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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Bullpups for me too. The concept is great, but the Airsoft application is atrocious. Abysmal triggers, can't install an optical mosfet, ultra long barrels (anything over 12" is a waste) and generally filled with proprietary shit. Now, if an airsoft VHS existed, I could make an exception (as long as it takes M4 mags and not G36 ones).
  2. To me it's the "please pay by f&f". I do have a few ads (not on here for obvious geographical reasons), on all of them I recommend to pay via g&s (sending an extra 4% to make up for the PayPal fees). The amount of people who pay by f&f is unreal though, when I ask them why they always say "my friend/touchy uncle/inbred cousin told me to because it's a courtesy"...
  3. Yesterday we played the 1st tournament after covid and I have mixed feelings about it. Some objectives could have been fun if it wasn't for some defenders who thought it was clever to not call hits despite being drowned in plastic. But what can you do? If the ref doesn't see, the ref can't do anything about it. Out of 5 objectives, we got the 1st one with about 50% of the points, 2nd was an utter failure (due to the aforementioned player), 3rd was a nice 100% clear, 4th went to shit and 5th we got away with 90% of the points (could have been 100% too but I messed up a small thing at the end). We ended up being 4th out of 13 teams, not too shabby considering that (literally) half our team was at their first tournament. The field was crap, really open terrain with little cover for the most part, zero shade, high temperatures and humidity, it was genuinely hard to breathe.
  4. Tournament today.

    600km drive, slept 3 hours and I'm pissed off already. First cunt who doesn't call hits is getting a buttstock in his teeth.


    If that wasn't enough now teammates are asking me for extra batteries and shit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skara


      Couldn't see it, we got stuck in traffic on the highway and came home 5h later than we should have.

    3. Skara


      The tournament was meh btw, I'll write about it tomorrow on my thread.

  5. The lack of adjustment is something I've experienced a couple of times already. Currently the maxx clone I have in my PDW goes from fuck all to skying 0.32s within one number (0 to 1) which makes adjusting the hop a bit of a chore. But it's not necessarily a bad thing The lack of consistency is what worries me, I blame it on the hop unit, as mentioned by Borg the slack between the gears can have an impact on the pressure applied, so one shot flies fine, the next goes low because the arm managed to slightly rise, or vice versa, your first shot goes stupid high then it drops. left to right deviation can be the hop rubber not being properly seated or just a dirty barrel (most noticeable in a tight bore of some sort). I'd give the ZCI unit a go, it's inexpensive enough to try and the fact that it's rotary automatically makes it better than the fancy Modify you bought
  6. The hop window on the barrel looks to be slightly tilted and the hop arm seems to be offset to the right.
  7. Or a gun that runs well out of the box and reflects the price tag.. You know, those little things
  8. It's a Specna Edge after all, the Onion gearbox isn't known for its legendary reliability Fitment issues aren't the end of the world to be honest, although I would get an E&C gearbox shell rather than a Retro Arms, it's much cheaper and you won't cry your eyes out if you need to take a dremel/angle grinder anywhere near it
  9. And turn a system that relies on repeatable action to be consistent into an inconsistent as fuck piece of junk? Kay, go ahead AOE isn't a real issue until you hit 30+ RPS, and it's done via TINY washers between the piston head and body anyway, not via a fucking huge rubber pad
  10. A little more information would be useful.
  11. If Airsoft guns were made with top notch materials the cheapest gun would be €500+ Especially now with the global shortage of raw materials.
  12. It's easier with a dremel/angle grinder With regular hand files, eh, just keep going. Also, don't bother with lowering the tooth, just cut through it.
  13. For science, sometimes, it's worth sacrificing a building and all its occupants.
  14. You can run 11.1s on stock trigger contacts too. It takes an awful lot of time to wear/burn the trigger blades, by the time they need replacing you'll most likely have dumped the gun or upgraded to a mosfet of some sort.
  15. Didn't play today, there weren't enough people and the weather is now way too warm to even breathe. Took the opportunity to check my M4s for next week's tournament and finish my AK, which needed the new Perun v3 installed and the gears short stroked. Installing the mosfet is relatively easy, some soldering is required (negative battery, positive motor and signal to positive) because it's impossible to have a universal harness for V3s. Two teeth removed from the sector as well. Programming the unit is a bit of a cunt tbf, the new hybrid has a very convenient LED system that tells you which setting you're fucking with.....too bad that my gearbox is sealed shut lol. Turned out well, can't wait to use it
  16. I give up.

    Either SHS springs aren't what it says on the package or I got everything wrong in my life.

    229mm barrel, 3/4 cylinder, great air seal. Two teeth removed from the sector.

    SHS m100 chronos at 1.25J

    What the fuck?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Yeah, this m100 isn't an m100 at all.

      Luckily I had this unnamed spring that dropped the power down to 0.91/0.92J :D


    3. Rogerborg


      Yes, I bought an SHS M100 a couple of years back from some cowboy outfit, M42AK, or similar, and ended up getting 1.3J (humblebrag) out of a stock CYMA piston, 3/4 cylinder and a 229mm 6.02 ZCI barrel.  Ouch.


      Mind you, a Kyou M90 spring dropped it to 1.1J, which is about what I'd expect, so I'm not sure of the SHS was that much over, or if it was just my awesome, accidental air-sealing skills that did it.

    4. ak2m4


      damn cowboys 🙂 🙂 

  17. Them hadron kits didn't seem to increase the rof by a noticeable amount. Recoil vibration is definitely muffled though.
  18. I'm currently in queue to get my 5G shot, I'll take a picture as soon as I get home.
  19. I've been using ML rubbers on my Specnas since I bought them, never had any issue (Macarons, Super Macarons and MRs). Am I not trustworthy?
  20. £20 seems a bit low. Perun AB++ retails for about €50 in Europe and is the least expensive mosfet with precocking. Perun Hybrid is an awesome unit for the price, essentially Titan features at half the price (and half the hassle during installation). I bought two for about €68 a piece. On the same price bracket as the Hybrids, Gate offers the Warfet, which is similar to the AB++ in terms of features but. Going up in price, Gate's series of optical mosfets. You mentioned semi only, a mosfet is not your #1 priority but it's pretty much up there.
  21. You probably need to push the auto sear (it's a small flat tab that sits on the front right of the hammer as you grip the gun). At first it scared the shit out of me because I pushed the hammer down too much (it engages said sear) and I couldn't fire.
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