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Everything posted by Enid_Puceflange

  1. Pretty much sums up my thoughts too Mrs would find out and castrate me 😬
  2. Especially when you can pick one up new, cheaper 😂
  3. That is true, to which, I do admit I forgot about. Used one still ain’t a deal to me though. Maybe I’m just old enough to appreciate the wait for things to sneak through customs 😂
  4. Sitting at just over £1k Like everything, I suspect they will come down in price pretty rapidly much like most new technology. Allowing us all to ruin our toys at home 🫣 https://www.amazon.co.uk/LaserPecker-Engraver-Engraving-Portable-Protective/dp/B0B5ZXGGKR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2S252BT5OLKSC&keywords=laser+engraving+machine&qid=1660912122&sprefix=Laser+en%2Caps%2C73&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyWTRSV1g3UTZWQzdBJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjU5NzU2MVNMQ0tVUjc0OVgxRiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzExODU1MkZRSk1WRlpBVFE1RCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  5. Same? / Same? I feel the seller need to shop about a bit to make sure he’s getting a good price, Ali Exp selling same item for £30 less than he wants new , or am I looking at an inferior item there? @rocketdogbert , you know your optics available from Far-Away lands dude! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33015375157.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.2.618c6c49d2qTFB&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40050.281175.0&scm_id=1007.40050.281175.0&scm-url=1007.40050.281175.0&pvid=090ba62a-3bfc-4a5a-9b01-d5626f151372&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40050.281175.0,pvid:090ba62a-3bfc-4a5a-9b01-d5626f151372,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238116%232002&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"10000006801087369"%2C"sceneId"%3A"30050"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!GBP!164.34!144.62!!!!!%400b0a24a716609047834177325e0bf9!10000006801087369!rec
  6. Ahhhh, The good old days, living on Beans on Toast for a few weeks will sort you out financially . wouldn’t want to be down wind of you though!
  7. Thats my fear with my “miracle “ repairs But I’ve realised after years of cycling and being a Defender driver, that if you ram enough lube in, it’ll quieten it 😆
  8. Or do it at home 😃 Fast forward to 12:28 Ive been drooling over these on Amazon
  9. I love a SIG A SIG GBBR should be on my list That looks awful 🤢
  10. I know, I got caught up in the moment 🤭
  11. That reminds me that I bought an L85a1 Springer from Wonderland back in the 90’s My first proper Airsoft rif was a Krytac crb. It was noisy, but never failed to give a smile.
  12. I was trawling back through some pics on my devices, and stumbled into a pic of when I just started playing. Everyone gotta start somewhere? Right? 😂 Then compared to my most recent days play out with some chums Any of you got pics in NOOB condition and showing the transformation into a pewpew carrying GOD like below!😂 Noob Started playing 2018 Cheap EBay PC Knock off Helicon trousers M&S long sleeved T-Shirt Gen Oakley gloves ”Milspec” cheapo boots Krytac, sling was off a hold-all 🫣 Buzzing with enthusiasm. Recent Decent replica stuff Gbbr Spends more time chatting than slinging Asshole
  13. FWIW, I had this exact same model of rif for my first I bought it from a player with those upgrades already fitted, so didn’t experience the standard set up to compare I had it pinging .28’s a good distance, I never serviced it, and only changed the connector to Deans A great first rif, never let me down Ive got a fellow player with a Krytac and has had to return it to Land Warrior now 3 times with issues with the quality of finish on the Leylax Prometheus barrel Two sides to the same coin 😬
  14. Im at the stage where a chest rig would probably be more “suitable” than my PC, but having recently purchased a scrote pouch, it does offer a bit of lower protection for my lower belly. So the PC stays for the time being 👍 One of the lads took a video of me last week whilst playing, I realise I look like a Tactical Humpty-Dumpty, which is distressing for all involved 🙁 But only I can fix that
  15. Feck knows, it was on green gas (probably why I was forever trying to seal them) but it was circa 270 as it felt like the beebs took forever to get to target I got bored sealing them and sold it on 😬 As a boneyard I add 😂
  16. Unless you are going for a specific loadout “look” why not have a look at chest rigs? Considerably more adjustable and just as practical, with the plus of being breathable too (if you boil in one like I do)
  17. Mk23 Any Mk23 But if you are going to do it properly, a TM Mk23 I was astounded at the range and silence of them Nov has one out, But you can make a TM more effective for less ££ though I popped a Maple Leaf Crazy Jet, Hadron Design triple TDC with “I” key and a Flamingo rubber in mine Was putting .40’s out to roughly 70m And if you run a TM, only use 144a gas to stop the magazine seals blowing Just my tuppence 😉
  18. Aye, it would get strange looks on the Sup-Air field!!
  19. Just outside the Arctic Circle 😂
  20. Yup, I love the Swedish - M90 The greens are perfect for this time of year when the foliage is vibrant I have used Arktis trousers for the past year and are wearing tremendously well (but are expensive so should be expected) Ive also just received one of the waterproof jackets that RostockMcSpoons shows above, slightly different colour hues to the Arktis but should still look ok I also have a soft spot for US Woodland- M81, and just received some Goretex trousers which I’m intending trying this weekend Failing that, MTP is my usual skirmish trouser EDIT: Having said the above, I also like a little bit of Choc Chip for Autumn when things go a little browner, picked this Superdry up from TK Maxx for a paltry £24 Ok, not a legitimate replica of the genuine camo, but also useable for a walk down to the local 😁
  21. Managed to visit a different site on Sat with a few of the crew the day started off kinda dreicht but dried up nicely at lunchtime Only the second chance I have had to play all year, so made the best of it Yes, I am the Goon in the middle , giving the finger 🤭
  22. Another cracking shot from our last game in Edinburgh
  23. This 👆🏻 We can do it on the spot through the app Registered player gets the confirmation email pretty much immediately Double check your email addy with the site for a typo 👍
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