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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Is it me or the notification system is having a brain fart?

    I'm constantly getting notification of messages posted hours ago 😕

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      Notifications on the website, I have e-mails enabled for PMs only.

    3. proffrink


      Ok, now that is strange. Thanks for letting me know :)

  2. Added the VisionCunt optic to my arp9 for those PCCs vibes.
  3. Weren't you asking about the pictures on the package? Oh. Wait. Not the box, the actual bubble wrapped thing. It's the officer at customs robbing me of €30, as a compensation for their tiny weenies and the fact that it took more than a month for them to read a PayPal invoice.
  4. Eye relief is in the 12/15 cm range at 1.25x, will take more detailed measures tonight when I get home. EDIT: hold on, eyebox and eye relief are two different things. The eyebox is how much you can shift your eye from the centre before starting to see the inner walls of the optic. The eye relief is how far your eye can stay from the glass to see a perfectly clear picture. Those show hunter with a weird shaped penis, and a cunt firing shockwaves out of his stick.
  5. The eyebox is a bit of a cunt to be fair. But this is most likely me being new to LVPOs.
  6. VFC's are good, right?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Heath


      "I don't know why people are still buying VFC Guns"


    3. Skara


      That is literally the only thing VFC got right.

      And it looks like they copied KSC for that pistol (or they got KSC to produce for them).

    4. Nick G

      Nick G

      I saw this yesterday and forwarded it to a mate who has one of these. By a strange coincidence I did some work on it recently after he had some issues with it. Wiring in the gearbox was mangled , didn't look like it had been properly pushed down into the guides. He said it had always  kept feeling like it was stuttering, I put a replacement Tomtac box in it for him in the end using the original spring. It's now running at 1.1 joules . Also swapped the pistol grip to a 'Storm' grip as the original wasn't comfortable. Glad I never tried to refit the motor with the old grip now ! Externals are awesome though !

  7. As soon as the gun picture thread gets bumped
  8. Your quote-fu isn't strong. @150 with a leaky mag it's a no no for me, disregarding what I previously said.
  9. It's high, but when you consider a ssx with the suppressor retails at €170+, add a €40 holster on top of that, and we all know what the ssx is like, it suddenly doesn't feel high anymore.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/groups/741515265932144
  11. I shouldn't be talking as I'm building a pink tournament M4 myself, but that thing is da big gae.
  12. The issue is Joule creep. 500 on .2s doesn't mean it's within the Joule limit. Especially overvolumed guns (SRS, short barreled VSRs)
  13. It is confirmed that Italy is a 5th world country.


    Postman came with the optic and the customs bill (€30 for keeping the parcel for a whole fucking month, basically a scam).

    Handed the money, was about to open the package when the postman came back, gave me the money and told me he couldn't hand the package.

    The reason is that the post office employees don't accept cash because they are afraid of catching the virus.


    So now I have to wait 2 days and literally hand the cash directly to the office employees (the ones who can't take cash).


    What the fuck.


    What a fucking shit 15th world country.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara



      I mean they obviously want to keep the hot seat as the absolute worst service ever.


      Imma give it a shot tomorrow morning even if the paper says from the 20th,

    3. Skara


      So, turns out this shitshow is actually the new procedure.

      Postman comes and gives you the ticket (fuck social distancing measures).

      You then go to the post office (fuck social distancing measures x2) where all the elders wait for their pensions, so if you happen to be infected without symptoms you basically commit a mass murder, with your ticket and retrieve the parcel.

      Then you have to go back home/to the office, by doing so you're at risk of infecting/being infected even with PPE on.


      All this to make it "safe" for the postman who has to make contact with you anyway to hand the ticket. At that point he could just hand the parcel and be done with it.


      Fucking 200iq move right there.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      all i can say is i'm impressed, the italian postal service doesn't own hermes by any chance?

  14. A fully upgraded SRS will equal a fully upgraded VSR in terms of performance, there is just so much one can upgrade and the hard cap still remains the ammunition used. The SRS has more air volume (joule creep) but has an awkward bolt pull and magazines are shit (huge, wonky to insert/remove, meh capacity for the size), very compact size and looks great, it's very popular now thanks to KM&friends. Offers outstanding quality right from the box, although it suffers from TM recoil syndrome. People just chuck out the good parts and replace them with same quality parts (butitsupgreededreeeeeee). A VSR, depending on what base you get, can be a bit flimsy and most clones have a smaller cylinder volume than the original (TM). Not by much but still, and it's addressed easily by just replacing the cylinder. The true master race of sniper rifles. Building one from scratch will teach you a thing or two about what makes a good sniper rifle, plus there are a lot of diy mods you can do for pennies. I would avoid pReUpGrEiDuD ones, I'd go for a 2nd hand, you can save some money and get yourself a great "base". Just be aware of those "X is broken but it's a quick fix, I just need money for my krytac" ads.
  15. Just before you go full ham on springs, check the joules with the weight you're going to use.
  16. Man I knew I should have picked this bargain instead of buying one NEW for €220.....
  17. Everyone assumes that throwing a fuckton of money at a gun it's gonna make it better.. truth is, most of the times the improvement is barely noticeable, but the hole in your wallet definitely is. Also don't trust YT builds, most of them are faff and eye candy. Like, most DSG "builds" just show a lower receiver with a battery in. Have yet to see someone showcase consistency and range tests with a DSG.
  18. So, you sold a VFC because it's meh, and now you want another VFC?
  19. Yeah, as the piston is €31,90 from any regular retailer i wonder if anyone's stupid enough to click "buy now"
  20. To each their own I guess oh, by the way, try to beat this. https://www.ebay.it/itm/383446617256
  21. Come on guys it's Maxpedition, it was the dog's balls back in the day, and still is if you like old school nylon. Tough as nails tbf. That price tag is still really high but not that far off. You don't seem upset about crye/arc'teryx price tags tho
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