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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. don't you just love ordering springs that aren't what they say they are, indeed not even close....

    1. Rogerborg


      Can you show us on the fps/Joules chart where the bad vendor touched you?

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      They were meant to be m100's so give or take a bit 1j, they were closer to m130/m140's.


      Shame as the whole point of buying them was to have some springs i knew were in the right ballpark rather than my current batch which are all in the 0.5j range.


      All i can say is i'm glad i chrono'd it before giving it back to me mate, not sure he'd be best pleased at being told he cant play.

  2. did you really have the continue the meme about people complaining about people complaining? where does it end?
  3. not the price per-say but that description is pure gold.
  4. Well, experiment complete, using geoff's .4's in a polarstar is very effective.


    Did i say effective? I meant expensive :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sounds about right, went through 5000 of them yesterday. however it has at least confirmed what i was beginning to suspect which is the gun is good and the regular ammo i've been using all this time has been the problem.

    3. Rogerborg


      Five... thousand? 😖

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yep, if i'm gonna experiment might as well be rigorous.


      don't worry, many souls were harvested. although i think it'll be a while before i run them again :P

  5. good to see another son supporting the motherland!
  6. grey-shop, ordered it along with a gorka and a smersh for maximum cheeky breeky
  7. because the cheapo airsoft ones have a nasty habit of killing batteries, at least the 3-LED types do. i at least still have all my charging kit from when i used to be into RC so not a problem for me. welcome to the life brother, excellent bit of kit, i'd honestly rather lose the polarstar than that loader.
  8. When you say "bb's" what exactly are we referring to? Is it actual ammo or some of those polystyrene packing balls painted yellow?
  9. is it just me, or would i much prefer the phrase "up shit creek without a paddle" to "in shit creek with a paddle and no canoe"
  10. i don't really fully understand it myself, but i'll try to explain what i think is happening as it makes sense to me: the gas comes up from the mag and goes both directions, back starts pushing on the slide and front pushes on the bb while the bb is in the barrel the flow rate is kept low (relative term) so the float valve stays open when the bb leaves the barrel the pressure drops, increasing the flow rate which shuts the valve (it's why messing with the valve and it's spring can change fps) when the valve closes now all the gas can go into pushing the slide back and it cycles normally. so when you're using heavier ammo it's harder to accelerate, so the pressure spikes increasing leaks from all the usual places (eg around the bb- not a tight fit, and all the places around the nozzle it could leak) and increasing the pressure on the piston while it's in that phase (hence the boost in kick). it also takes longer to accelerate hence the joule creep. the pressure spike is also why the tech at my local shop thinks i'm mad for running a hicapa on .4's and swears i'll blow up a nozzle some day...... the same applies for a longer barrel- the valve stays open until the pressure drops so it just keeps pushing and pushing until the bb's left the barrel, the flow rate for a given gun is tuned for a rough energy level for a given barrel length (hence how you can have NPAS kits for GBB rifles- it's just an adjustable way of tuning the flow rate) so you can expect X joules for Y barrel length and increasing barrel length increases the energy. that's for marui pattern guns that use a sprung float valve (WE being marui clones in that respect). i have a (kwc?) cybergun co2 1911 that's different, the valve isn't sprung but instead has a protrusion into the chamber so the bb holds the valve open, i suspect what happens here is the valve closes the moment the bb moves far enough to let that happen and it's up to the gas already in the barrel at that point to expand and push the bb, so it's possible that system won't react as well to a longer barrel due to this mechanism but i haven't tested it. now the caveat is all that could be wrong, but it's a theory that kinda makes logical sense and at least explains all the different phenomina i've observed with these guns. if someone knows this better than i i'd love to know how close (or not) i've got it
  11. is she short stroking? mine only misfeeds when it's very cold and it doesn't even have the energy to fire properly. takes more energy (joule creep) and i tend to find the heavier ammo makes the kick a bit more violent too, all takes gas. don't really find it a problem myself, i never expect more than a single mag from a fill and anything more is a bonus. normally with .4's i'll only load to 8 or 10 rounds, of course the plus side is the extra accuracy and range.
  12. Figured seeing as i've seen a couple of reviews up on here and the makarov isnt one of them i'd put in my tuppence about the last 6 months of ownership. Make/model- WE Makarov Pmm Fps- 0.7-2.5j (i'll come back to that bit later) Hop up- proprietary design but takes standard marui style rubbers no problem. Mag capacity- not much, haven't counted directly but "theoretically" about 15 rounds Full metal construction with plastic handguards. So this little beauty is a bit of an oddball and odds are if you're buying this it's more than likely as part of a russian themed loadout and you're not a fan of the tokarev. The good news is that in the lottery of oddball pistols this is one of the ones that's actually a good shooter in its own right. In the box you'll get the pistol, mag, suppressor and a barrel extension, now much like the mk23 if you drop that barrel extension on or swap to a longer inner barrel beware that you're gonna get some raised eyebrows at the chrono as this thing is set up really for a short barrel. I guess if you're mad you could make a pocket sniper. Mine didnt come with the barrel extension but from what i've read thats no bad thing as it pushes your fps through the roof and your accuracy through the floor. The suppressor is standard we threading so you can drop it on most of their other guns easily. Internals wise it's standard enough, 15mm bbu which on such a small lightly sprung slide means in the warm weather it's got a lovely snappy kick almost comparable to a co2 gun, although cold weather performance is somewhat lacklustre but then i've never met a we that liked the cold (in its defence when it couldnt keep up it was also cold enough to stop a hicapa in its tracks as well) The hop unit is awesome, one of the better designs i've seen, think a pro-win style rotary hop adapted to a pistol. Out of the box it's ok for .2's but will struggle to lift .3's but if you drop a maple leaf and a nub made out of a square of aeg hop then you can lob .4's at sub 1j which is hilarious (and effective) Gas effeciency is greatly dependant on the weather, a couple of mags in the warm turns to half a mag if your lucky in the cold. They're small mags so not much gas. Generally i down-load them as lobbing heavy ammo from a pistol always murders the gas effeciency. Features wise the safety is a bit finnicky, in theory it's a slide mounted safety/decocker but its very easy to pop her just out of battery when engaging which will mean it doesnt work, i tend to opt for either just not using it or manually dropping to half-cock for a double action pull. Also seems the decocker puts a little bit of pressure on the mag which can cause it to leak. Trigger is your standard single/double, double action is long and creepy, single is surprisingly crisp and definately the better way to shoot. In the hand the grip is a bit odd, feels uncomfortable if you're conciously holding it, but in the field that sort of melts into the background and you end up going with the full sean connery spec one handed lower grip, very good for instinct firing. Sights are small (like the pistol) but crisp and if you take the time to get a proper sight picture it's nice and precise, but as mentioned before you'll end up doing a bond impression and instinct firing. Strip down follows the original pretty well, pop the trigger guard down, pull the slide back lift up and off to give you access to the hop. Its a bit of a tricky sequence but quite smooth when you get the hang of it and gets the attention of folk who aren't familiar with the design. Holster wise your options are both wide and limited. The good news is with the heel release you can safely stuff this in a generic fabric holster and be reasonably confident she'll still go bang when needed (unlike the thumb button style that loves to drop mags when in that kind of holster). This will be your cheapest option. Otherwise you'll be looking at either leather concealed carry type, or the proper russian military style ones. Can't confirm if this thing works in the fancy spetsnaz push draw holster or not but i did grab a paddle rentention one which she fits perfectly, of course this route is not exactly cheap as they're marketed for real guns rather than airsoft. Overall it's a lovely combination of something unique and different but good enough to hold its own against the sea of glocks in terms of performance at least in good weather. edit: a few points i forgot: the suppressor is a hollow can with a tube up the inside, no foam filling here, so not useful for actual suppression unless you gut it and do some mk23 esque shenanigans with the insides. careful with the mags- cold weather+mag lips+a drop onto concrete wont end well, although amazingly you can actually buy spares gas wise- as mentioned later in the topic i run it on nuprol 4.0 with .4g bb's and it hasn't blown up yet, but then i also run a plastic slide hicapa on the same and it also hasn't blown up either despite what the internet says about putting anything stronger than 144 in a marui so make of that what you will...... Edit 2: you know you want pics.....
  13. bunch of nuprol midcaps, asg cnc 18k motor for the f2000 and some bearings for the '42 project
  14. Yeah, have one of these on another forum i'm on, called it the brexit thread iirc.
  15. it's ironic because the adjustment dials block you from actually putting any accessories on it, so probably doesnt cound
  16. I dunno. I have a bushnell short dot that's covered in rails and its pretty damn good, clear glass and excellent eye box. However granted its not normally a good sign
  17. i second this motion heavier ammo will give you more range, but lighter ammo in an indoor setting will have a marginally faster flight time (it gets overtaken at range by heavier ammo) but more importantly it's cheaper.
  18. fair enough, i hadn't heard of them but i was under the impression using explosive propellant automatically made it a firearm regardless of power (at least that's how i understand it).
  19. not really the price per-say, but this feels like it must surely be on the borderline of legality given it's using what appears to be explosives to lob rounds?:
  20. 5k geoff's .4's and 10k geoff's .32's.


    At what point do i admit to having a problem?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Ummm, i might do prisce, theyre for the polarstar

    3. Prisce


      Well, that sir, is when you officially have a problem. 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      but muh accuracy?


      tbf this is an experiment, i know the .4's will be good but i've mostly been running the laser dot .3's and in the quest for a gun that shoots in a straight line the only variable left that i haven't fully explored is ammo, hence the big pile of geoff's to see how those work out.

  21. you would at the minute, it's been out of action for a long while during this conversion, currently got the air system ok but i've been having to upgrade the mag to cope with the requirements, currently working on setting up an m60 mag mech to run off the old motor from the f2000, i suppose i could have accepted it as it was but it's become a project of curiosity at this point
  22. very niche, although even more so as an hpa given that's going to ruin any interest from the re-enactors market. funny my logic was i wanted a ww2 gun and the mp40/stg didn't do it for me which left the k98 (and getting outgunned) or the 42 which i reckoned the 42 was modern enough to still be relevant (given it's lineage is still in service). that said we had a showing yesterday from a ww2 russian commissar running a very nice ebb ppsh41, so there are folk out there willing to take on something different. of course i'll openly admit if i want to actually be effective i'd still pick up the m4 over anything else, but then you can't play too seriously in this game.
  23. indeed, it's a tricky one, end of the day something's only worth what someone's willing to pay for it. like my mg42 conversion, to comission a tech to do that would cost a lot given what's been done, but at the end of the day it's now a very specialised bit of kit that unless you really want that particular use case it's pretty much worthless.
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