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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. good luck with that. if you're anything like me you'll never shoot the same gun twice.....
  2. Congrats, you've managed to miss the pitfall far to many people (myself included) fall into- not fucking with a good fun unless you have a backup
  3. i know what you mean though, it's impossible to make the complete guide for everything because every part and every gun is subtly different, things change over different batches etc etc.
  4. personally i prefer "the master has fucked up more times than the apprentice has even tried" i still think one of these days we just need to go through your post history and stitch together a proper "how to gearbox" guide yeah, you do have to stay on top of cleaning with the tighter bores, but then regular cleaning is still the best cost/performance ratio "upgrade" for any gun.
  5. ahh yes, see the status update. so my spring theory was wrong. you win this time duck
  6. kind of agree on shs's plastic, assuming it's the same as the bodies of their full rack pistons because that's what i'm normally looking at running. if the gun is put together right and not run too hard then either works, but plastic does offer a bit more insurance for the gears if you're worried about it being too fast. either way it's a pain in the ass to clean up when one goes
  7. look i have the ability to self-jetlag under normal circumstances and lockdown aint helping
  8. after looking at this thread without being sleep deprived i realised how has he photo'd the piston if he hasn't already taken it apart....
  9. Going from your other thread you're running that thing on 11.1v In which case i reckon @Sitting Duck is spot on about the pme but i'm wondering if this is a weak spring as the culprit. ive seen a cyma eat a piston like that was fresh out the box, 11.1v but a half-assed "fps downgrade" by the shop with it spitting out 0.5j had the piston chewed up bad within 30 minutes (weak spring means it doesnt have to be spinning as fast for pme to be an issue so the stock motor on a hefty battery was fast enough) When you get the new piston in might be worth checking the fps. If you get very consistent (ie each shot doesnt change much in fps) but low readings then that might be your culprit. Dont know how confident you are with tinkering but there's a few tips and tricks for dissassembly/gearbox checks here: You dont need to go ham with trying to change things like aoe/shimming etc just yet, Just keep the shims in the positions they were originally. but at least that should let you know what to expect so you dont end up with a spring guide pinging its way into the aether the moment you pop it open. Of course this is assuming the gearbox is all stock and this isnt as simple as the previous owner dropping a spicy motor in there.
  10. no spring labelling system can handle more than 3 springs. i used to use coloured cable ties but i ended up going "green, is green 1j, or sub 1j? is orange the right one? red is hot right?"
  11. it is sitting nice and securely on the rail? can be an issue if the rail isn't square but given the elcan worked then the rail itself is probably close enough but maybe the scope. otherwise as above it could be the adjustments are placebo's, although for external adjustment scopes it's usually pretty easy to tell if the adjustment is actually doing anything. either that, or without wishing to state the obvious, have you tried it all the way in the other direction? i swear manufacturers use different standards for marking adjustment directions just to troll.
  12. i have a feeling i know what happened to the one guy in the squad who preferred fudge bars.....
  13. Hair triggers are one thing, but those multi-finger ones are what i was thinking of. Very high rps has some limited utility, particularly fleeting targets and drilling through dense hedges, but not really enough to justify the issues that even the shortest of trigger presses is sending half a dozen rounds downrange.
  14. ethics be damned, humour is plainly the victor in this scenario.
  15. Airsoft specifically hopefully getting a 1p67 at some point. Kinda toning down the airsoft spending this year methinks, lockdown 1 had me reshuffling my collection but now i'm pretty happy with what i've got, although granted that urge to tinker is gonna be rekindled about 30s into the first game when we can go play again.
  16. Yep, thats why the semi rule is still useful. I mean even with that you get the right setup you can spam faster than a lot of guns can even fire. I do wonder if rps limits as well as fps limits might be worth implementation, let folks run auto indoors but cap the rate of fire to something sensible.
  17. if that's the cause then surely this is a design fault? people holding torches in their mouths while working on something that requires to hands isn't exactly a new or obscure concept.
  18. Yeah there are myriad ways it could happen. I'm wondering if it was being usb charged got the cells out of whack? Again drawing from the vaping side of things it's pretty much standard practice not to use the internal usb charger for long term use (often even specified in the manual that the internal balance circuit is sub-par) And thats before even venturing into the concept of an internal issue with the light (design flaw, bad qc etc). Think i'll stick with disposables for all the use my torches get.
  19. Yeah, i should caveat my last post by pointing out i'm not saying batteries shouldnt be treated with caution using proper equipment for charging, storing and using. it just feels like there's got to be something more to this story. I can certainly beleive the explosion of a sealed unit if it had an internal short/design flaw but that's at odds with it being so unsealed as to be damaged by holding it in your mouth. Feels a bit like the ol' mythbusters .22lr as a car fuse story.
  20. I'm still not convinced that saliva can cause a short with 3.7v I am aware of plenty of instances of stuff going up in the vaping world, pretty much all of it attributable to cheap gear or mishandling (read: users being idiots) Personally i've never seen a battery go badly, and that includes literally sawing brand new 2032 cells in half with liquid coolant and nothing more than sparks and a bad smell.
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