Thank you my friend, I couldn't have done it without you. 👍
Took me a while to fit it. Got the CA plate out easy enough. Slid it on the buffer and then realised the washer had slipped out of centre for the grip bolt to go through to the lower receiver where I had to open it up for the plate removal. Got it back in place, screwed it back up and then got a ball hex. Didn't have the right size. Doh!
So I thought I'll just wind it little by little with a normal 90 deg one. Then wondered why the bolt wouldn't go in.
lol I realised it was a different size so used the original TM one. Just so happened the ball hex I had fit the TM one.
Job done. Awesome. Dead chuffed with it.
It's brilliant! No more wobble. I don't think I'll need the larger spacer or at least not for now, feels just right as is. Cool beans.
I always wanted a solid M16 style stock and I really like the Dragunov stock. This is a perfect hybrid of the two.
Add in the box mag and I'm cooking with Gas...
EDIT: Discovered a sneaky weaver rail is hidden under the rear of the stock. Not that I have any use for it.