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Everything posted by Jaylordofwaargh

  1. 2fa shouldn't be an issue and could even work in our favour by garnering more readers and maybe posters once they realise this place is half decent
  2. And they did t even go for the pumpkin spray! Fo shame
  3. Airsoft hub, like used airsoft is also pretty prime Mack's ammo. Fairly sure @Galvatron isnt actually in the market for anything, they just like finding the juicist, most questionable sales posts. im in a similar boat, i have tried to use it, got no reponse so i just left it alone.
  4. This is a justbbguns special, looks like the poor kid got taken for a proper ride in store, that is the upgraded battery and bb package 😱
  5. Air is gas bro, it still has a compressed gas as a propellant bro, please bro just buy my over priced regret /s
  6. Every two dozen pages or so of Macks we mention it.... As you say it's real niche to have similar tastes, I of the funnier ones I've seen added c.£100 and listed paints and labour to what ever they were selling
  7. Many smaller patrols as both nato and warpac went down to 12 and 15 each essentially 2 sections each. Echo 1 spent the morning hunting Russian engineers and had a couple of solid fire fights where medics came I to thier own. We also went and held a couple of spots for Charlie 1 to come a blow. It was one of these that we got the call to rtb as warpac were attacking and seen near our hq. We did not hustle and got caught with our pants down. Warpac managed to get is lined up under smoke covered the initial shots amd gunned us all down!
  8. A proclaimed poor softer/bargain hunter here and I'd give my right nut for an SLR...but then cold War games will do that to a nato player, especially the mighty fine examples there were last weekend.
  9. Genuinely had so much fun this weekend, the social at the corporals club was very entertaining. Some excellent firefights Hq not taking it too seriously, there was a little of hurry up and wait, but in fairness that was down to average age of echo 1 as well as gun issues.... And the team wipe out WARPAC managed on Sunday afternoon to close the day was epic. As the newest member of Echo 1 -1, I will be doing this again. Also the amount of rental kit Josh had available for WARPAC, might do that next year. I used the tm hk53 all weekend Couple of m16's and an mp5. On Sunday we went all out and all used hk mp5' or the 53 varient I'm a mix of para chest rigs and full 58 webbing, we looked cool as fu k
  10. And there is me thinking the kids were back at school already....
  11. Knowing what a lot of stores call a warranty anyway that's not so much a loss, but knowing they are likely lemons is not cool. As Cannonfodder says, it would knock them off my 'do they have it list'. I thought retailers were a flat 'no' here l, which is one of the reasons avenger63 gets so much love and attention in waves.
  12. I'd go so far as to say good but not great, in their defence I haven't been back in what feels like and probably actually two years.
  13. I enjoyed my day there, a little samey by the end of the day. It is a treck from the public transport routes but not a problem for drivers. It did do varied pace and objectives but we did use the same area too many times. This is also the day my first toy broke and the site were kind enough to let me use a rental for the rest of the day. I would go again if I drove
  14. Bro is listing the stickers on the case like he charging for them 😂
  15. Not an awful deal no, does it look a little suspicious, sure. What's the chances of all the guns being in working order? I mean, it stated in so many places maybe not a starter would, but a reseller that can service pews adequately, gold mine (well, silver mine). Roi could be as high as £500 for little further out lay..... The joke for me is the claim: "Two guns alone make £800"
  16. Opfor your chosen loadout? Very good, it has team America vibes.
  17. Really satisfying to see undead players cry to my gobbo list
  18. Well that is a touch more thought from many of you than I put in. When I started those that recognise the Waaargh bit (orks as well as orcs and goblins from games workshop) was how I play airsoft....with brutal and cunning, I was a terror to the table with my random bulshit and exceptionally timed perfect rolls. Oh and name to encourage trust in buying stuff... Weirdly many of my other usernames revolve around the ideas of piracy
  19. For me, that is what took this from a dreamer to Mack's gold.
  20. Welcome, I will stop by the FB page My little one is now old enough to join me, and does so I'll drop some nuggets of wisdom (lol). Dedicated uk spaces? Not that many other than discord and FB but discord is also moving towards less gun shaped sales (from a couple of servers that have stopped their sales pages). As @Cannonfodderstates even there the quality is not so great on fb, and insta, well that is a whole bag of holding of cringe.
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