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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Also, those key holder reels are great- hook one onto the pin and if you set it up right you can pull the pin by extending your arm so you can throw it one handed.
  2. depends how far you want to take that statement as to wether or not i'd agree. yes you have a point that if you know what you're doing in terms of sneakyness you can bypass the deficiencies of a particular pattern. the patterns designed pre-90's for a european theatre of war (ie germany) which have similar enough climate to the uk that the forest patterns match up nicely compared to those designed for the more modern conflicts we're seeing in the middle east. add in the cheap milsurp prices and that's why they're popular. of course folk can wear what they like to the airsoft fashion show, and folks wearing mtp are doing so for the same reasons i'm wearing digiflora- because it's close enough and we like it, rather than being the perfect choice for the environment. besides it's all academic when you get shot by someone in a deadpool onsie
  3. i kinda wanna put 2 co-witness red dots on a pew now. come to think of it, manufacturers missing a trick- make a red dot that looks like a magnifier and a bb shield that looks like a red dot.
  4. can confirm, nearly lost a sig mag learning that one. heel release is another reason the makarov is the best pistol
  5. Lol, i was too busy microanalysing the price to see it was collection only......
  6. Ahh tolerances.


    Also the we ct25 trigger pack is now my most hated thing to work on.....

    1. ak2m4


      Ahh tolerances indeed, bane of my life, I get asked on a daily basis "does this, fit with this", one thing I wanted to do was setup a airsoft wiki for compatibility but never enough time in the day

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      A compatibility wiki would be nice but i suspect an impossible task.


      Currently its the sear is very wobbly on its pin, like 0.5mm oversize.


      And it aint worn out this gun hasnt fired more than 100 rounds

  7. Sounds about right. Tbh the complexities of how dyes in clothing work are a mystery to me, for example how they do repeatable camo patterns in the first place. One of these days i must look it up i'm sure the process is interesting.
  8. You think that's bad, i used to get a bag each time i was restocking ammo and once a year go mad running them in the m4. Was awesome on the day as long as you didnt think too hard about how much money you'd just sent downrange.... A lot more pallatable with the dragonuv having 160 rounds max (thats if you can even cram 20 into a mag, 15 is when it starts to tail off) and the ballache that is trying to reload those mags means i just run them dry then switch to a different gun. Makes engagements interesting when your entire loadout has fewer rounds than most folks mags but that's why the .48's are needed to make up the shortfall
  9. shhhh don't tell the mtp brigade their camo doesn't work in woodland otherwise they might pick something good
  10. Oh good god, that is harrowing. Like i now regret starting this thread harrowing....
  11. i'm the same when running the .48's, especially when it's the dragonuv and the few shots needed to chrono represent half a magazine
  12. it does look odd that the stitching and button loops look relatively uncoloured, but i'm guessing they just didn't take the dye.
  13. stock on 11.1v the fire rate of them jg's is respectable, not fast but not too slow either. tends to be a nozzle with no sealing rings is the main culprit, piston seal on the ones i've worked on wasn't too great either but given they were of unknown provenance can't say if that's something a brand new pew will need. if you have a look here the pics are from the jg box: should probably add a note in about the aoe correction and luke's spacer disk method being preferred these days.
  14. desert dpm someone's dyed green seen a vest done somewhat similar, field expedient and suppose you could argue doesn't look that bad.
  15. i don't understand the question......
  16. np man, if you need any specific info then ask away.
  17. this is in fact the very model of jg that i have. the "recoil" mechanism isn't really, it has a mechanism to slide the charging handle to and fro but in terms of shaking the gun prepare to be dissappointed, it just doesn't have the mass. it's not the strongest built system out there, the stock piston has a cutout which slams into a tooth in the back of the gearbox which to my mind is asking for a stripped piston. that said neither mine or one a mate of mine had (who did run it for a while stock) suffered broken pistons and neither were new when we got them. the recoil mech can be deactivated, you need to split the box to get some parts out but it can be run as a regular aeg. so at least if/when the recoil mech dies you can strip it out and still have a functional gun. the stock components are, ok, certainly the gears seemed decent enough (better than the crap that i found inside my lct box anyway) and the gearboxes run much smoother than by rights they should. just like the cyma's expect the air seal to need a bit of work but once you've done that it shoots very well, certainly mine has always punched above its weight in that regard even with the white plastic hop that looks like it should be utter garbage. bodywork is probably the weakest point, the wood aint bad but it's pot metal city everywhere else so careful not to be too heavy handed, it's a different assembly setup to the cyma's/lct's/e&l's with more pins going on (mainly the outer barrel is pinned to the reciever) so aftermarket hop parts might be tricky (never tried as the stock one was good enough for a backup gun) i'd offer some pics but mine's had that many bodge fixes over the years it's not really gonna be all that representative. tl:dr you do some air seal work she'll sling plastic good enough, the ebb is anaemic at best but at least if it breaks you still have a decent shooter. bodywork is bargain basement but then it's bargain basement price too.
  18. oh the when to clean your barrel is easy: before every game day if you shoot a lot/use a tighter bore in the middle of every game day after every game day every time you can't remember when you last cleaned your barrel
  19. i presume from the scratches you're using a coin? which is how it's meant to be opened, never met one that was so tight it couldn't be manually opened and i sure as shit aint hulk hogan. most of them don't even need the coin- you can do it via fingers sadly the stock answer of "brand new- send it back" probably aint gonna be so good here given novy boy's reputation for customer service, you probably werent pulling the trigger right....... if the above tapping suggestions don't work and you really wanna get it open and really don't give a shit about preserving the finish then a set of channel locks and a coin in a shifting spanner will give you extra leverage, but that's the end-game brute force and ignorance method.
  20. you gotta smoke it first, makes it a bit softer so you can squeeze it into the barrel.
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