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Status Replies posted by Skara

  1. Either I'm a pro AEG killer or my tech isn't really that good..

    3rd motor pinion gone in 3 (game) days..


    Can't wait to have enough money to HPA the crap out of my gun..

  2. Either I'm a pro AEG killer or my tech isn't really that good..

    3rd motor pinion gone in 3 (game) days..


    Can't wait to have enough money to HPA the crap out of my gun..

  3. http://www.ebairsoft.com/4x24mm-rifle-scope-p-1340.htmlhttp://www.ebairsoft.com/4x24mm-rifle-scope-p-1340.html

    will this be a decent optic for the price?


    i know it's only €25, but some reviews seem positive about it..

  4. Is Ebairsoft.com a good website?

    they have basically all the gear i want to buy, at ridicolous prices, with free shipping...

    the only thing i found here is dated 2015, which is a while ago..

  5. Is Ebairsoft.com a good website?

    they have basically all the gear i want to buy, at ridicolous prices, with free shipping...

    the only thing i found here is dated 2015, which is a while ago..

  6. Is Ebairsoft.com a good website?

    they have basically all the gear i want to buy, at ridicolous prices, with free shipping...

    the only thing i found here is dated 2015, which is a while ago..

  7. Is Ebairsoft.com a good website?

    they have basically all the gear i want to buy, at ridicolous prices, with free shipping...

    the only thing i found here is dated 2015, which is a while ago..

  8. So, went to our field for a day of training, we were only 7 so we focused on things like vip escort and room clearing..

    When we got back to our cars, a group of people showed up.

    Quite usual since the hills nearby are quite nice for hunters, trekkers and families having a day in the woods, the place is only 30 kilometres from the town and on a sunny day it's ideal for those who don't like crowded beaches..

    They got closer to us, as most people do to ask questions about airsoft and stuff..

    Then a ugly af woman, who's probably been taking heroin or some other crap for most of her life asked us:

    So you like war huh?

    Our answer: no madam, the equipment and guns are only toys, we're here to have fun together and enjoy being in the woods.

    She replied: lies, you're a bunch of warmongers, you like to kill people, you're fascists! (All of that while screaming with all her energy)..

    At this point I wasn't considering her too much, but that sentence caught my attention..

    I, being as calm as a Zen master during meditation, replied to her:

    If we like war and violence and, as you stated, are warmongers, why are you the only one being aggressive and yelling and threatening us?

    She got so triggered she called the police, the police came, they had a look at our guns to see if they were within the limits (using our chrono btw) and then searched the woman and arrested her because she had drugs with her and she was living without a permit on a private land with her caravan..


    All of this while the rest of the group stood without saying a single word.



    Karma, you fucking hippie twat.

  9. So, went to our field for a day of training, we were only 7 so we focused on things like vip escort and room clearing..

    When we got back to our cars, a group of people showed up.

    Quite usual since the hills nearby are quite nice for hunters, trekkers and families having a day in the woods, the place is only 30 kilometres from the town and on a sunny day it's ideal for those who don't like crowded beaches..

    They got closer to us, as most people do to ask questions about airsoft and stuff..

    Then a ugly af woman, who's probably been taking heroin or some other crap for most of her life asked us:

    So you like war huh?

    Our answer: no madam, the equipment and guns are only toys, we're here to have fun together and enjoy being in the woods.

    She replied: lies, you're a bunch of warmongers, you like to kill people, you're fascists! (All of that while screaming with all her energy)..

    At this point I wasn't considering her too much, but that sentence caught my attention..

    I, being as calm as a Zen master during meditation, replied to her:

    If we like war and violence and, as you stated, are warmongers, why are you the only one being aggressive and yelling and threatening us?

    She got so triggered she called the police, the police came, they had a look at our guns to see if they were within the limits (using our chrono btw) and then searched the woman and arrested her because she had drugs with her and she was living without a permit on a private land with her caravan..


    All of this while the rest of the group stood without saying a single word.



    Karma, you fucking hippie twat.

  10. So, went to our field for a day of training, we were only 7 so we focused on things like vip escort and room clearing..

    When we got back to our cars, a group of people showed up.

    Quite usual since the hills nearby are quite nice for hunters, trekkers and families having a day in the woods, the place is only 30 kilometres from the town and on a sunny day it's ideal for those who don't like crowded beaches..

    They got closer to us, as most people do to ask questions about airsoft and stuff..

    Then a ugly af woman, who's probably been taking heroin or some other crap for most of her life asked us:

    So you like war huh?

    Our answer: no madam, the equipment and guns are only toys, we're here to have fun together and enjoy being in the woods.

    She replied: lies, you're a bunch of warmongers, you like to kill people, you're fascists! (All of that while screaming with all her energy)..

    At this point I wasn't considering her too much, but that sentence caught my attention..

    I, being as calm as a Zen master during meditation, replied to her:

    If we like war and violence and, as you stated, are warmongers, why are you the only one being aggressive and yelling and threatening us?

    She got so triggered she called the police, the police came, they had a look at our guns to see if they were within the limits (using our chrono btw) and then searched the woman and arrested her because she had drugs with her and she was living without a permit on a private land with her caravan..


    All of this while the rest of the group stood without saying a single word.



    Karma, you fucking hippie twat.

  11. So, went to our field for a day of training, we were only 7 so we focused on things like vip escort and room clearing..

    When we got back to our cars, a group of people showed up.

    Quite usual since the hills nearby are quite nice for hunters, trekkers and families having a day in the woods, the place is only 30 kilometres from the town and on a sunny day it's ideal for those who don't like crowded beaches..

    They got closer to us, as most people do to ask questions about airsoft and stuff..

    Then a ugly af woman, who's probably been taking heroin or some other crap for most of her life asked us:

    So you like war huh?

    Our answer: no madam, the equipment and guns are only toys, we're here to have fun together and enjoy being in the woods.

    She replied: lies, you're a bunch of warmongers, you like to kill people, you're fascists! (All of that while screaming with all her energy)..

    At this point I wasn't considering her too much, but that sentence caught my attention..

    I, being as calm as a Zen master during meditation, replied to her:

    If we like war and violence and, as you stated, are warmongers, why are you the only one being aggressive and yelling and threatening us?

    She got so triggered she called the police, the police came, they had a look at our guns to see if they were within the limits (using our chrono btw) and then searched the woman and arrested her because she had drugs with her and she was living without a permit on a private land with her caravan..


    All of this while the rest of the group stood without saying a single word.



    Karma, you fucking hippie twat.

  12. That moment when you haven't slept for 36 hours, you drive to your team's tournament, you forget your camo bdu at home and you're only left with your tac gear, a RED flannel shirt and a pair of jeans, yet people can't spot you and you wipe full 8 man teams on your own.


  13. Aaaaand no airsoft for today as well :(


    F*cking rain -.-

  14. I seem to make all my purchases at the end of the week, meaning I have to wait until about Monday before they are delivered, sad times! :(

  15. I seem to make all my purchases at the end of the week, meaning I have to wait until about Monday before they are delivered, sad times! :(

  16. Remember when I started you could get a basic b*tch cm16 for £70 - what's happened I've not seen a sub £100 combat machine in ages?

  17. Internet banking is marvelous, it allows you do transfer money and pay for stuff without leaving your pc..








    If only my roommate's bank wasn't slower than a disabled sloth to deliver me her rent money............

  18. That bit when you hear your gun on a vid and you can hear the perfection. 

    Aeg whine can kiss my arse B)

  19. Energy creep.

    Gonna "field test" it tomorrow and properly chrono my gun with .20s and .30s to have a "scientific" result..


    Just for science

  20. Was thinking about getting a p* jack for one of the Amoebas for Christmas..

    Does the engine fit in there? One of my local shops says no, but I've seen people running them..

    Shall I try?

  21. Anyone know of any trick with new ares efcs gearboxes ... mine dose not seem to work (tried different motors, changed battery, and programming thus far)

  22. Quick techie question concerning GoPro hero session's from peoples personal experience; anyone got recommendations for Micro SDcards?

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