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Everything posted by Jaylordofwaargh

  1. The correct term is patch whore, and yes you appear to be that. Given my short time in the hobby (call it a 5years or so since first game) even I have seen a number of groups and "orgs" come and fade one of the most hilarious was "Ascension research/Airsoft" They bought a meme/cringe FB page with hints that they were going to "change the Airsoft landscape" So I shall also remain sceptical as well.
  2. Most of my postings on this thread is going to be "ok, so..." Ok, so.... Got to driver, the lads TM MC51 came in at a respectable 297 (.25's), great start to the day. Took both of my paperweights to see if I was using them or not. Or not, as it turns out. The ics with a full seal now shoots 1 shot with a new mag at a spicy 354 on .25's, the OG spring will be going back in there.... The Caa m4 with the king's arms gearbox...I think need to go back in and have another look at the trigger. When pulled, there was no spin from motor but with half a pull and carefully holding I can get it to fire but lacks consistency. So another one I need to crack open again.... Any tips on what to look for as to trigger contacts and placement?
  3. I do love the ics split gearbox, like, a lot. Makes it so simple to dive into the cylinder section of the box. So, I went back in and cleaned all the grease off various places where it had no right to be....I made some mistakes.....and started again with both cylinder heads, turns out that was my issue both were leaking from the front and not sealing. Cue the silicon grease Next up is seeing whether or not I need to have a slightly longer nozzle on one of them...
  4. What I'm hearing is start again and do a piece at a time..... Damn it. From what I can tell, no the OG was not vented, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. The o ring is loose, back to the drawing board, and a chronograph on order soon. I'll just take it in "as good as I can get then hope they maybe have a spare rental on Saturday. Thanks gents
  5. It's all props to Mack's rally for most of my understanding of the Airsoft 2nd market, which many others with other crippling expensive hobbies will say is probably a microcosm of most hobby 2nd hand markets....
  6. So, as per title this is the state of my m4 variants I have (in the ics), in the search of more power, upped the spring changed piston rack to full metal, when it went back together, this lead to a feeding issue, so I changed to nozzle, whilst I was in there I wasn't happy with the air seal so I changed the piston head and cylinder head. Thing is though, I went for a vented piston head and now I think the air seal is worse! So what is the deal with vented heads, was a simply distracted by the shiny colours. Is it a case of buying a crono and trying each piece in isolation? (Please don't be this option) Any thoughts welcome
  7. There are, and hilarious examples of lesser people not doing what you did but digging their heels in...some of those I would expect to show up in /aita threads on Reddit
  8. So I did a thing and raided ak2m4 again for a couple of nozzles hope that would fix my feeding issues...jury still out I also got caught on a discord server for a TM MC51....and it's in the post! So excited I have a 226, and although it is (currently) my only pistol, it's going to take a lot for me to put it down
  9. Went to @ak2m4again for some more bits, hope you had good down time early January (when I went looking for the parts). Super speedy postage and great looking bits.
  10. If you are south(ISH) London combat south should be a visit, they have a decent range of a select couple of brands. I have found only Airsoft (online) to be great. For physical experience Airsoft zone in Romford shouldn't be over looked, although they do have too many m4's on their website to be a serious contender
  11. A specific patch or just generally? Being a bit of a patch whore I have indeed got patches on order that I have paid for. From a couple of different retailers. Although I am slowly losing interest in the aob range as it appears to be all ww2 style pin-up and misguided patriotism.
  12. He is only asking for descriptions and photos, I may well take him up on it.
  13. Welcome to Mack's - I use it for my 2nd hand shopping, I ask "would this be on Mack's?"
  14. I wondered this too. They were very quick to point out that I don't know the site and the elevation changes, oh and how they know he is a very tall man.... But this worse (for the site) isn't it, pandering to the ego and myth "I can do what the fuck I like as I'm wanking kickstain"?
  15. Spawn camping in a tree. It is worth noting that MAW have been asked alot recently if that was aloud.....their answer was 'its discouraged'.
  16. If it is new and fooked, why not just take back to retailer...
  17. Mine was the copy pasta first two paragraphs of this and previous showing at Mack's.
  18. Ambush Airsoft Cobham. it's a paintball site that has Airsoft. Will not be returning most of the games and zones are very obviously paintball games zones with no play through multiple zones or multi objective games. (With the exception of the last game I played). Game modes themselves were also fairly unimaginative with too much repetition: first 3 short games were zombie style not fantastic Comms from the marshal team. Lunch was one hotdog in a stale bun and a scattering of tortilla chips....too much noticeable poor hit taking as well (which multiple marshals did feck all about; after lunch there was a stop fucking cheating shout from site runner but that was it). There were moments of joy, like finding the tasty angle to defend the fort but that was all. Quite an insular bunch with one or two exceptions. The only piss poor defence from the a coulple of the marshal were 1. Low numbers 2. No one pushes..... First time I haven't restocked BBS as I was running low. Finished what was in my mags and left for the 2.5 hour public transport journey home. Due to this, i did manage to get the full Brazilian GP.
  19. Personally, I'll be making the Para's a more visible force. Al though I did hear the warpac did make a mess of them early doors.
  20. I said what I said, although in your defence, I walked it there in the morning and then only as far as adbridge on the way back as I said fuck this, and called a cab....
  21. I figured it was a postcode thing as there is no NE post code. That border is also pretty close to Essex. @calymdany thoughts on mayhem? Shortish walk from the central line. Sidcup on SE rail to Chiselhurst isn't a bad shout either, but then I am much closer to the river to cross it. Don't worry too much about kit/pew carrying gun bag and backpack of correct size and you are a gooden. Hardest I have found in summer, is carrying enough liquid/water. Other than that. Have fun
  22. How about this? Posted on a FB group with the question hot or heresy?
  23. You need to ask yourself, how far are you willing to go to shot people.... When would your local sites and your kids games/training align? Or just enjoy the weekend and get a roast from somewhere
  24. I mean, could just F&F you game fee over to them instead- unless you are one of the lucky ones to have a great time previously.... Check out a couple of threads here for more info Welcome back, don't be shy rocking up solo,
  25. So which other positions are available for us to take over ukupa? As we now dominate the east coast..... Uzah
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