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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. But do we have to buy the one to begin with?🤔
  2. hopefully, if it's a small enough issue that nobody notices it. alternately it could get noticed and motivate more stringent procedures.
  3. Not sure i'd trust somewhere where "yeah mate i'm an airsofter honest guvnor" is all thats needed. Very sketchy.
  4. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    i'm assuming so, he said he'd replaced the nozzle assembly which suggests a new float valve too?
  5. at this point i'm not particularly sure i want to because: is a very valid point. this hobby is about escapism, and whilst i have my own opinions on the minefield that is modern culture with regards to problems such as racism etc, i don't want to deal with that shit when it comes to my hobby. one of the things i enjoy about airsoft mirrors @Dogsbody100 insofar as not needing to give a crap about what the other guys age/gender/race/political and religious beleifs are (not that you can tell that easy under layers of camo, equipment and face protection anyway) and only judging people by their actions, which in this sphere is being an honest player who takes the spirit of the game seriously.
  6. managed to make it 4 minutes into that video. is it seriously getting to this point? it's one thing i hate about the way the internet works these days, every goddamn thing you've ever put online can get weaponized against you. as if nobody's ever made a mistake, changed an opinion or just posted shit without thinking about it. these days if you put your mind to it you can dig up and label anyone you like as the racist bad-guy, it's not humanly possible to maintain an image without someone somewhere finding a way to take exception to it. i might have been on board the train that wanted to sort out the problem km and similar youtuber's content is having in terms of harming the image of our hobby, but at this point i am definately out.....
  7. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    should be easy enough to check, drop the hammer than lock the slide back and look to see if the knocker is resetting. that wouldn't give low fps though, just mag venting.
  8. Well suppose was worth a shot, suppose the debate's kept us occupied anyway. Just wish i had the luxury of predicting when i can go pewing again
  9. could be, maybe the trigger is set too sensitive and it's sometimes not resetting enough to disengage?
  10. ahh, optical. this might explain things, they can be quite the bear to work with. i've generally preferred external although admittedly i may have sneaked a titan into the akm recently because i didn't like not having precocking that first round after firing auto (and yes i really did buy a titan just to make that small change) tbh at this point you're talking things like calibration etc (assuming no grease on the sensors as you're planning to check), sadly i'm no help as i've never used perun's stuff.
  11. of course, there are different levels of disability, and many can (with adjustments/medication etc) be rendered inconsequential, hence the legal requirement for an employer to make "reasonable adjustment" (which ranges wildly depending on the specific role and disability involved). absolutely, the same way a blind person can work for an airline, just not as a pilot. the point was that certain roles can refuse to employ people with certain disabilities because it's impossible to adjust the role to allow them to do it. i'm not seeing the paralell with the original conversation though.
  12. see this is why you need duck, i keep forgetting it's got an internal mosfet
  13. i did do the math on the drag crisis for an airsoft bb and no dice. i'd hoped that the transition point would line up somewhere between 280 and 320 fps which might put some actual physics behind marui's fairy dust but alas twas not to be. what's going on is more likely grip levels in the hop, consistency of diameter shot-shot, consistency of mass shot-shot, not having imbalanced centre of mass etc that are the hallmarks of a higher quality ammo.
  14. if it sounds bad to discriminate against people for carrying (or in this century potentially carrying/refusing to be immunised against) infectious diseases then my advice- don't look at the history of the human race, because ostracising people who carry infectious disease is something humanity has been doing for as long as it's existed. besides, businesses can still discriminate (within reason) based on disability if the role in question cannot be adapted to accommodate. for example nobody in a wheelchair is going to be a firefighter, nobody who is registered blind is going to be an airline pilot etc etc.
  15. sounds like trigger sticking? possibly mixed in with the cutoff jammed. over-run is a thing but never heard of a gun over-running by more than 1 round. the safety is an easier one to diagnose as the lever is very visible in it's function when you split the box- easy enough to see if it's bent/binding/jamming on the trigger itself.
  16. as i mentioned in the other thread, not too familiar with springer mechanisms. but one thought did pop into my head- did you fill the magazine completely with bb's? might be if it's really stuffed then it's having trouble feeding. easy check is to pull a couple of bb's out of the mag see if that fixes the problem.
  17. Same, i wouldnt be calling the police i'd be calling the local asylum....
  18. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Imma say 2 words that will change your life: Dental pick
  19. Theres a difference between medical grounds and personal beleifs for refusing a vaccine, indeed for the former its not a refusal they make themselves. People who legitimately cant have a vaccine for medical reasons due to a compromised immune system are reliant on the herd immunity of people around them to be safe. They need people to be free of disease, their lives are curtailed in the same way a disability like cerebral palsy curtails your life and means certain jobs will never be viable for you, its a shitty hand to be dealt and thats why disability benefit is a thing. Refusing based on beleif is choosing to be the part of society that puts the former category at additional risk. And i've yet to hear a convincing reason as to why that should be the case. Personally i'll take the vaccine as soon as i'm able and the only reason i would refuse is so the dose can go to someone of greater need.
  20. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    The tube has 2 pins and 1 spring that pushes between them. The front pin normally doesnt come out on its own but the spring and rear pin jump out the moment you pull the safety out.
  21. No it was a small pocket pistol style jobby, like a ppk but even smaller.
  22. Upper part=slide. Cant really help on the misfeeding side of things, dont use springers so dont really know where it could be jamming. Your using a good enough brand of bb so dont think its that. Trying to recall but as well as the mk23 (or the asg/novritsch clones which for your purposes are fine) and the ics makarov there was another nbb style pistol, i wanna say src made it? Maybe someone can remember.
  23. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    The pin in the middle? Looks like the detent for the safety- theres the bar on the side of the frame with 2 detents and a spring, the front detent puts tension on the slide catch the rear one (which normally escapes) puts tension on the safety.
  24. There are other nbb pistols out there, for example the ics makarov. Anything nbb with a big foam-filled suppressor on the end should be pretty subtle. Although sounds like herosharks springer plan might be more viable.
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