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Everything posted by Immortal

  1. You only live once so I say go for it dude 👍 The slit version may give better airflow, that's all I can say as I know nothing of what you're talking about but it sure sounds cool.
  2. Loooool EIther way I learnt something.
  3. That's good to know, thanks for the input. 👍
  4. Sweaty I bet! Cool in a bizarre way though....
  5. That's not bad really. It caught my eye when you originally posted that pic up. 👍 In fact this is one thread that always catches my interest. It's full of many, many, many, wonderful things. LOL I do like GBBRs alas currently I only have one: GHK AK74UN with hi-speed buffer and a TNT TR hop unit. It's a finnicky little sod.
  6. I admit that stock is pretty sweet 👍
  7. Thanks fellas. I knew I could count on you. 👍 I 100% prefer the MWS.
  8. Quick question for the MWS Gurus; is there actually anything internally different between the MWS and the MTR-16 (ignoring the external differences). I'm hovering over the buy button but was curious. I don't like the MTR however I am interested in your thoughts if possible. Thank you.
  9. Have you held the real steel version? Just curious cause you say it feels like one. lol
  10. I want to be a member of this elite club. Next Rif I get will be one.
  11. Are you using tracking software to gps yourself or just looking on the map post game?
  12. https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/air-tech-studios-beu-battery-extension-unit-arp9.html EDIT: Sorry, thought you were looking to buy one but reading your question again it says 3d model....
  13. At this time of year with a lot of green undergrowth dead and browned the desert version holds up well; Tropentarn. It's a little harder to find as a full kit but still possible. Flecktarn is the cheapest of the two and there's plenty of it on Fleabay for pittance. Flecktarn, DPM and tiger are great camos for the UK outdoors. 👍
  14. Made plenty of people jump on either my team or the opposition whilst wearing Flecktarn. One mate says it's like a blur, some simply just don't see you at all especially if you're still. Then again how many people walk into a room and don't see someone if they're sitting dead still. Movement is a big give away hence why tiny slow movements can go undetected even at very close range. Add silence and it's ninja-tastic. Think of a Lion hunting, creep, stop, creep, stop. Before dinner knows what's happening it's dead.
  15. WTF, nothings even happened on Brexit yet so how can they forsee any of this enough to act already?! Sounds like they're adding bogus charges on something that isn't reality yet... As for making the buyer pay the PayPal fees; they lose all my business from now (which ain't much.... lol ). All payment services have a fee so why this is different I have no idea. He shall now be known as Filip the Fee Flipper.
  16. Thanks for the reply Prisce. I'll try what you've said. I don't think a photo is really of any use as its just a base plate and screw like any other, there's really nothing of interest to be seen. I have the tools required, it was just if there was any other techniques I hadn't tried to budge it. I'll give it a go. 👍
  17. M4 Motor plate adjustment screw stuck... anything left to try? The G&P factory fairies thought it would be a good idea to cover everything in glue. For example: Sector gear glued to shim and bearings and equally annoying is the motor plate screw. So I've tried boiling the motor plate for hours, soaking it in acetone over night but the thing won't budge. There's nothing visible to remove now, just what's hidden on the threads. Plate looks to be zinc or similar. Paints obviously gone with the acetone... Do I just buy a replacement... probably. Ugh.. Oh and thank you for reading!
  18. I worked with a fella who was convicted of a firearms offence many years before I knew him. He couldn't enter my home due to the nature of my hobbies being RIFs and airguns. He couldn't touch, be in proximity to them nor people with them nor houses that home them... just a big NO to every aspect of anything gun-like. Marked for life, no getting round it. Get caught and it's "bye-bye"... it's unfortunate but you reap what you sow. A ban for life is exactly that.
  19. It doesn't let you buy any of them. I tried to add a WE GBB on hobbyking and it was only in stock in Hong King and stated that it can't be shipped from there. The UK/EU warehouses don't have anything but batteries.
  20. Just saw this.... https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/classic-army-249-para-stock
  21. Oye Wo1f, it's not Christmas yet... put it away. (Very nice btw!)
  22. Getting an FAC can be just as much about the FOs attitude/charactor as your own.
  23. Think of the UKARA as more of a hurdle to thin out those that are not going to use Airsoft RIFs for their intended purpose. If you're serious about owning an Airsoft RIF then simply gain a UKARA by doing what people do when they have a UKARA - Play. It's no big deal and simple to gain the defence required.
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