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Everything posted by heroshark

  1. Ah yes haven't looked on in years. Like an ancient archive there now when I last looked 😄. Welcome back to fold.
  2. I had some lovely WA's😪 It's the only rifle I would consider using apart from maybe a ghk G5 with the current G5 mags. They just work. Feed em black gas in extreme cold and your good to go. Same with most the newer tm gbbp's. Mainly went with the mws for it's reputation and old school aesthetic. Got 20rnd mags for it too now.
  3. Most current WE's models are already setup to take co2. And will run at a reasonable FPS with the WE co2 mags. If the nozzle is green you are good to go.
  4. Yep I had a TM recoil after having a ghk gbbr. Loved my ghk but the mags at the time I had for the ghk were a pita and the cold weather performance was too inconsistent. Thought the ngrs was the next best answer but I found it sterile compared to gbbr, the ngrs got shelved. I stuck to my TM gbb pistols for the past 10 odd years and never missed a beat for me no hpa needed, not sure what's up with your px4 but not sure hpa is the answer. I've since got me an mws, only been out one game so far but I do like it.
  5. Also to note you may not need anything expensive to fix the mags. Depending where the leak is and what's wrong. Just a clean up and relube, possibly a little bit of PTFE tape 😁.
  6. Asks the man considering HPAing a TM pistol 😄. Short answer no, long answer hell no. Bring back the world of nicads and the only 2 aeg options were TM or classic army. Ok maybe there's some good stuff that's come to light in more recent years but it ain't all good.
  7. If you didn't find you used your pistol because filling it with gas is a faff. Adding a line and an mp5 or m4 mag dangling off the bottom making it less manoeuvrable, or worse still tapping mags individually so having to swap the line every mag change is not likely going to make it more practical to use.
  8. Depending what you are running most things advertise as being Airsoft green gas will do the job. There are no silicone glasses but the price to performance ratios are minimal, plus the Idea is it makes sure the rubbers in the mag are lubricated. One thing I would say running gbbs it's also good to have some black gas at hand also and various companies produce that too. Just shop around.
  9. I hadn't spent much on anything Airsoft this year, and only played once. And then I bought an mws. Haven't used a rifle in years and decided it's the only rifle I have any desire to run and might peak my interest in playing again.
  10. Sorry the suppressor and scope are far too wee for it to identify as a dmr.
  11. I think your All over complicating this. All you need is a bipod, massive scope and a huge suppressor. Preferably on something really unsuitable, like a p90. An L85 will do though.
  12. Most of the year it'll be great no worse than the newer models. Only issue I had is they just aren't quite as good in the cold. Especially if you are wanting to run it with a metal kit. I always had 2 one with a metal kit on and one without for the cold. Strangely out the older models despite the tiny mag and little bbu I always found my detonics best in the cold.
  13. iirc the the 9ball mag valve and the hammer spring are for better performance on a134 and reduce performance on green. But obviously you can use the standard one. They are smoother better made with nicer materials. That said I've rarely seen the standard ones in any of the models break and some just polish the standard ones to reach a similar outcome.
  14. Well we all know what to do now 😁.
  15. Nice custom cheek rest, who made that😄?
  16. Long time out the game for me as well as the site. First game back at the Stan in Sheffield.
  17. Impossible as a non business customer.
  18. If you think about it as value for money it makes sense. A TM will generally out last a WE for example by a long shot. All the TM has do is out last 2 WE's which they usually do by a long shot. Also they pretty much work well all year round. This said there are more efficient TM models than the m9. Mate of mine still runs his first edition fixed hop m9, think it's about 25yo. You wouldn't see WE doing that.
  19. Depends on the brand and some times the specific model.
  20. Cool. I always remember the metal having a high cheese content 😂
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