and was short of breath, but when I put my little heart rate monitor on it was reading very normal so it was purely anxiety around it acting up and not actually acting up.


    Didn't play on the Sunday. My friend had a chest infection and a really bad back so he couldn't move much and my other friend still had tendonitis in his hips as that doesn't just go away over night. His grandson was too tired to play and I really wasn't feeling it, so we instead had breakfast and then took a couple of hours to dismantle the compound. NVA/VC handled business on Sunday and won handily, culminating in a battle that pushed the Americans out of their base and had the NVA/VC closing in on them on all sides. The NVA managed to set up their anti-tank weapons, which was their main objective, and Josh said to us it was probably better that we didn't play as it could've been very oppressive for the US/ARVN players if our group of 4 was also out there causing mayhem.


    So, what was good? Everyone there was playing in the spirit of the game. Lots of banter and bad acting on both sides! Also, a new rule where if the US/ARVN harassed a civilian and that civilian doesn't have any contraband like intel, a radio or a hidden weapon, then the civilian got a token to give to NVA command. 5 of these tokens was a point for the NVA/VC, so it adds something to disincentivise the US forces from interrogating every civilian player as before there were no negative consequences for them stopping and searching every civilian they found at gunpoint. Also, as usual, peoples kit was great. I'm no stitch counter, so I'm generally fine with inaccurate kit, but everyone at least looked the part which made for some great cinema. It was also good to see @Tactical Pith Helmet (and Mrs. TPH!) again; what a lovely chap that guy is!


    However, I didn't enjoy it as much as usual. So, why didn't I? Well, the Saturday was incredibly slow for us and we were folded into squads. I felt like I was playing PAVN in black, not VC, and I didn't enjoy that; it definitely felt more on the milsim side of filmsim and I don't enjoy that; I like a bit of silly BB wars in the woods in fancy dress. Also, the dogtag mechanic singlehandedly kills my enjoyment. My usual tactics would just be free points for the US forces, as it's a high risk harassment campaign all weekend that sees me getting shot and every time I get hit there's either nobody or only 1 other person around to stop them getting my dogtag; it's very easy to get overwhelmed, especially with a 1J bolt action. I don't want to be the reason the NVA/VC side loses because my tactics don't tend to score points; it's more indirect scoring as I try to make the US troops fearful and wary of moving about as they could get jumped by a crazy villager with a rifle at any moment! The dogtags very much hamper those efforts, but at least this time it was only one dogtag. Last year it was one dogtag per life which absolutely crippled my way of playing, but one dogtag was enough to dissuade me from my usual harassment tactics. Thirdly, it was the sniper ban. Gunman do a sniper ban during the summer as the ferns grow quite high, but me being a veteran of the sniper hell that is summertime Worthing Airsoft was constantly finding locations where I had great line of sight and wished I had my 2.3J m700 with me. Yes, there are locations that are close in, but that's what my upgraded pistols are for and compared to Worthing Airsoft, Eversley Alpha is incredibly viable for sniping with a 30m MED.


    I probably won't make the next one in September, as I've got a hospital appointment in a few weeks with cardiology, so I'm likely getting my heart sorted soon (probably in August with the timing of this appointment). This means I'll be on blood thinners in September (as I have to be for a few months afterwards) which will mean no airsoft for me for those months, which will include September if I'm correct about the timings. Got a year to think about how I want to go ahead with Vietnam games in the future, and one potential avenue that we're exploring as a group is putting together an ARVN kit and then asking Josh where he wants us, as we'd have sets for both teams. US/ARVN have been getting hammered for the past 3 years, so it might be time to try and redress the balance by playing a bit of imperialist gameplay. Give the NVA/VC team a real sniper threat to worry about ;) 

  2. 15 hours ago, LMKipper said:


    I can appreciate that. I was always a Tanaka lover way back when and regret not buying a PCS bolt version when they were common.


    I'm the same, but I was a child back in the day when PCS bolts were commonplace and my parents weren't about to drop that on a gun for me :P 


    At least the KJW m700s have adjustable bolts, though it's not as easy as the PCS bolts were, as instead of a simple grub screw in the bolt, you have to take the bolt apart and adjust a screw inside, or buy some intake rubbers that limit the gas intake with eash shot. However, even KJW m700s are fairly hard to get hold of these days, but Golden Eagle just brought an m700 out that looks like it's another Tanaka clone and some very affordable magazines to go with it. In a real wood stock to boot, so I might end up buying one purely as an experiment to see how compatible it is and if the magazines will work in my Tanaka and KJW rifles as well.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Lozart said:




    Although that pistol grip is making my brain itch.


    It's what it comes with. Was tempted to replace it, but it just wasn't that important to me at the time. If it was a GBBR I'd replace it in a heartbeat, but the last time I opened the pistol grip I couldn't get it closed again around the motor, so I'd rather not touch it!

  4. Me again, but I bought something over the weekend that I wasn't expecting to because I couldn't say no to it. Guess the rest of the hi-capa build will have to be done next month instead 😂


    PPS Kar98k. Came with 4 mags, 1 is leaking so I'll get that all fixed up. Coming with me to the upcoming Vietnam filmsim as the mags fit perfectly in my SKS chicom. Hop rubber is also knackered, so I've got a Flamingo bucking on the way and figured I'd stick a Maple Leaf Crazy Jet barrel in it as well while I'm in there, so those are on the way.



  5. 10 hours ago, LMKipper said:

     Ooh let me know how this goes. I've had my eye on one for a wee while.


    My opinion is likely to be a bit biased because I love gas bolt actions and have used a gas m700 for a year or so now. Initial impressions on it are great. It feels amazing to hold and shoot and for a gas gun it was consistent enough. When I was at chrono my lowest shot was 1J and my highest was 1.12J. The only issue was the hop rubber being ancient so I need to swap it out to get a good gauge on how it shoots, but my friend has one and his shoots great.


    I'll be using it next weekend at a Vietnam filmsim and will have a new hop rubber in it, so will hopefully see then.

  6. Just got home from Worthing where I didn't play. Well, I did, but not as a player and I had a lot of fun. First game of the day was a marshall and two of us playing blind hillbillies defending barrels of moonshine. We had juggernaut rules, but we also had to pretend to be blind (drunk too much moonshine!), so we were patrolling around yelling things in overly exaggerated American accents and only shooting in peoples direction of they made noise. It was hilarious seeing the players trying to be as quiet as possible when there was a lot of crunchy dry leaves on the ground and sticks that go snap and then shooting purposefully just past them or over their heads. It was a proper laugh yelling about commies and the government and rich city folks and the damn squirrels stealin' my goddamn moonshine!


    As for the gameplay, I think it worked well but the teams weren't well balanced. We had a single blue player make it to where the objectives were and, to his credit, he held up the yellow team all by himself for a really long time. He eventually got shot in the back because yellows wrapped around, because what had happened is the yellows had captured the blue team's base and weren't allowing them to get to the bottom of the site where we were protecting the barrels. All I saw were yellow players and they eventually managed to get all 13 barrels thanks to a very sneaky kid who crept all the way up multiple times very slowly and very quietly; we were all quite impressed with how quiet he was, as obviously we could all see him, but he made no noise so we didn't shoot him. He managed to ferry most of the cans out to pass them to his team and combined with the yellows taking the blue team base, this meant that the yellows absolutely stomped. After this game they did some team balancing, moving some of the more experienced players over from yellow to blue, but I can't comment on how the rest of the games went as I headed back to the safe zone afterwards; I had a lot of guns to test and make sure were working for the Vietnam filmsim weekend next weekend at Gunman Eversley, so I wanted to make sure the m700 was set, the AKM was set and the MWS was set. Also, the local tech was bringing two of my guns he was working on, so I wanted to have a fiddle with those as he tends to leave fine tuning the hop to me (at my request though, as I'm more than happy to dial in my hop and scopes myself).


    But the main reason I stopped was because the new gun I was using stopped working very well. Predictably, to be fair, but I think the hop rubber just turned to dust as it stopped hopping. I bought a PPS kar98 as the guy who runs a kit shop and sells at Worthing bought a bunch of Dadio's guns (a fairly well known WW2 airsofter from a few years ago) as I think he's getting out of the hobby and this was one of them. Got the kar98 and 4 magazines for £250; 1 was leaking so I'll get that sealed up, but I reckon it's been sitting for 4 years and needs a clean and a new hop rubber, but it's set for 1J (with an adjustable bolt, so I can tweak it if needed) and I'll get it set up for .32s. That's coming to next weekend's Vietnam filmsim weekend! The other new gun I was using was the hicapa I bought last weekend at Shift Your RIFTs and with a few upgrades it was shooting phenomenally (parts I had lying about mostly, as I'll do a proper build next month)


    Then I collected my m14 DMR (ironically not set up as a DMR) and SR-25. First I tested the m14 and... it went back to the tech. As I went to set the hop, the motor completely died so it needs a new one. Not entirely surprised as it's a stock G&P motor and is probably about 12 years old or something, but that went back to him. The SR-25 however... that was brutal and I'm probably going to be using it a bunch in the future. He's left it to me to do a lot of testing (as I said there's no point me paying him to spend hours testing out springs and hop rubbers when I can do that myself), so I'll be finding a spring for 1.1J on .32s and a spring for 1.88J on .43s, as well as a hop setup that will lift them (might already be able to!). Didn't have my long screwdriver with me so couldn't experiment there, but with the spring currently in it it was 0.9J and hitting the 60m target accurately with every shot so I'm bloody happy about that. Really snappy too! It's been properly locked to semi-auto with a perun mosfet that has been programmed to be semi-only but then also had the full-auto sensor covered with electric tape so it's definitely locked to semi!

  7. A mix of stuff I bought at Shift Your RIFTs and items that weren't available/in stock with retailers there. The hicapa was 2nd hand from someone selling for £80, but I needed to buy a mag for it as the one it came with wasn't TM and didn't lock back on empty.




    For the AAP I got the stainless steel hammer set, auto sear and fire pin lock, an ultra lightweight blowback unit, a 50 degree flamingo bucking, a crazy jet barrel and a hadron 300% return spring and short stroke buffer. Already got the h-plate for the build in the AAP and it has been performing okay so far, but it's time to make it mean and hopefully more reliable in the cold! :P


    For the hicapa, I bought the nineball magazine rubbers and a crazy jet barrel. Got a spare ML hop rubber and h-plate in my bits box so all that will be an "it'll do" build until I can get the rest of the stuff from hicapa hub. Might do it later this month, but will see.


    And the 60 degree flamingo is to try in my m700. If I like it, I'll also try one in my MWS.


  8. I think this is a fairly personal thing, so not sure how much my answer would help but I'd ask for some genuine surplus kit. Desert marpat (because it's really hard to find outside the US!), genuine alice kit (because it's peanuts in the US, like PLCE webbing is peanuts over here), a nice 1911 holster, a proper stetson if coming over from Texas...


    I could keep going :P 

  9. 7 hours ago, MrTea said:

    Sounds like a quality weekend event. As someone who looks at NAF and sees negative feedback surrounding it relating to the quality of airsoft, thefts, dick-heads firing blanks in the camp, driving quads at night around the site at early hours, 2nd hand area being shrunk to nearly zero and prices being hiked for almost zero benefit, i'd much rather go to this event by the sounds of it.


    I wasn't camping so I can't speak to how the campsite is late at night or early in the morning, but there are marshalls patrolling around it during the day time on a motorised scooter thing. I didn't hear any horror stories from the guys who were camping on site, so I reckon it's okay. Also didn't hear of any thefts, though we were all warned that it's an open event and anyone could be in attendance and so were advised to keep things locked in cars, which is a sensible thing to do at any event anyway. They had plenty of staff to make sure the weekend played well, including a paramedic in case of any accidents. It was my first time going and honestly I was pretty impressed with the whole thing.


    I probably won't be going to the NAF again unless there are changes. Shift Your RIFTs fills that social weekender-shaped hole with quality airsoft for £85 and I'll still head to AI500 for £75 (returning players get £10 off the £85 price there) for the interesting sites they tend to get a hold of, though the airsoft there isn't as good as Shift Your RIFTs which was just really enjoyable. Combine those with Vietnam filmsim weekenders and that's at least 4 per year for me which is a nice number :D 

  10. On 26/05/2024 at 19:45, Allen428 said:

    So the feed lips seem to be the weak point on asg and strike mags.

    Did the bb channel need modification to load bbs on your STTI mags?


    Yeah. Didn't have a dremel at the time, but I just took a file to them to open the channel up a little. Would be easier with a dremel and likely take seconds, but it took me a couple of minutes with a file.

  11. 2nd vote for the ASG ultrair. It's a lot dryer than most other green gas, which means it won't spray lubricants through your hop and barrel like most gasses will.


    However, I empty my mags after game days and put a bit of maintenance gas in to maintain the magazine seals, as dryer gasses will dry out the o-rings over time. It's a bit more expensive as I do waste some gas doing this, but I'd rather keep my MWS mags in good condition because I don't want to have to take them apart.

  12. I need to re-do some pouches as the current setup I was using was interfering with my holster so I had to push it forward and it wasn't that comfortable, but after a whole day of airsofting on a very warm Saturday, I can say that I love my new ghillie setup. Yes I was very warm, but it was manageable and my glasses didn't fog up at all as I wasn't sweating absolute buckets. Will probably include a split chest rig when I'm using another gun like my m14 or SR-25, but the m700 magazines get mud in them when I crawl around with them in a chest rig as the BBs are fairly exposed (gas mag, so the BBs are exposed like a pistol mag), so I have to keep them in the belt even if they're a bit of a pain to grab to reload. Might try a split rig with the m700 magazines on the side...



  13. I'd advise against the TM ones because they're a pain in the arse. They often leak from the baseplate and fixing that issue is hell as you have to knock the pins out the right way and then drill part of it to actually remove the baseplate to replace or re-lube the o-ring there. I advised a friend to get ASG mags and replace the feed lips (because the ASG ones suck) with either TM ones or the Hadron ones; he did that with the Hadron lips and seems to be happy with it.

  14. Just now, Allen428 said:

    That’s another thing I’ve  heard about asg magazines that sometimes you need to change the feed lips as well.


    Yeah, I have an STTI (same as the ASG) and I replaced all the feed lips on mine because they either didn't want to feed or they caused the trigger to be mega sticky

  15. 2 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

    Apparently Gunman Alpha only runs once a month, doing these special events on a Saturday, while their Beta site, just around the corner,  is the usual Sunday skirmish.

    I'll definitely be going along next month for another filmsim day, although I need to borrow some stuff as it's a nam event, with kit restrictions. 


    I'll be totally unbiased and say "go VC/NVA because it's cheaper and more flexible to get the kit and it's more fun!", totally not because I will be there as VC and I believe Mr. @Tactical Pith Helmet will be as well. At the last one I almost walked across the fields to the Bravo site because I heard airsoft noises in that direction while I was sneaking about. Fortunately I turned back because I also suspected I could've been heading off-site. At least I didn't have any guns on me because I was roleplaying a civvie with a radio so if I did wander off and bump into someone I would't have anything worrying on me :P 


    But yes, I agree with everything you said about Gunman. Top site and top blokes running it.


    Also, don't suppose you would know if they had enacted their sniper ban at Eversley yet? I suspect they have done so or will do so soon, as during the summer they tend to have a sniper ban due to lines of sight being restricted (I find it amusing because it's nowhere near as rough as Worthing!). I'll still be bringing my bolt action, but it'd be good to know if I should be setting it for 1.1J or 2.3J.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Egon_247 said:

    Well that was one day of airsoft that I don't want to repeat. 

    By lunchtime I'd packed my gear up and was no longer shooting as the locals appeared to be made from Teflon and were impervious to hits. 


    Play was stopped after some numpty threw a LOG over a wall, shouting grenade and nigh on knocked some poor unsuspecting bloke out. 😱

    I laid 15 rounds into a guy (3 shot bursts) every single one bouncing off him, including a few off his noggin with a marshal watching and nothing. Nada.


    To prevent fatalities I gave up. Went back to the safe zone and grabbed a coffee.


    The Marshalls couldn't give two shits if you complained..unless you were a regular. 


    If a 13 year old comes back to the safe zone telling me he doesn't feel safe out there, then there's something wrong.


    Genuinely never going back.

    Sorry dogtag airsoft in Crawley, unimpressed.





    Ok, so before I say how my game day went... what the hell? Like, that is one of the worst things I've ever heard at an airsoft event, and I used to play in Spain in the late 2000s when there were no sites, no rules, no health and safety and we never did anything as stupid as throwing a goddamn log over a wall! I will say that of all the sites down near me (Driver Wood, Worthing Airsoft, Southdown and Dogtag), Dogtag is the only one that I've been to that I will never make any effort to go back to as my experience of it, while not as bad as yours, was pretty awful.

    Anyway, for me today at Worthing Airsoft was simultaneously glorious and horrible conditions for sniping with my lovely gas guns; schroedinger's airsoft?


    I brought my m700 and mk12 MWS with me today as those were the guns I was planning on bringing to Shift Your RIFTs next weekend and wanted to make sure they were working well. Weirdest thing with my m700 was that the scope was off and all my shots were going to the right. Easily fixed by... rotating the rear scope ring 180 degrees? So now my lovely 3.5-25x56mm overkill scope is nice and straight again, but having one scope ring with the bolt one side and the other with the bolt the other side is doing my head in a little, but I can suffer the asymmetric nature of it since it's shooting lovely and straight now. The mk12 MWS is not coming with me to Shift Your RIFTs because it was not happy hopping .45s, even at 2.32J which seems to be their DMR limit; it was only going to be a backup gun anyway, so I'll just swap it out for my m14 scout instead. I plan on using the m700 anyway, and that was shooting like a dream, so no drama there.


    In terms of the gameplay, I only played in the morning. Lately my heart has been acting up (the symptoms are very light at least), so I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked last night as it kept me up until 2am. I went out with the m700 and it was glorious. The weather was amazing! 18 - 20 degrees all day, barely any wind and lots of sun. Perfect airsoft weather! The thing that made the conditions horrible was just how much Worthing Airsoft has bushed up. Using anything with an MED right now is just difficult and a lot of the site is just impractical with a 30m radius of "no shoot". It's even more bushy than last year and it gets more bushy with every year it seems because it's largely uncontrolled. We have a lot more bushes sprouting up everywhere and it's making sight lines impossible, especially when firing from prone as I tend to do when sniping. I still managed to get into a spot where eventually one of the marshalls just told the enemy team where I was and I got hosed, because I was singlehandedly stopping them advancing through one part of the site. I almost ran out of ammo, and with 4 mags with me that never happens at a skirmish day as I'm very disciplined with my shots (still only about 100 total as each mag is about 25rds, but I tend to only shoot if I know I'll hit). Very pleased with the new belt kit setup and extremely pleased with how well my new £97 ghillie cape and boonie setup worked. Taking that next weekend for sure!


    All in all, very good day. Would've played the whole day, but I was pretty tired and I needed to make sure the m700 was shooting well (only fixed the off-centre scope after lunch) and had to test the MWS, which was lucky I did or I would've taken that to Shift Your RIFTs and it would've been dead weight. I need to pick up some .43s for it at some point, but I just don't want to spend the money yet.


    Looking forward to Shift Your RIFTs next weekend. This was weekend #1 of 5 consecutive weekends as I have Worthing game days every 2 weeks, and in between I have Shift Your RIFTs and a Vietnam filmsim weekend. Roll on next weekend, and I hope the weather holds out!

  17. Just finished my new sub-£100 ghillie setup and I'm quite pleased with the results. Wanted a boonie + cloak setup to be lightweight, breathable, easy to move in, easy to crawl without picking up the entire forest floor and not getting caught on everything. I'll be using it with m81 woodland BDUs underneath, a pair of OD fingerless gloves and camo paint for my face to keep good airflow around my head to prevent eyepro fogging and keep general sweating to a minimum. The webtex vest I just cable tied directly onto, but the boonie hat I poked a bunch of holes in with an awl and then used the holes to cable tie material onto it. I hate the rather prevalent over-engineered all-over bush suits, so a boonie + cloak setup is far better for me! Also, the webtex vest has elastic veggie loops, so if I'm at a larger or more serious event I can put natural foliage all over it as well.


    It's totaled up as such:
    - Webtex Concealment Vest ~ £40 (but I already had this buried in my airsoft stuff)

    - Novritsch screen camo set ~ £28

    - Novritsch raffia ~ £13

    - Teesar boonie w/ neck flap - £16

    Total ~ £97





  18. I've been playing it a bunch and it's very unfinished. I think it'll be great in a few years, but at the moment it definitely shows that there's only 2.5 years of dev time behind it. Also it's poorly optimised at the moment, but again I think that'll get better.


    Basically, it's a lot of fun but a lot of unfinished too :P 

  19. One of my friends had them make him a Lee Enfield stock for a VSR receiver a few years ago and it was a year turnaround on that. I'd be hesitant to go with them on their response times as well, as I'd be unsure whether they're actually going to do it and I wouldn't be able to chase them up for updates if I got worried about the radio silence.

  20. 1 minute ago, Colin Allen said:

    Maybe it is time to find another site?


    Yeah, it's hard because I first went to Worthing Airsoft in about 2005ish and have known some of the guys for almost 20 years, but the past few months have been pretty rough and have got me thinking about alternatives. I've tried all the sites near me and the only one I don't think I'd go back to is Dogtag, so I have options once I have my own car.

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