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Game Cam

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  1. Whats a good sight for a GBB MP7 since my Nuprol Holo keeps turning itself off?
  2. When people talk about only having one airsoft gun, this is the only one that would make me consider that. This gun is over-powered in every sense of the word - you could give this to a blind man and he could hold his own 😂 The magic TM hop for EACH of the three inner barrels gives it range that rivals my cyma sniper. The spread on it appears to have a mind of its own and will adapt to hit the target. 3000 round drum mag means I never had to even consider reloading since I only use semi auto, I even used the drum mag to fill up my mates high caps during the game. Honestly the only issue I had was a bit of feeding but looking online, I think that's just me being stupid. Fair to say this has become my go to primary now to Skirmishes!
  3. I haven't had time to post here in a while. In that time I picked up a TM AA12 and it is a insane piece of kit! I got more kills than I ever have in airsoft and more importantly I had the most fun I have had in a while! I would say you gotta have strict trigger discipline to avoid overshooting folk.
  4. The normal sawn off shotguns weren't big enough so I have got the S-THUNDER DOUBLE BARRELED Grenade launcher. I'm gonna test it this weekend before I start modifying it.
  5. I am really looking forward to playing with my mate Ethan in Nottingham this weekend.

    We are hitting up Skirmish Nottingham on the Saturday then Combat ready CQB on the Sunday if any of you kids are gonna be out and about.


    No rest for a airsofter!

  6. I was absolutely heartbroken last night. 

    I got my WE GBB Thompson back from the shop and it worked perfectly for first three mags then the BB guide broke off and now it jams. 

    I'm gonna send a email to them tonight about refund or swapping it cause I have given it too many chances and it keeps breaking. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robert James
    3. Game Cam

      Game Cam

      sadly everyone else is doing fine with them except me

    4. Vulpiness


      If you don't get that adress blanked out you might wake up and find out someone's gone an nicked it. 

  7. So me and my mates rented out the local CQB airsoft site the weekend before christmas and it went REALLY well.

    Some people who came had never done airsoft before but they loved it.

    We played a bit of team deathmatch but we mainly focused on some of the more unusual ones like VIP and Murder & TTT from Gmod which completely changed the feel.

    I would highly recommend people that get the opportunity to try it with their friends!



    1. Monkman


      Love to get some of mine, but they think i'm some kind of mental gun nut!  They'd be right of course.. :)

  8. Can you put E&L AK mags into the TM recoil AKs?
  9. When I went up to Scotland there was a bloke in crutches who had a KSG. He just propped himself up somewhere and waited for them to run into his sights, seemed pretty effective!
  10. I need some advice/opinions on something.


    I'm selling my old M4 to my mate (or turning into a DMR if he changes his mind) and I want to get something that takes Stanag mags that is a bit more exciting so I'm looking at getting a G&G Top Tech TR418 carbine.


    I was also looking at getting a underbarrel shotgun.

    I am thinking about the XM26 but looking at how it fits on I'm worried it won't fit on the M416.


    So do I:

    Look at different rifle?

    Try and find another way of fixing it on?

    Look at making a master key out of a Springer like others have?

    Go full insane and try and fit a M32 under my barrel?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Game Cam

      Game Cam

      The thing is that the grenade launchers only have one shot, I would like get something with a bit more.


      G36 is a good shout though!

    3. Asomodai


      A full size G36 will easily fit a XM26 i'd imagine! 


    4. Lozart


      I'd go masterkey, the XM26 is nice and all but it's a shell ejecting beastie so practicality is a bit limited.

  11. I am really tempted to get one of these and try and make a super silent build.
  12. So after a issues with mags, FPS and hop-up.

    The Thompson is now jamming with every shot and I have checked everything and I have no idea why.

    I have only had the gun a month and I am thinking it is too much hassle so I am gonna contact Surplus Store and see if I can get a refund.


    Very sad but I can't be spending all my time on a gun that I can't use :(

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