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Everything posted by Enid_Puceflange

  1. Awwww fcuk it I bit the bullet (well Mrs P said Santa could get me it) Got a SpectreDr on the way Should arrive From Ali Exp, just in time for Xmas 👌
  2. That’s a shame Ali now has a piss poor selection of Elcan Spectre clones Same for “UnionTac” - a trusted seller? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
    • As new

    I bought this new, earlier this year and it’s been fielded only once Regrettably, life is getting in the way of my playtime and it’s such a shame to have this sitting doing nothing Gets MEGA attention on the field The shell ejection is just Gucci 😎 In the bundle: Aps cam870/ SAI version with Magpul style furniture 53 x X-power shells (all bought brand new) most of which haven’t been fired Around 20 extra hulls to make loading on site quicker Around 100 petal style wads over 1000 card wads & caps 8/9 88gr co2 bulbs Co2 filling nozzle Shell catcher bag Speed loader shell holder Shell carrying case (holds 100 shells, easily holds shells & gas for the day) Id rather a trade for something tasty I recon there is £1200-£1300 of bundle here and realise I’m not going to see anywhere near that back. Not looking to split anything until the rif has gone Any interest?


  4. One of my buddies used to travel from Edinburgh to play there (about a 3 hour drive) He raved about it, the size, the cqb, the container village He badgered me to head down with him, I never made it. Then all of a sudden he went in a strop and sold up all of his kit!! I wonder if it was a coincidence 😂
  5. If you have no luck here, I’d try the gbbr discord group Separate pages and chats for each manufacturers replica, probably the place to find a user with the same rif that has npas fitted to give you the size of the missing screw bud
  6. Yup, I’m pretty sure mine with a spare mag, delivered was under £100 Pre Brexit
  7. I’ve spent (spunked) 25 years in the motor trade, negotiating my life away Its just a way of life for me Im not scared to speak to peeples 😂
  8. Personally, I’d have used the Mk1 human mouth via telephone (do you remember them 😂) A quick chat with a store member might have sorted that out The human touch goes long way in this faceless virtual “click to cart” world that the instagram / TikTok generation are growing up in
  9. You swine you!! You now have me researching saltwater etching 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. Pass me the crack pipe……. I dunno what these are retailing at new now, but I do know I got mine for under £100 from TG https://prefired.co.uk/ads/g3-jg-t3-k3/
  11. Enid_Puceflange

    Ghk G mag

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Ghk m4/g5 mag Gas tight Slight crack to feedlip, hasn’t caused an issue when using for almost two years price includes fees & postage to uk cheers


  12. Almost 30 years ago, when I was a year into playing Paintball, I went along dressed up in khakis, dpm & had a Red Beret that I found in one of my fathers bags that was nestled in the attic I had the Beret tucked into one of my jackets shoulder epaulettes The site owner , who had served gave me a proper screaming match dressing down! That never saw the light of day again! 😂 To be fair, in my defence I was a 17 year old daft laddie that didn’t understand the error of my ways. But to get back in topic, I don’t own any Gucci Crye or WAS clobber, but I do understand the appeal of it all. I have only managed to play 3 times this year, despite being on site approximately 30 times to assist with marshalling. I have to fight the urges to splurge, and now on a strict “one out for one in” ruling at home 🙄
  13. been out of the case, like maybe 5 times 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. Your right, I was think of the AUG when typing 🤦‍♂️
  15. Just spotted this, heard rumours, but this will be a nice leftfield addition The Ghk version is supposed to be quite decent, I wonder how this will compare?
  16. Instead of the above (less than half the price too) Two of these, stuck together by attaching the two adhesive Velcro strips back to back, then Velcro the loops on so as it looks the same I run two of these , and a shell speed loader when (I can be arsed) to run my shotty 😁 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/192754121958?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uUkTVYfdTBe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=-koyolnatnq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  17. I just picked up a boxed Scar H, upgraded barrel. With 5 mags (4 still boxed) and magpuls For £400 But I did haggle a little 👍
  18. I’m sure Steve Glennie can sort him out 😂
  19. @Skullchewer Use airsoftdb.com Invaluable tool for finding stuff, even works with parts numbers if the retailers list them properly 🤞
  20. The mags sell individually for circa £40 - £45 Feedlips are non existent in Europe just now , so prob £10 a pop G5 if you can find one in stock is circa £290-300 id split a couple of mags and sell the gun with maybe 5 its a useable number and bundle Pm’d 😉
  21. Marshalling in the pitch dark, sure is impossible 😂
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